A Song of Hope

Dubhán sighed as he stared out the car's window into the depressing darkness. They had long left the city lights behind them. All the Fae could see were rocks and sand, fading into black. Every now and then, they'd pass through a lighted intersection or a tiny settlement. 

Aodhan was driving Dubhán and Sayuri to Wrath Town. They were accompanied by a Naga recruit who filled out the entire co-driver's seat area with her massive body. 

The banshee Fae had roughly recounted his past experience with the Sloth pack, explaining why he wasn't too keen on re-establishing what he had lost. 

"I… I'm sorry to hear that," Sayuri quietly said. 

"It's not your fault," Dubhán sighed. "But as I explained, I'm not too keen on getting involved with Sloth again." He then took another deep breath. "That being said, have you begun feeling strange in any way?"