Chapter 7

Jinchuriki Training!

Chapter 7: To Lightning Island, Jinchuriki Training!


News had reached Konoha several days later that the Fire Country Northern Train Hub had been completely obliterated, leaving just a crater and twisted rail-lines. It would take months for the transportation to be restored, months that were needed to organize the non-shinobi troop lines. The Southern and Western Hubs were untouched, but the chain had been broken. The Daimyo had declared a state of emergency in the wake of the attack, and had agreed with Naruto about the Shinobi Alliance. The sheer power of one Biju was more than enough to convince him, as well as the other Daimyos of the Five Great Nations to ally.

In between the village reconstruction and the destruction of the Northern Train Hub, Naruto had called an emergency meeting of the Kages. It took a few days for the Kages to arrive, and when they did, the meeting went underway.

"Our total amount of soldiers that we have been able to get ready for the war is nearly 10,000," Mifune reported, leaning back in his seat. "And I'm organizing five more legions in case we need them."

"That gives us a total army of nearly 80,000," Naruto said, going over the organization.

The Allied Shinobi Forces would be mobilizing from Kumogakure, which had the largest army of all Five Great Ninja Villages. All of the villages had contributed to the army. Kumogakure had lent 20,000 ninja to the army, Iwagakure had lent 16,000, Konohagakure and Kirigakure both had lent 12,000, and Sunagakure had lent 10,000 ninja. All the Villages were keeping 5000 ninja in reserve at their home villages just in case they came under attack during the war.

"Killer Bee has already been sent to the hiding place, he thinks he's having a vacation," A said and Naruto nodded. "We're ready to send you there whenever you are read, Hokage-dono."

Naruto nodded. "I'm putting Kakashi Hatake in charge of the village while I'm away. Hopefully Tsunade-sama will awaken soon, we need her experience and abilities in this war."

Onoki huffed at that. "She'd probably call for the Hachibi and yourself to stay on the battlefield instead of doing the smart thing."

Naruto's eyes narrowed. "She'd have a point, but that's not the issue here."

"If that's all," Gaara started, leaning back. "I believe we've finished for the day."

"I need to make sure my village is prepared for any assault," A said and all the other Kage's nodded.

"We'll reconvene at Kumo in five days. From there, I'll depart for this island afterwards," Naruto said and they all nodded.

All the other Kages nodded, and began departing. After they left, Naruto went to do a little more training before the day finished. He was still trying to figure out how to start training to control the Kyubi, but was getting nothing.

Just as he finished stretching, he disappeared in a puff of smoke. He came blinked...and landed on a table...that had many bug-related dishes on it. Shima came walking in.

"Oh! Naruto-chan, here for dinner?" Shima said happily and Naruto blinked.

"Uh..." he said as Shima helped him into his seat.

"I insist, I always make too much! And Pa'll be here soon so we can all eat together!" Shima said and Naruto blinked. "Come, enjoy, enjoy!"

Naruto looked down at the rice balls...filled with rainbow colored caterpillars and there were steamed giant pill bugs on a square plate. The young Hokage looked sick, but smiled politely at Shima. She smiled back and he reached for some chopsticks.

"Hey Granny Shima, I'm back!" a new voice said and Shima looked up.

"Tenko?" Shima said and Naruto looked up as a young man with long white spiky hair...hazel eyes...and red lines down his eyes entered. He was wearing a grayish shirt over male, and blue gray pants. His jaw dropped...the young man looked like Jiraiya... "You're home early, I thought you said you'd be back from Takigakure in three more weeks."

"Well they're getting onto war footing, Granny. Kinda a bad time to visit the hot springs there..." the young man, Tenko said with a grin before he paused, seeing Naruto. He blinked.

"Oh yes...this is the first time you two have met..." Shima said, breathing out. "And due to that damn prophecy that the old geezer made he never met his father..." she said under her breath. "Naruto-chan, this is Tenko...Jiraiya and Tsunade's son."

Naruto's eyes widened. "Jiraiya-shishiou and Tsunade-baa-chan's son...h-how...?"

"You two are the same age..." Shima said, starting her explanation. "Tsunade and Jiraiya-chan they went out to celebrate Minato-chan becoming the thing led to another, Jiraiya-chan managed to woo her for that thing led to another...and Tsunade ended up pregnant. She didn't tell Jiraiya-chan...and left Konoha the next day with Shizune in toe. Then something happened..."

"What?" Naruto asked her and Shima closed her eyes.

"The Kyubi no Yoko attacked Konoha...and Tsunade ended up in Myobokuzan. She gave birth to Tenko here...and then the Great Toad Sage predicted something about Jiraiya's...lineage...and pa went to find Tsunade after hearing. The prediction said the 'Son of the Toad Sage would cross many lands...and meet his father years past...' or something that now, Tenko had been born...and pa offered to train and take care of him..."

"Mom...visited often...I grew up here," Tenko said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Why...did she give Tenko over so easily?" Naruto asked and Shima rubbed the back of her head.

"Pa can be very persuasive when it comes to these things," Shima said and Naruto looked up at Tenko.

"...its...nice to meet ya man...I was Jiraiya's last student...Naruto Uzumaki."

Tenko blinked. "You' dad's last, I thought you'd be older..."

Naruto chuckled weakly, rubbing the back of his head as Fukusaku walked in. "Naruto-chan..." he then looked up to see Tenko. "...well, this isn't what you were summoned for...but it is time you two met..."

"What was I summoned for?" Naruto asked and Fukusaku grinned.

"The Great Toad Sage has a prediction for ya," Fukusaku said with a grin. "He wanted ya to come here immediately...but Kichi didn't get the location right in the reverse summoning."

Naruto blinked. "Alright..." he looked to Tenko. "Nice meeting you...never expected that Jiraiya-shishiou had a son..."

Tenko grinned. "I'll come with you to the old Sage's place."


While Naruto had been transported to Myobokuzan, Sakura and Kakashi were currently sparring on one of the undamaged training fields outside of Konoha's walls. The pink-haired kunoichi dodged a kick from the copy-ninja, charged her chakra to her feet and retaliated with a strong kick.

Kakashi's Sharingan predicted that, and he ducked the kick, and tripped Sakura. "You're still leaving yourself too open for counter attack with those moves..."

Sakura breathed in and out, wiping her forehead. "How about...this then?" she yelled, doing several seals and her hands charged up with the Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpels).

She ran forward at Kakashi, using her perfect chakra control to swipe at her teacher. The copy ninja leaped to the side to avoid the slash, and she increased the size of the scalpel...and cut completely through the tree being him. Kakashi's eyes widened at that, seeing the tree fall and Sakura dragged her other hand forward, lengthening the scalpel to a full sword and slashed up as he leaped back.

Incredible...she turned her Chakura no Mesu into Chakura Ken (Chakra Swords)... Kakashi thought, jumping back as Sakura leaped into the air.

"Tsutenkyaku (Painful Sky Kick)!" Sakura yelled, slamming her heel down as Kakashi leaped back. The impact of her heel cratered the ground deeply as she swiped at her teacher with her Chakura Ken (Chakra Swords) in a scissor slash.

Kakashi was hit...and he puffed away. Sakura panted, powering down as the real Kakashi walked out. "Very impressive Sakura, I didn't expect that..."

Sakura panted. "That's...the first time I've been able to of your bushins though Sensei..."

"Its a good start, however," Kakashi said, giving a smile. "I understand you have a Doton Affinity, have you thought of adding a second element?"

"No...I haven't..."

"Well then, it might be a good idea," Kakashi said. "Since you use Doton, Katon or Suiton might be a good way to supplement Doton's defensive capabilities..."

"I guess...I'll try for Katon then, Kakashi-sensei."

Kakashi nodded. "Good idea. I know plenty of Katons to teach you."

Sakura nodded rapidly, breathing in and out.

At the same time, the other members of the Konoha 11 were also training to prepare to fight Sasuke Uchiha in the future. At the Hyuga Compound, Hinata was practicing with her Byakugan. On her desk was the shards of the Hokage's Necklace, which she had painstakingly put back together and attached to a golden chain. She was noticing something...different about her eyes lately. She breathed in and out calmly, whenever she activated her Byakugan lately, the blood vessels in her eyes' sclera would flush with blood, giving them the appearance of being bloodshot, on top of the bulging veins around her eyes. She could see even further and in more detail when it happened, but she was significantly more exhausted afterwards.

I wonder if father or any of the elders' know what's happening... Hinata thought, her Byakugan still activated as she got into Jyuken stance. Drawing her hands back, she breathed out as chakra surrounded them and then formed into huge lion heads around her. "Juho Soshiken (Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists)!"

She yelled, charging at the targets. Thrusting her right arm forward, the 'jaws' of the lion opened and latched onto the wooden target, and she yanked back, tearing out a huge chunk of the target before smashing the other lion fist into the target, obliterating it. Hinata grinned, powering down her fists as splinters rained down. Powering down her Byakugan, her white eyes turned back to normal and the bloodshot-look faded.

At the Inuzuka Compound, Kiba was riding on Akamaru, carrying the Senpo Roga (Whirlwind Wolf Fang) in his hand. It was a kodachi his grandfather used, said to be able to cut through anything. Charging it up with chakra he pointed forward at a target.

"Alright Akamaru, ready buddy?" Kiba yelled as Akamaru barked, then leaped into the air. "Tsuga (Piercing Fang)!"

The target he was aiming at was a two meter wide slab of the hardest steel, and Kiba and Akamaru spun in their Tsuga at an insane amount of speed as Kiba pushed his Senpo Roga forward. They bore through the slab of steel, completely drilling through it. Landing on the other side, Kiba grinned and Akamaru barked in triumph.

"That was awesome!" Kiba yelled, jumping off Akamaru's back.

Team Gai were training together, each trying to perfect new techniques. Since Neji was one of the only ones, besides Naruto, who had fought the current Sasuke, he was telling Rock Lee and Tenten what to look out for.

"Sasuke Uchiha currently has the Mangekyo Sharingan, and he could use the 'Amaterasu' after being pushed," Neji said as he dodged Rock Lee's fist and then leaped back from Tenten's bo-staff. "When you see his eye bleeding, either bring up something to block, shunshin (body flicker) out of the way, kirawami (substitution) something, or try to obscure his vision so you can't hit him."

"Konoha Dai Senpu (Strong Leaf Hurricane)!" Lee yelled. He had removed his weights, and did a spinning kick at Neji who ducked it. "What else should we prepare for, Neji?"

"The Susano'o, Sasuke's ultimate defense," Neji said as his body glowed blue. "Kaiten!"

He yelled as one of Tenten's bombs exploded above him, and he deflected all the blades that were shot from the bomb. Same old Neji... Tenten thought, preparing another weapon. "Is that it?"

"Other than the other skills he had before, yes, that is," Neji said.

At the Aburame Compound, Shino was sitting with his legs crossed in a special room. Shibi, his father, was supervising his training...his son had requested the special insects that his Clan had produced. The nano-sized poisonous insects, which would supplement his own hives of Kikai.

To prepare to receive a hive of the nano-insects, Shino had to be completely cleansed of any foreign bodies including his own hives of Kikai which were now being held in the room. If the nano-insects rejected Shino...Shibi would have only minutes to administer the antidote.

"I am ready, father. Release them," Shino said, his eyes closed and Shibi nodded.

"Very well, Shino," Shibi pulled a lever and a small door opened in the microscopic insects flooded in. They were invisible to the naked eye, but there were millions of them.

They all attached to Shino's skin...and buried into it. The young Aburame's skin began to turn black as the microscopic insects flooded into him, and he kept his eyes closed calmly. Shibi watched his son for several minutes to see if there was any side effects. Slowly...the blackness faded and Shino's skin color returned to normal.

The nano-sized insects have accepted him as their host... Shibi thought. Though that is the first step...he has to learn to control them as well as make it so the two hives won't fight each other...

At the Akimichi compound, Choza was watching as Choji attempted his new technique. The young Akimichi grew to tremendous size, and then made a doton seal, followed by a tiger. His skin then turned dull gray in color, until his entire face, arms, and legs were colored in a dull gray tint.

"Akimichi Hiden: Tetsu Buddha (Akimichi Hidden Technique: Iron Buddha)!" Choji yelled, stomping forward and shaking the ground as he did one of Jiraiya's poses. "How's this dad?"

Choza grinned. "Great son, though I could do without the kabuki pose."

Choji grinned. "Its my tribute to Jiraiya-sama though!"

The Akimichi patriarch smirked, shaking his head. "Good, now we're going to test to see how much punishment you can take in that form..."

At the Yamanaka Compound, behind the now rebuilt Yamanaka Flower Shop, Ino was busy training as well with her father. She was now lugging around a puppet on her back, blinking.

"I have to learn Kugutsu no Jutsu (Puppet Technique), but I thought that was a Sunagakure Technique!"

"The Yamanaka originated in the Land of Wind, honey," Inoichi said with a smirk. "And besides, this technique will help you offensively as well as in scouting..."

"Okay...okay..." Ino said breathing out. "Then another technique?"

"Yes...after you master this one, you'll learn the strongest technique the Yamanaka has to offer."

Finally at the Nara Compound, Shikamaru was now practicing the strongest of the Shadow Techniques with Shikaku watching over him. A dummy had been set up in the middle of the field, and then he activated the light bomb above the building that loomed over the training field.

"Nara Hiden: Kage Tetsu Otome (Nara Secret Technique: Shadow Iron Maiden)!" Shikamaru yelled, first using the Kage Nui no Jutsu to impale the dummy from the bottom as the shadow of the building loomed in. He did two more seals, and the shadow 'stood up'...and then slammed shut around the dummy. It then pulled it down into the ground, the dummy completely vanishing. Shikamaru pulled his hands apart, panting. "There...has to be an easier way to do this...two techniques in rapid succession...the latter taking a lot of chakra to do..."

He put his fingertips together and closed his eyes as he began to think. Shikaku smirked, watching as his son began thinking.

He's the only person who could make this technique more practical... Shikaku thought, grinning.

Mount Myobokuzan

Naruto, Tenko, and Fukusaku were walking into the Great Toad Sage's building, and the young Hokage was looking up as the oldest giant toad loomed above them. His hands were over a Crystal Ball.

"Ooh...Naruto-chan, Tenko-chan, what are you doing here?" the Great Toad Sage said as Gerotara came out.

"You called me to be here, remember?" Naruto yelled, waving his hand with a grin. "Something about a prediction?"

"It was about me, Naruto!" Gerotara said, hopping over. "Jiraiya wanted me to be stored inside you. This is the key to your seal...with it you can perfect 'that jutsu'..."

Naruto breathed out at that and the Great Toad Sage leaned back. "Oh yes, of course! I have to predict your future..."

"Well...what is it?"

"You...will meet an Octopus..." he started and Naruto blinked.


"The vision is cloudy, but I see octopus tentacles," the Great Toad Sage explained. "Then you...will meet a young man with great power in his eyes, and-"

"Yes...I know who that is...and what I have to do," Naruto replied and Fukusaku blinked.

"You do, Naruto-chan?"

"Yes, I do..." Naruto said, closing his eyes before looking up while focused.

"...very well...Gerotara, give him the key Yondaime's Seal."

"As you wish, elder!" Gerotara yelled, as the key scroll appeared from his stomach, and he unraveled it. And there it was, the Yondaime Hokage's Four Element Seal.

"So this is the opening the Kyubi's cage..." Naruto whispered and Gerotara nodded.

"Yep, with this, you could release the Kyubi completely if you wanted to," Gerotara said, holding his hand out. "Now put your hand on the square."

"What are you waiting for? Put your hand on the seal!" Fukusaku ordered.

"Fukusaku-sama, the Kyubi's powers work like this: There's two parts of it-mind and chakra. To control the Kyubi's power, ya gotta pull out its chakra into your own. But it ain't as easy as it sounds, when ya draw out the Fox's chakra, its mind goes along for the ride. The Kyubi's mind is a malevolent mass of hatred tied to a hugely powerful chakra. No matter how strong y'are, its hatred will latch onta the hatred of your own heart and try to take over. Basically, the only way to truly have control over it's power is to have a strong enough will with no hatred and completely filter out the mind from the chakra."

"...and what happens if that doesn't happen?" Tenko asked.

"Well Yondaime designed his seal so a tiny bit of chakra would leak out and naturally combine with Naruto's own chakra. But with this key here you could completely undo the Four Element Seal and tap into the Kyubi's full chakra!"

"And with it, the full force of the Kyubi's will!" Fukusaku said.

"If that happens, the Kyubi will be completely reborn. It'd even regain its Yin chakra which the Yondaime Hokage sealed."

"Ye tried already opening the seal once?" Fukusaku asked.

"The Four Element Seal has been growing weaker with time, so during Naruto's training Jiraiya tried to suppress the Kyubi when Naruto started transforming out of nowhere. But the seal was loose...wasn't no telling when he'd transform again. So Jiraiya used the key to open a tiny crack hoping to teach Naruto to repel its mind and take full control over its chakra...that didn't work out..."

"What happened after that?" Fukusaku asked.

"I honestly don't know."

"...its true when I fought Orochimaru I went to the Kyubi willingly to take control...when he started talking about Sasuke I snapped, I wanted to kill Orochimaru right where he stood. But...I also hurt Sakura-chan...that's when Yamato-taicho told me to stop relying on the Kyubi and start fighting on my own power," Naruto said, filling it in for them. "Obviously I was fine when it was suppressed during training, but you can't help having your heart in battle. So I decided to never ask the Kyubi again for help...I didn't think I had the strength to keep it from taking over my own mind again. Then when I saw Hinata-chan nearly die fighting Pain...I was so mad, I was full of rage. I let the Kyubi out again without thinking...then Yondaime reinforced the seal and I felt safe again. But I could lose control again..."

Tenko looked at him. " are you going to take it?"

"...the next time I fight Sasuke...I know I'll need the Kyubi's power...and I won't endanger anyone else anymore. I can't escape the fact that I'm the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki...its time for me to stop running," Naruto said as his fingers started glowing, and he put his hand to the square. I know I took a long time...but I'm ready to control this thing dad!

"The contract is sealed, I'm all yours!" Gerotara said, raveling the scroll again.

Land of Lightning, Five Days Later

After storing Gerotara in his own body through swallowing him, Naruto had returned to Konoha with Tenko. Jiraiya's son would be coming with him to the island where the Alliance was sending him for training. After picking his team for the mission-Maito Gai, Aoba Yamashiro, Hinata Hyuga, and Tenko, Naruto handed things over to Kakashi who would take over commanding the Alliance even after he returned from training. Gai and Aoba were his bodyguards, Hinata was chosen since she was the best sensor in all of Konoha, and Tenko sort of invited himself since he wanted to get to know his father's last student.

On the boat to the island, Naruto was looking out as he closed his eyes. Hinata breathed out, looking over to him and she walked over. "Naruto-kun...?"

Naruto looked back and smiled. "Hey Hinata-chan," he rubbed the back of his head. He was still wearing his Hokage robes. "Thanks for coming on such short notice..."

"I was happy to do it...Naruto-kun," Hinata said, walking over. She was carrying something. "I...I have something for you..."

Naruto blinked as she opened her hand...and there was the reconstructed necklace of the First Hokage. "You...repaired it?"

Hinata nodded. "It took a bit to find all the pieces...I fused my own chakra into it...I...I hope you like..."

Naruto cheered, and picked Hinata up and spun her around. "Thank you! This is really, really important to me Hinata-chan!"

"Y-You're welcome, Naruto-kun," Hinata said as she blushed. Naruto set her down, and the two glanced into each other's eyes...blushing slightly.

"Thanks...Hinata-chan..." Naruto said, looking at her as he breathed in. "I really appreciate it..."

He then...hugged her and she 'eeped', but...hugged him back. Pulling away, the young Hokage put the necklace back on, and stored it beneath his clothes. He looked at her and smiled.

The two hugged again, and then looked off out to sea. There would be at least two days until they reached the island, and he remembered that the Great Toad Sage had said it was a 'paradise'. Naruto grinned, and he stretched, prepared for anything now.

To be continued...

Author's Notes:

Sorry for the wait guys, I've been having computer problems. Yesterday was a nightmare...sometimes the computer would reboot right after I finished starting up! Anyway, the next arc starts Sasuke vs Danzo and Naruto vs Kyubi, thinking to have them go concurrently.

Please read and review, I hope you enjoy. Oh...return to the Jutsu List:

Akimichi Hiden: Tetsu Buddha (Akimichi Hidden Technique: Iron Buddha), Original Technique, Hiden, no rank: The ultimate Akimichi Technique, Choji grows his body to tremendous size using the Cho Baika no Jutsu (Super Multi-size Technique), and then uses the Earth Seal to cover his skin with iron, forming an near impenetrable defense which increases his striking power to incredible amounts.

Chakura Ken (Chakra Swords) Original Technique, A-Rank: Using her fine chakra control, Sakura turns her Chakura no Mesu into full blades, strong enough to sever limbs, bypass defenses, and cut through an entire tree trunk without any trouble.

Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpels) Canon Technique, B-Rank: A technique Medical Ninja use to cut into a patient's body and repair damage, but can be used in combat to sever muscles and tendons to take down an enemy's fighting potential.

Juho Soshiken (Gentle Step Twin Lion Fist), Canon Technique, Kekkei Genkai, no rank: One of the ultimate taijutsus of the Hyuga Clan, which can be used to inflict sever bodily harm to an enemy. First attacks with the right lion, which can either shut down all the tenkatsus in someone's arm, or rip it right off, followed by a punch with the second lion covering the left fist which would explode on impact. Hinata's the first to use this technique in years, and it's perfect for her natural flexibility and agility.

Nara Hiden: Kage Tetsu Otome (Nara Secret Technique: Shadow Iron Maiden), Original Technique, Hiden, No Rank: The ultimate Nara Technique, Shikamaru first needs an large structure or forest and the shadows in it, then he uses a light bomb or the sun to direct the shadows where he needs. Third, he needs to immobilize the target with the Kage Nui no Jutsu (Shadow Sewing Technique), when that is done, he uses the larger shadows to increase the impaled target in a huge box, and then sink them into the ground, killing or incapacitating them.