C.5: ...In a manly way

Clumsily whistling a pirate song with his new unfamiliar mouth, Leon and Roshi descended into the depths of the ocean.

Roshi, humming out of tune, joined in.

"Dah dah dah, we are a pirate!"

Leon fascepalmed at that, and almost tripped again, because his hands were busy holding up his robe.

When he gathered his bearings, he saw that he tripped on a wooden box, buried in the sand. With all the might of his Power Level of 40, he dug out the chest, gold glimmering from the slit. Excited, he turned to Roshi, but landed on his butt instead.


"What is it, boy, did you find some booty?"

(Booty, as in pirate treasure.)

Roshi, now with pirate hat, and double eyepatches sniffed the air.

"Oh yes! This smells like delicious booty!"

A perverted grin was on his face. Roshi slapped himself to stay in character.

"On accord of you being part of this crew, and having found this fresh booty, I will generously give you a share of 1. NO! HALF a gold coin."

Like a professional scammer, he patted Leon on the shoulder, before turning to the chest.

Leon, now fearing for his treaasure, was quick to protest.

"No! I found it, and dug it out! This booty is mine."

Roshi grabbed his heart in disbelief.

"You want all the booty!?"

'Ok Roshi. You can do it. Just use your secret technique, and deceive the brat.'

Holding out his hand two rusty sabers emerged from the sand. He removed the rust. Leaving behind a comically small tip on the big wooden handle. Sword in hand, he formed a Ki Blade cleaving the treasure in half.

"Okay boy, you convinced me. We can share the booty, and take turns using it. On top of that, you can have this totally useful and authentic pirate saber."

Reluctantly, Leon took the saber.


"Hohoho! You won't regret following me, kid. Where I go, there will be booty. Booty and awesome magical swords."

At that reminder, Leon brightened up, and followed with renewed vigour.


It hadn't been long since Roshi met Leon. But every now and then, he caught himself acting like he used to. Before he fell to the seductions of hot chicks. Simpler times.

When life used to be fun and exciting. When he could give even his prettiest students, grandfatherly advice. When he could be like a father to children with nowhere to go.

When he was Pure of Heart, and worthy of the Flying Nimbus.

He snickered at nothing in particular.

Him being head over heels for pretty young girls was quite a new development. After his Master died in order to seal King Piccolo, he dedicated his life to training and mentoring the new generation of Martial Artists.

To protect the Earth in times of need.

None of his students were really exceptional. But that was okay. 'Hard work makes the dream work.' Is what he used to say.

Even an untalented man can change the world.

If you can only dig well, then with time, you can move mountains. If you can only swim well, with time you can master the sea. That's the way it is with Martial Arts.

That is, if you keep on working.

Discouraged by a lack of talent, or complacent with their gains, they abandoned the Martial Arts. Or worse. Started seeking the Dragon Balls for every little thing. Money, political power, or even women! Outrageous!

All are things, that could be achieved by studying well and training hard!

In these times of peace, only him and Master Shen still remembered the terror of King Piccolo. The Martial Arts lost their place in the world. Becoming nothing more than a hobby to most. A legend to others.

Slowly, but surely Roshi became lonely again on his tropical island. Losing his students. Losing his purpose. He struggled to find a reason to live.

He came to the conclusion, that if nobody else woud fight, he'd pay the same price as his Master.

To save the world in times of need.

Sacrificing his life, even if it means only one more day of peace.

The Evil Containment Wave became a noose around his neck.

But Roshi was still only human.

He couldn't live, by seeking death.

So he gave up the Purity of Heart, and embraced his mortal side. The least corrupting of the negative desires. His lust. The only one that wouldn't compromise his mission.

But now, seeing the inborn talent of Leon. Seeing his clear eyes, despite the hardship he's been through. He began to hope again.

'Maybe. Maybe I can be a good man. Once again.'

Looking at the little guy, tottering behind him, he cracked a smile.

'How nostalgic.'


On the ocean floor, Leon stared in wonderment though the shimmering Ki Bubble. The tropical sea was really no joke. You could even see the sun! Deep in the sea! Colorful coral reefs were everywhere. With fish in all 6 colors of the rainbow. Busily swimming around.

'I'm glad.'

The weeks of suffering.

'It was worth it.'

Breathing in and out. Life was beautiful. No wonder Goku fought so hard for it in the original.

'Even if this world is full of villains, the future doesn't look scary at all.'