His Master's Pet

If there was one thing the Tengu considered depressing, it was the perpetual darkness. How could people even thrive here? It didn't help that some places tried simulating daylight with large lamps. Sterre had wheeled him to a courtyard set up like an outdoor cafe. From above, the artificial light and fake bird sounds miserably tried to recreate The Surface's atmosphere. Despite or perhaps because of this, the place was surprisingly busy. Thanks to an obscuring bracelet, Noboru didn't particularly stand out. All kinds of races mingled with each other, some with Pride marks, some with Wrath marks. Even though they were still within the perimeters of the Pride main building, the outdoor cafe seemed like a hub for pack members, regardless of their affiliation. 

However, Noboru did garner a few interested looks considering he lacked a few limbs and was being pushed in by an overenthusiastic elf.