Chapter 10

The Enemy is Dark Naruto; Kyubi Training Begins!


A few days had past since Naruto had departed with his entourage to the Land of Lightning to the hiding place where Killer Bee was also being kept to begin learning how to tame the Kyubi no Yoko. The village continued to be rebuilt in the aftermath of Pain's Invasion, building up around the newly reconstructed Hokage Tower in the center of the village. Already a few districts had been rebuilt-bare boned, but over the next few days to weeks they'd be fully restored. During that time, Sakura continued to train with Kakashi-who had been put in charge of the village due to Tsunade's coma and Naruto's journey.

In Tsunade's private medical tent, Shizune dabbed fresh, cool water onto her master's forehead. Tsunade's Yin Seal had been completely replenished on her forehead, and it seemed only a matter of time until she regained consciousness. Slowly, Tsunade's eyes began to flutter open and she groaned.


"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune cheered happily, wrapping her arms around her happily.

"You're squeezing...too tight Shizune..."

Shortly, word spread through the rebuilding village that Tsunade had regained consciousness. Minor celebrations broke out, but had to be stalled due to the rebuilding efforts. News soon reached Sakura and Kakashi who were training in the training field.

"Tsunade-shishiou is conscious again?" Sakura asked happily, lowering her fighting stance.

Kakashi nodded. "So it seems...I have a few questions to ask her."


"Yes, and to see if she'll retake the position..."

Shortly, at the Godaime's Tent, Tsunade was in the midst of regaining her strength by eating all that she could. She put down the tenth bowl of rice and ate some beef before downing it with her second cup of green tea. Wiping her mouth she offered her bowl to Shizune who was holding a relieved Tonton in her arms.

"You don't have to eat so fast, Tsunade-sama..." Shizune said gently as Tonton oinked in her arms. Tsunade looked over...and seemed to look at the pig and her apprentice's eyes bugged out. "NO! YOU CAN'T EAT TONTON!"

"...what the hell are you talking about?" Tsunade asked after swallowing her food.

"Good to see you're up, Tsunade-sama," Kakashi said as he and Sakura walked in.

"Kakashi, good..." Tsunade said, leaning back in her seat. "Shizune's been telling me several things while I Naruto was named Sixth Hokage while I was unconscious by Daimyo-sama? There's a Allied Shinobi Forces now and the other Kages made him the leader?"

"Right on both counts," Kakashi said, leaning back. "Its because of Naruto we even have our military force back. He defeated Pain's six bodies and convinced their controller to change his ways."

"That Naruto...that special power of his never ceases to amaze me," Tsunade said, closing her eyes and she breathed out. "While he's hidden from Akatsuki, I'll resume my duties as Hokage."

"That's good, I can't handle all that paperwork. I'm better on the field," Kakashi said as he leaned back. "Something surprising also happened?"

"A young man, around Naruto's and Sakura's ages was found at Myobokuzan. He had Jiraiya-sama's appearance, but was far younger and calls himself Tenko...and he claimed to be Jiraiya-sama's and yours' son," Kakashi said and Tsunade looked down.

"He's telling the he finally left Myobokuzan?" Tsunade asked and the Copy Ninja nodded. "And he never got to meet Jiraiya...damn it."

"Why didn't you bring him off the mountain sooner?" Kakashi asked her and Tsunade breathed out.

"That stupid prophecy that the Elder Toad Sage had...and I wasn't fit to be a mother for a long time," Tsunade closed her eyes tightly. "Despite visiting him every month until Jiraiya's death...I didn't take him down from it. I didn't take him to Konoha to meet his father..." she squeezed her hand into a tight fist and Shizune put her hand on her sensei's shoulder. "...I have to make it up to him when I see him again. Is he still in Konoha?"

"No, he went with Naruto, Hinata, Yamato, Aoba, and Gai to Kumogakure's hiding place," Kakashi replied and the Godaime nodded.

" apology will have to wait then," Tsunade said, closing her eyes. She glanced at Sakura. "And how is your training going since I lost consciousness?"

"Kakashi-sensei has been giving me one-on-one training, Tsunade-shishou," Sakura replied, rubbing the back of her head. "He's been helping me increase my stamina, taijutsu, and ninjutsu."

Tsunade nodded. "I see. When I'm free I'll start training you again, Sakura. I still have a few more things to teach you."

"I look forward to it shishou!"

Tsunade smiled and she stood up. "I'll continue eating in my office. Shizune, get me a rundown of the crucial files from level of importance by the time I get there."

"Hai, Tsunade-sama!" Shizune said, running out of the tent carrying Tonton in her arms.

Tsunade took a deep breath and walked out of the tent afterwards with Kakashi and Sakura following. Her mind was on her son who was again far away from her, on Naruto, and on the upcoming War that she needed to prepare the Village for as best she could.

Land of Lightning

On the boat in the Land of Lightning, it was about mid afternoon and Naruto, Hinata, and Tenko were still training. The young Rokudaime Hokage had increased his duration in Sage Mode to ten minutes now and the Hyuga Heiress and young Toad Sage were on the second step of the Rasengan training. Naruto had summoned a toad to get the bags of rubber balls for the second step of training. Along the way, the three learned about the Hachibi Jinchuriki, Killer Bee from the Kumo Shinobi on the ship, unknowingly that one of them was after Hinata's life. The Captain, a shinobi of middle age began talking to Naruto about Killer Bee when they got closer and closer to the island.

"Killer Bee-sama is a hero among heroes in Kumogakure," the Captain said with a grin as Naruto listened. "He's the only one able to in all of our village's history to control the wild bull that the Hachibi no Kyogyū is!"

Naruto grinned. "He must be pretty amazing to do so...what does the Hachibi look like?"

"It has the torso of a four horned bull with two huge fists on its muscular frame, and its tails are eight octopus tentacles. It is virtually impossible to injure, only attacks that carry a high cutting power or massive area effect are even possible to damaging it," the one eyed scarred Captain said and Naruto noticed a scar on the Captain's face. "I got this 30 years ago when the Hachibi was still a raging bull. Part of the Elite that the Sandaime Raikage formed to restrain the bull for sealing."

"Wow, that sounds awesome!" Naruto said with a grin. He stood up. "And what else is this Killer Bee guy like?"

"Well he's a rapper, though he's taken to enka now...and he was strong enough to foil two attempts from Akatsuki to kidnap him. Wish Yugito-san was as lucky though..."

"Yugito?" Naruto asked as Hinata and Tenko continued to try to add power to their rotation to pop the rubber balls. "Whose she?"

"She was the Jinchuriki of the Nibi no Bakeneko, the Two-Tailed Monster Cat. She endured a harsh training regime different to the method Killer Bee-sama took to control the Nibi, and she succeeded. She was able to nearly fully control the Cat, and was able to transform into it at will," the Captain said breathing out. "She was intelligent, beautiful, and extremely powerful. Everyone in the village, even Killer Bee-sama looked up to her. During the Third Shinobi World War, she stayed behind enemy lines and destroyed Kirigakure's shipping lanes when they were gearing up for an invasion of the Land of Lightning. She sunk a fleet of 41 ships by transforming into the Nibi, including taking out two of the Seven Swordsmen when they attacked her."

Naruto's eyes widened. "My team fought Zabuza when we were still newly minted genin, and Kisame Hoshigaki nearly took my legs...Yugito-san killed two of them?"

"Yes..." the Captain said, breathing out. "Her loss was a great blow to our village..."

Naruto nodded. "...I can bet..."

Shortly Naruto walked over to the guard railing of the ship, looking out to the sea. Closing his eyes, he breathed out remembering the treatment Gaara went through...wishing he could have met more Jinchuriki and helped them like he did with the Kazekage. Learning of the accomplishments Yugito and Killer Bee had made in Kumo made him feel a little better, but he wished he could have met the Nibi's Jinchuriki before she was captured.

Hinata looked at him while trying to get her rubber ball to blow up from her chakra, before lowering her hand as she walked over. Tenko glanced over, doing Naruto's method and trying to get the ball to burst.

"Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked, putting her hand on Naruto shoulder.

"I'm just thinking...about the other Jinchuriki," he said, breathing out. " many of them suffered through the same thing Gaara and I did? And this Killer Bee guy and I are the last two..." he smashed his fist into the railing, making it clang. "Damn it..."

Hinata breathed in at that. "Its not your fault, Naruto-kun..."

"...damn it I know but it feels like it!" Naruto said, putting his hand to his head and breathing out. "It feels like I failed them...that I failed to get to know them...that I failed to make them feel better about things..."

Hinata wrapped her arms around Naruto from behind, making him look up in shock. "Its not your fault, never was. You had no way of knowing where the other jinchuriki were or who they were..." she said, closing her eyes and hugging him tighter. "No matter how much it can't save or befriend didn't fail them Naruto-kun. You don't have to blame yourself."

Naruto turned to her and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close. "Thank you...Hinata-chan...thank you..." The two looked at each other, their faces instinctively moving closer after a second...

And then...behind them, a large white tentacle began to rise and Tenko glanced over and he blinked. Nah, I'm seeing...

And then a massive squid, easily three times the size of the ship rose out of the water making Hinata and Naruto jump apart, seeing its massive eye looking at them.

"W-W-What is that?" Hinata and Naruto gasped as the Captain ran on deck.

"Crap, the squid that's guarding the island...I hoped we would bypass it!" he yelled as one of the tentacles slammed onto the deck. "This is bad...we're so close!"

Naruto looked up at the giant squid and began counting the tentacles. Ten...the Captain said that Killer Bee has eight tentacles in his full form. Good, I can go all out! Hinata and Naruto jumped back from one of the giant tentacles and the young Hokage closed his eyes, focusing for several seconds. His eyes shot open as he entered Sage Mode, the reddish-orange outline surrounding his eyes and his blue purple turned yellow and square resembling a frog.

Tenko leaped out of the way of another tentacle and he performed two seals. "Ninpo: Hari Jizō (Ninja Art: Needle Jizo)!" as one wrapped around him. The squid cried out after Tenko's white hair had grown out and surrounded him in a powerful defense, becoming as hard as steel.

Naruto leaped at one of the tentacles and grabbed it. Despite the suckers anchoring it down, he lifted it right up and yanked the giant squid right out of the water with no effort! Just as he did the water exploded next to the ship, followed by a giant fist as well as another giant looming shape. Dark brown tentacles grabbed the squid's mantle.

"Squid, go deviate; the rest I abbreviate!" The massive Hachibi no Kyogyū roared, smashing its giant fist into the massive squid which sent it flying away.

HinaKyogyūKyogyūta's eyes widened. The...the chakra of this thing...its incredible...! She activated her Byakugan and saw the massive Hachibi's chakra system. This...this is a biju's power...its...unreal...

"Killer Bee-sama!" the Captain said with a grin.

"That's...Killer Bee?" Tenko asked, blinking as the Hachibi form shrank to a tall, dark skinned man wearing sun glasses with platinum blond hair and a goatee mustache. He was wearing the standard Kumo Jonin uniform, as well as eight swords on his back...including Samehada.

Naruto grinned. "That was awesome! We were handling it, but thanks!"

"No problem yo, I'm just on vacation because of my bro!" Bee said and he grinned, taking out his notebook and his pen to begin thinking of new lyrics, the 'dattebayo' coming up again. "Hm...that one is no good..." he said, crossing it out.

"Well...I've heard a lot about you Bee-san!" Naruto said with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah, you're that new kid Hokage right?"

"Yep!" Naruto said and he grinned. Bee grinned back, flipping the book back as the ship pulled into port.

Naruto, Hinata, and Tenko looked at the massive island, surrounded by spikes-a few of which had carcasses of dead giant fish on them. The young Hokage sweat dropped at the sight.

This is a paradise huh? He thought, remembering the great Toad Sage's words.

Gai, Aoba, and Yamato walked back on deck, Aoba supporting the taijutsu specialist as he groggily looked around. Yamato sighed, rubbing the base of his nose and he looked to see Killer Bee for the first time, blinking.

"So...he's the Killer Bee that the Kumo Ninja have been telling us all about?"

Naruto grinned. "Yeah! You missed it Yamato-taicho, he transformed into the full Hachibi and smashed a huge ass squid away with a huge punch!"

He can really control the Hachibi...then he can help Naruto... Yamato thought, breathing out in relief at that.

On the spiked cliffs of the island, a man in a Kumo Jonin outfit with long sleeves appeared, as well as arm guards and a white scarf around his neck like Killer Bee's.. He had a black line on his nose and black spiky hair pointing in opposite directions.

"I'm Motoi, former ANBU captain. I'm your supervisor here, Hokage-sama," the man said, leaning his hand onto the cliff wall. "Follow me to your lodgings."

Soon, they were on the island itself, walking through its vast forests. The flora and fauna were amazing, Naruto, Hinata, and Tenko even saw a few giant bugs hovering in the air above them. Then a massive gorilla, at least 12 meters tall bounded in and roared in challenge, sending most the the shinobi on the defensive. It had a battle scar over its left eye and a large one down its chest.

"Whoa..." Naruto said, his eyes widening as Bee stepped forward.

"Calm down King-chan! They're with me!" Bee said with a grin, and the gorilla, King instantly calmed down and bent down to ground level.

Hinata blinked. " how Akamaru-kun is..."

"Bee-sama has gotten to know and tamed all the beasts on this island," Motoi said as the Hachibi Jinchuriki and King pounded their fists together. "This place is safe as long as he's here."

"Amazing..." Tenko said.

"There is also a sensor barrier we Kumogakure Shinobi maintain around the island. We know immediately if anything approaches..." Motoi went on and Yamato nodded, looking over.

"So he...really has learned to control the Hachibi?" Hinata asked the island dwelling Shinobi.

"Yes, he's Kumogakure's Hero of Heroes, someone who not only controls these beasts..." Motoi replied as Bee and King gave each other a thumb's up. "But even the Hachibi no Kyogyū is completely under his control. He's a jinchuriki, just like you Hokage-sama..."

Naruto breathed in. Incredible...

Bee and King exchanged another fist bump, and he went. "Yo."

"This where he trained to gain control over the Hachibi," Motoi said and Naruto nodded.

After a little more traveling, they reached one of the few buildings on the massive island. Three massive boulders had been hollowed out and converted into a very nice living place with five huge windows, in the middle building was one that went around the top entirely. The entrance had the Hachibi's skull carved into it.

Naruto explained the final step of the Rasengan to Hinata and Tenko-combining both rotation and power after they got the second step down. He then went to ask Bee to train him.

He knocked on Bee's door, and Killer Bee answered a few seconds later. "'re that kid Hokage. Whatcha want, an autograph or something?"

"I need you to train me," Naruto replied, breathing in.

"Train you?" Bee asked, confused.

"I'm the Kyubi Jinchuriki, but I'm not able to control him yet..." Naruto said, breathing out. "So please teach me how to control a Biju!"

"What? No way, I came here because my brother Raikage ordered me to get a vacation! Why should I give up that rare vacation for the likes of you?" Bee replied and Naruto shrugged, and growled.

"Because you're a jinchuriki like me Bee-san! Why can't you help me out?"

"Ya got a big attitude...ya changin' ya point o'view, kay?" Bee replied and Naruto grinned.

"Your glasses are cool, you ain't nobody's fool, I came here to go to school!" Naruto said moving with the beat. "Yeah boy!"

After a few seconds of awkward pausing, Bee grinned. "That's pretty solid beat kid!"

Yeah! He fell for it!

Killer Bee offered his fist after. "You gotta learn the proper greeting fist bump! Bust a rhyme in time!"

Naruto blinked, but pushed his fist against Killer Bee's. "Your sunglasses are cool, you look like a tool-!" At that, Bee's attitude went sour and the young Hokage frowned and crossed his fingers. Hāremu no Jutsu! I'll show him! and in several puffs of smoke there were naked, beautiful blonds, their private parts obscured by smoke who latched onto Killer Bee's arms and shoulders. "Pleeaaaasee mista, help out a sista...?" How's that? No man alive can resist this technique!

However, Killer Bee just closed the door on him looking confused out of his mind, trying to comprehend a technique like that. Naruto puffed back to normal, dispelling the clones.

"Son of a bitch!" Naruto growled, slapping his hand to his face. I know, I'll ask Motoi-san!

Naruto went to Motoi's room, knocking on the door while grumbling to himself. The island's keeper opened the door, looking at him.

"Oh, Hokage-sama, do you need something?" Motoi asked.

"Tell me how Killer Bee-san learned how to control the Hachibi!" Naruto replied, sounding exasperated. "I'm here to train!"

"Ahh...Bee-sama's training regiment..."

Naruto explained the problem to Motoi, saying that Bee wouldn't train him despite both of them being Jinchuriki. Motoi grasped the young Hokage's shirt and lifted him up, telling him that he should know what Bee had gone through. After calming down and releasing his shirt, he told Naruto that Bee must have seen something that he was missing, and then agreed to bring him to the place where Bee trained.

Yamato offered to accompany them, curious on how Naruto would be training. He also wanted to be sure the Kyubi's chakra didn't run amok in case the efforts failed-with Hashirama's necklace repaired he'd be able to at leas suppress the chakra. Motoi agreed and lead both of them out of the house, heading into the forests of the island.

Mountain's Grave

Suigetsu and Jugo were dressed in their new Akatsuki cloaks, having been made full members now. They were waiting for Sasuke to be discharged from his surgery, having received Itachi's eyes to prevent his blindness. Jugo was talking with the local animals, learning that this place was where giant summons came to die. Suigetsu was now grinning, practicing with the Kubikiribocho, slashing through the air.

"Yeah, it feels real good for this to be full again!"

Slashing the air again, he brought the blade down and flicked it upwards, slashing through another target. Jugo watched somewhat boredly, more focused in talking with the animals.

"Shame Karin isn't here," Jugo said, leaning back after letting a bird fly off his fingers.

"Yeah, but she was really slowing us down," Suigetsu said, sheathing his Kubikiribocho back onto his back. "Sure she was a medic and a sensor, but she couldn't fight for crap!"

"...indeed...though she was a good planner," Jugo added, leaning back and he squeezed his hand into a tight fist, still remembering the dozens of cuts he received facing that woman ROOT member.

Inside the room, Madara stepped back. "Now don't move too quickly. It'll take a bit for your body to adjust to the new power in your eyes. And you'll need several weeks to train your new eyes."

"...very well..." Sasuke then started chuckling, lifting his hand up to his bandaged eyes. "I can feel Itachi's power surging through me!"

Madara nodded and he smirked behind his mask. He walked out of the room, leaving Sasuke under the watch of Zetsu. Jugo and Suigetsu straightened up when he walked out of the room and he acknowledged them.

Walking out under the ribcage arch that lead below the grave. He then sensed something and heard the low hiss of a snake. Glancing up he saw a hooded man with a snake sliding out of his cloak like a tail.

"Hello Tobi, or are you going by Madara now a days?"

"Yakushi Kabuto, I'm surprised you found me here...and it looks like you've become an even greater freak," Madara said and Kabuto smirk.

"This coming from a man who has super powered eyes and a body made of white goo?" Kabuto retorted and Madara's eyes narrowed. "Yes, I know quite a bit about you...Orochimaru left a lot of information. I daresay if he had taken control of Sasuke-kun, he'd have come after you."

Madara's eyes narrowed. "You are a traitor to is about time you are dealt with."

Kabuto smirked. "If you believe you can..."

The Uchiha Founder's visible eye swished into his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, three opened tomoes which were all connected together around a black pupil. Three black lines appeared, branching out from each tomoe, two pointing upwards to the sides and one pointing down. With that, he leaped onto the

"Tsukuyomi!" Madara said and Orochimaru's right hand man met his gaze without fear.

Kabuto found himself in a red world, looking around. "So this is your Tsukuyomi..." his body began burning up. "I can see its very powerful...however..."

His blood vessels shot up under his snake-like eyes, his old blood activating. Like a plain of glass cracking, several cracks began appearing in the illusion, the 'shards' of the red sky crashing down around Kabuto. A sickly purplish-red chakra aura burst around his body, and then the entire Tsukuyomi broke apart.

" is still not strong enough to put me down," Kabuto finished as Madara snarled, kunai dropping into his hands as he launched himself at him.

Kabuto leaped out of the way of Madara's slash and blocked one of his kicks with his snake tail. The Uchiha Founder spun in the air and landed on his feet on the ribcage arch before launching himself again. Orochimaru's right hand landed on the ground and did a few seals before slamming his palms together. that's impossible! Madara thought as the ground rumbled a bit.

"Kuchiyoise: Edo Tensei (Summoning Technique: Impure World Resurrection)!" Kabuto said with a smirk and five stone coffins then raised out of the ground and the covers fell open revealing the black cloaked deceased Akatsuki Members...Sasori...Deidara...Kakuzu...Uchiha Itachi...and even Nagato. "A group of powerful men like this would surely help your war effort, correct?"

Madara straightened up. "What...what are you talking about?"

"Oh, I didn't come here to fight Madara. I came here to offer you my services. You are heading off to War, correct?" Kabuto asked him with a smirk.

"...why are you doing this? What's in this for you?"

"Oh, I just need a young Uchiha like Sasuke to discover the true secrets of ninjutsu and chakra," Kabuto said with a smirk. "And to get you to comply..."

A sixth coffin raised from the ground, and the when it opened Madara's eyes widened. "How did you get this...?"

"Oh, don't worry, I haven't told anyone..."

"You''re a madman..."

" we have a deal?" Kabuto asked him with a smirk. Madara regained his composure, and he began chuckling. "What's so funny?"

"Kabuto, I never imagined you'd have this much potential, if I'd known I'd have recruited you long ago," Madara said with a smirk behind his mask. "Very well, we have a deal. Though I won't turn Sasuke over until after the War."

"Of course," Kabuto said, his own smirk reappearing. The coffin's covers slammed back up and then all six sank back into the ground.

"Good, now lets formalize our war plans," Madara said and both he and his new partner turned and walked under the ribcage arch and back into the grave.

From the edge of the grave, Mitarashi Anko's pursuit team had found another body sharing all the same traits that were with the others. Four puncture marks on its neck, looking like it was both poisoned and strangled. Anko put her hand to her chin, thinking.

Why is Kabuto leading us here...? she glanced at the Hyuga on her team. "Tokuma, activate your Byakugan and extend to the maximum range."

"Hai Anko-taichou!" Tokuma did the seals, and the veins bulged around his eyes. Next to Neji's and Hinata's Byakugans, his was the strongest in the Hyuga Clan, even stronger than Hiashi's. "I see Kabuto...he's...he's walking with Madara! It looks like they're working together!"

"Send word to Headquarters and make camp!" Anko ordered and she bit her thumb. "Kuchiyoise no Jutsu!"

Slamming her palm down, she summoned her personal snake. It was huge, half the size of Manda. It looked down at her, its tongue slithering out.

"Alright Shiraki, we need a camp. Please dig us a cave!"

"...very well, Mistress," Shiraki said and it dove into the dirt and began digging a cave.

Anko breathed in, glancing at the direction. She felt a cold chill, and squeezed her hand into a tight fist.


Island Turtle, Falls of Truth

On the Island Turtle, Motoi had led Naruto and Yamato to the place where Killer Bee trained to control the Hachibi. There was a waterfall pouring down the cliff face, and there was a small lake around the falls with a tiny island right in the center. Naruto looked around, breathing in.

"So this is where Bee trained, Motoi-san?" Naruto asked, glancing back at the island guide.

"Hai, Hokage-sama, welcome to the Falls of Truth," Motoi replied.

"Bee-san learned to control the Hachibi here, Motoi?"

"Yes and no...we're not exactly at the 'control' step," Motoi replied as he walked onto the water. "Sit here and close your eyes, Naruto-sama. Then you'll see who you truly are inside."

Naruto nodded. "...alright," he said, breathing out and he hopped onto the small island. He sat down, closing his eyes and he breathed in.

"Making us Hokage just because the old lady is out of it..." a voice said from the falls and Naruto looked up.


"After all that crap we went through, this was supposed to be our consolation prize?" from the Falls, someone looking exactly like Naruto...but with shadows over his eyes appeared. "What a bunch of assholes..."

Naruto's eyes widened, and he saw right before him...a dark version of himself. The aura about him...looked almost exactly like Sasuke's. The young Hokage stood up and stepped back in shock.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm who you really are!"