A Realm Undone

"Lucifer!" Dubhán exclaimed, surprised and enraged at the same time. "What's the meaning of this?!" 

Lucifer grinned. "It would have been quite boring had everything been so easy. Right, my two boys?" His gaze shifted to the two angels. Unlike the Fae, they didn't seem all too surprised. 

"Boring my ass," Eros angrily muttered. "I'm not as keen on playing games like Father."

"Ah, you should try. It's quite enjoyable." 

"Is this why you were upset not too long ago?" Alric asked. Noboru noticed the angel clenched his fists. 

"Hm? Oh, that." Lucifer took a few steps forward. "I was disappointed, frankly. I invited him to join us, but he holds the memory of his dear Alice too close. So I guess I'll have to leave it up to Metatron to take care of him."

"What do you mean?" Alric's voice was shaky. Father had warned him, but the angel didn't expect things to happen this fast.