The Archangel of the Moon

The water was not cold, but staying long enough would eventually cause hypothermia. Unfortunately, there were no platforms to climb onto, and scaling all the way back up was out of the question. In the distance, the group heard the giant spider clicking and screeching. 

"Lifen, any pointers?" Lucifer asked, growing desperate. She could see that Noboru had begun to struggle to keep both himself and Euthymia afloat. The archangel herself wasn't a particularly good swimmer, making their current situation look dire. 

In contrast to the others, Lifen could not swim. She splashed about, trying to keep her head above the water. Bahlam rushed over to her. With a professional lifeguard grip, he managed to secure her. She clawed onto the young man, nearly strangling him in her panic. It took many soothing words to help calm her down finally.

"D-down," the woman eventually stuttered, still shaking. 
