
Had the walls once been lacquered black, they were now covered in blood and guts. Noboru wasn't joking when he asked if he needn't hold back. With only his blade in one and the bowl of wintersweet flowers in the other, the Tengu danced through his enemies. The longer Longwei and his bodyguard watched, the more terrified they grew. And relieved to know they were not pitted against him. Following in his wake, the two climbed over dead bodies toward the exit. 

Soon there was commotion everywhere. With the signal Longwei had given, the next step of their assault was put in motion. Many mercenaries began to ignore the three and shifted their focus to the increasingly aggressive attacks from the outside. By the time they arrived at the car, Heng, Sterre, and the remaining bodyguards were resting on the engine hood, bodies surrounding them. 

"I see they were not a challenge to you either," Longwei said, interpreting the situation.