I need to hurt my brain

Why do I have so many problems?

In the last few days I noticed that my creativity takes a dip, the better the novels I read on the side are.

But on the other hand, I could continuously write 1000 words a day for a time. Back then I read some generic crap about a dungeon cataclysm in modern day. I was phasing out all the time, ideas for my novel bubbling up due to boredom.

But now that I'm entertained, all I write feels mediocre! My brain has no complaints, so my brain gets lazy!

It's not fun enough!

Crappy novels inspire good novels, while good novels are role models?

Something like that.

Anyways, I'll go back to writing after I finish my current reading matter.

When I'm FINALLY ready to write it, Leon will learn about Ki, and his journey will actually start.