Chapter 28

Attack of the Gedō Mazō

Lightning Ridge, Lightning Country, First Division

Nearly ten minutes before the Gedō Mazō statue had been summoned, Tenko sat up in the medical bed her was in. He rubbed the back of his neck and stretched a bit as the red-headed young ninja with glasses who had been talking with Sakura earlier came walking in while she looked at a medical chart. She blinked and looked up.

"'re awake now!" she said in a bit of surprise.

"Heh...yeah...what have I missed?" Tenko asked, the seal visible on his chest.

"Oh...lots happened...we managed to repel Akatsuki at the fortress here, its called Lightning Ridge," she said as the young Sage grabbed his mesh undershirt before grabbing the long sleeved black shirt of his uniform. "Chōji-san, Hinata-san, Neji-san, Shikamaru-san and Ino-san had managed to fight the best Edo Tensei that had been brought to the battle and win. Including those of the recently fallen."

"Recently fallen? Like Chōza-san?"

"Yes...and Hinata-san's father Hiashi was among the recently dead shinobi brought back."

"Thanks...oh I never got your name."

"Karin..." Karin said with a small smile...before putting on a haughty act and she straightened her glasses. "Wait I didn't offer to give it!"

"Heh, too bad you did already!" Tenko teased as he finished putting the flak jacket on. "Karin huh? I like it. Matches your eyes."

"Grk?! Hey buddy what are you..." Karin started and he glanced back at her and a slight blush appeared. Gah...why is my heart fluttering like this?!

Tenko activated a Rasengan to see if his chakra control was normal before turning it off. "Huh? Why are you looking at me like that, got a bit of a fever?"

"Grrr...NO I don't!" Karin snapped at him and stomped her foot. "I was just checking in on you for Sakura, I better tell her that you're awake!"

"Thanks..." Tenko said as he jumped in place a bit and checked his balance. "Could you get a sensor in too? I want to see the effect this mass of chakra is having on my body."

Karin paused. "Uh...I'm a sensor."

"Sensor and medic ninja? Damn you must be important for the Allied Shinobi Forces," Tenko said with a good nature laugh. "So can you give a 'look'?"

Karin rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Fine, fine. I'll give it a try."

"Thanks!" Tenko grinned, almost looking like his father did at the same age.

"...I suppose I can give it a look," Karin said with a sigh. "Though on one condition! Don't think I'm doing this for free!"

She straightened her glasses in emphasis to try to hide her blush and eyes. "Yeah, sure what is it?" Tenko asked.

"You have to be my servant for one week after this entire damn War is over!" Karin announced as she crossed her arms and stomped her foot. Hah! This'll get him out of my hair...

"Working for a really pretty girl like you for a week?" Tenko said as he put his hand to his chin. "Sure, I'll do it!"

Karin stumbled at that. He did it so easily?! She thought before she forced herself to straighten up. "I'll...I'll hold you to that, so let me get ready!" Karin breathed out and held up two fingers as she activated her jutsu, the Kagura Shingan (Mind's Eye of the Kagura), and Tenko in the form of chakra flared in her mind. His chakra was a whitish-blue in color...and in the seal was the dark red of Kurama's chakra that had been sealed from Kinkaku. "So far...both chakras are separate..."

She focused a bit more and saw...the seal was 'cracked' in some ways...with a bit of Kurama's chakra leaking in. "...but the seal isn't perfect. Some of the chakra is leaking into your system."

"Wait...seriously?" Tenko asked in a bit of surprise. "The chakra is seeping into my system?"

"Yes," Karin said as she deactivated her Kagura Shingan. "I'm not an expert in seals, but you probably should get it strengthened before it breaks."

Tenko nodded. "I'll do that. How long until the seal breaks?"

"...from the rate of leakage...about a week, maybe two, when that happens the chakra'll flood your system and force your chakra out," Karin said as she put her hand to her chin.

Jiraiya's son gave a bit of a gulp. "Okay, so a week. I'll go to Myōbokuzan to see if Fukasaku-sama can strengthen the seal."

Karin nodded...and she felt something with her passive sensing. Activating her Kagura Shingan once again...her eyes shot open as the ENORMOUS chakra seemed to be deposited. "We're...we're in trouble!"


Right at the wall of Lightning Ridge, the massive Gedō Mazō towered right over the battlements. It looked like a gigantic human being with a large, wooden bulb growing out of its back, and its nine-eyes were blindfolded. Brownish-gray in color gave it a old, wooden appearance and it had black bindings around its wrist...and its mouth was full of sharp teeth. At 200 meters tall, it dwarfed even the likes of Gamabunta, Manda, or Katsuyu if they had been summoned to battle it, only the Biju themselves were as large as the demonic statue. It gave a loud, terrifying roar of challenge as the chains that bound its wrists shattered and it stomped the ground and created a mini-earthquake. The combined chakra of seven Biju radiated from it like a showed up as a large mountain on the sensory ball at Headquarters. And right had been unleashed right on the Alliance's fortress!

Neji snapped out of the stupor quickly and took command. "Chōji! You're the only one here who can meet this thing blow for blow when it comes to size!" he yelled as he jumped off his battlement. "Hinata, Kiba, Shino, we need to get Sakura here too! Her strength can stun it!"

Kiba nodded. "Right, I'll get her! Lets go boy!"

"Ino!" Neji yelled as the giant Gedō Mazō smashed its foot right into the wall and sent chunks of rock flying everywhere. "Link our minds! Mine, Chōji, Hinata-sama, and Sakura when she gets here!"

"Will do!" Ino called out as she rolled out of the way of a giant rock.

Shino pushed his glasses. "I'll pursue the summoner, my insects still recall the chakra that was consumed by him before and will lead the way."

"Go for it Shino! But don't fight him directly!" Neji ordered as he then charged a Kaiten and spun...and he deflected a kick from the Gedō Mazō away. "Hinata-sama, your Hoderi achieved a winged state, right?"

"Right Neji-nii-san!" Hinata jumped out of the way of another attack...this time a gigantic lightning bolt that shot out of the branch-like spines on the Gedō Mazo's back.

"See if you can fly with that technique and try to distract the statue then," Neji ordered as the statue gave another angry roar. "If not, attack its legs and try to keep it off balance!"

"Will do Neji-nii-san!" Hinata yelled as her Keihatsu activated and her Hoderi burst around her.

The chakra construct formed into the Hoderi, complete with net and 'fishing rod' before a layer of armor covered it. Chakra feathers settled around it as wings grew from the armor and Hinata floated inside it for the first time. She breathed in a bit of anticipation and hoped that Neji's hypothesis was correct for the plan and had the wings spread...and for the first time in the young Hyuga leader's life she took to the skies like a bird.

Kiba rode on Akamaru at the same time and found Sakura already running for him. "Neji's ordered you up ahead Sakura! He needs your strength to fight this monster!"

Sakura nodded. "Okay! Lead the way!"

The Inuzuka Heir lead Tsunade's Apprentice back to the wall where Chōji could already be seen growing to the monstrous statue's gigantic size. On the new Akimichi Leader's back were the chakra wings of his Calorie Control technique. Both Kiba and Sakura increased their speed with a shunshin so they could arrive in time.

In another part of the fortress the Raikage was suddenly disturbed by the summoning of the Gedō Mazō as were Darui and Kitsuchi. They rushed out of the keep that served as Lightning Ridge's main base of operations to see the giant demonic statue roaring as it battled Chōji, Neji, Sakura and Hinata. Immediately A powered his Raiton no Yoroi up.

"Kitsuchi, with me. Darui,get every defender to help with repelling the attack!" A ordered as he gritted his teeth. Is that the thing they seal the Biju in?! Its massive!

Darui nodded. "On it boss!" he said as he vanished in a shunshin.

On the battle itself, Chōji charged forward. He was nearly the same height as the Gedō Mazō now with his Chō Baika no Jutsu (Super Multi-Size Technique), and his fist glowed blue as he charged his strongest attack the Chōdan Bakugeki (Butterfly Bullet Bombing). The Gedō Mazō roared in challenge and charged right at him as the ground quaked and shattered under their feet...and the new Akimichi Leader smashed his fist right into the abomination and used its momentum against it to make it loose its footing.

"Sakura now!" Chōji yelled as Sakura jumped up onto his shoulder and then launched herself in the air.

Her Sōzō Saisei (Creation Rebirth) blazed on her forehead as she charged chakra to her fist. She smashed it hard with enough force to send the giant statue crashing to the ground and carved out a deep crater as a side effect. However the attack...didn't damage the statue in the slightest, just leave superficial scratches. It sat up and seemed to glare at her and Chōji as it went to swat her like a fly.

Hinata flew down and grabbed Sakura before that happened, using her free hand on her Hoderi to launch a barrage of giant Hakke Kusho's at the statue's face. Her Keihatsu Byakugan blazed as she saw each portion of the Biju inside the Gedō Mazō.

"Its like...all the tailed beasts are condensed right in this...thing's stomach Sakura-chan, Chōji-kun," Hinata said as she bit her lip slightly. "Your punch did do something at least..."

" did? It didn't even scratch this thing!" Sakura asked in a bit of shock as the Gedō Mazō rose to its full height once more.

"You awoke the tailed beasts within it. They responded to your chakra...before I think they were just...asleep within whatever sealing jutsu is keeping them inside the statue."

"...great, I probably just made them angry..." Sakura said with a groan.

"Not necessarily...waking them up means they can probably attempt to escape from this thing," Neji said as he used his Raiton: Hakke Mezame no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Eight Trigrams Awakening Technique). "Hinata-sama, can you use more jutsus through this...construct?"

"Hai Neji-nii-san!"

Neji glanced at Sakura. "Sakura, you and Chōji keep distracting it. We'll test the likelihood of absorbing this thing's chakra after that!"

Chōji punched his fist to his palm. "Right Neji!"

"On it! We'll keep it busy!" Sakura said as she bit her thumb. I'll try to summon 2.5 percent of Katsuyu-sama now...that should put me on an even height with this thing!

Kiba and Akamaru hopped onto the battlefield. "We'll be here to provide support Neji!" he said as he pulled out the Senpū Rōga.

Sakura jumped down to the ground again and slammed her palm to it, and in a huge puff of smoke...Katsuyu was summoned. Now twice her normal size, and the young combat medic's forehead seal glowed from the chakra usage to do the massive summoning. Sakura wiped her forehead and breathed in before biting into a soldier pill to regain her stamina and chakra quickly for the battle.

Konohagakure, Land of Fire

Hundreds of kilometers away from the battle, Sarutobi Konohamaru gave a loud, long yawn as he leaned back, his flak jacket was open. Due to his actions during the Invasion of Pain with his temporary defeat of the Naraka Path, he had been given a field promotion to Chūnin. Like the rest of the young ninja of his generation however he wasn't allowed to go to the front lines despite his rank, Tsunade had been very explicit about keeping any ninja under the age of 15 out of the War so the mistakes from the last conflicts couldn't be repeated. Thus, he was part of the Home Guard.

Every village had a Home Guard, which was 5000 strong. They were tasked with keeping the village economy going as well as keep it safe in case of an enemy attack. There were also 10,000 reservists left behind in the Allied Shinobi Force's home villages too in case manpower became a problem during the War. The leader of the Home Guard was Konohamaru's mother, Sarutobi Junko, being a former ANBU she was an extremely powerful shinobi. Konohamaru's father, Sarutobi Daichi, was serving in the Allied Shinobi Force's joint ANBU unit under Hikoro Kuro's direct command and had helped coordinate the operation which saved Mitarashi Anko.

"Konohamaru-kun!" the voice of Moegi, one of his teammates came running up. "We have a new mission!"

"What is it, an escort run to one of the divisions?!" Konohamaru asked eagerly as he hopped down.

Another young shinobi ran up and pushed up his glasses and wiped his nose. "Nope, sorry Konohamaru-kun. We're to escort Hanabi-sama to a Hyūga Shrine in the northern Land of Fire!"

"Aww come on! Can't those types of missions wait for after the War?!" Konohamaru asked with a loud groan. "We haven't been doing anything but D and C ranked missions for weeks now! I want an B rank!"

"Konohamaru-kun..." a new voice appeared and the young, future Hokage straightened up a bit and looked back. "A mission is a mission, isn't it...?"

There was his mother, Junko. She had her arms crossed as she looked at her son, and he gave a gulp. Junko had long brown hair which she wore in a pony-tail, hazel eyes and a smooth face...that had a scar that when down her left cheek. She was also wearing a Konoha Flak Jacket and with four Fuma Shuriken strapped onto her back.

"Uhh...that's" Konohamaru said with a gulp.

"And you are a Chūnin now, aren't you? I imagine Ebisu-san would be very disappointed that is prized student turned this down," Junko said as she paced in front of him. "Not to mention what Naruto-sama would think..."

"Okay, okay I get it mom!" Konohamaru said as he waved his arms around. "When does Team Konohamaru head out then?!"

"Tomorrow morning. Though I think Hanabi-sama could use some company," Junko said as she leaned back. "She did lose her father recently after all..."

Konohamaru blinked at that...and remembered...the news that had hit Konoha hard. Hyūga Hiashi had died and in his dying breath had removed the Caged Bird Seals from all Branch family members and practically threw the Hyūga Clan into chaos for a short time. Rumors had that Hanabi was training even more diligently now...though she barely had any friends her own age since she hadn't been formally enrolled in the Academy, Hanabi had been promoted to Genin after a private test. However she hadn't been assigned to any team yet.

"I'm going to see if she needs anyone to talk to, must be lonely at the Hyūga Compound without her big sister or any other kids!" Konohamaru said after a moment.

Moegi grinned. "We'll come along too Konohamaru-kun!"

"Thanks, but you guys get the mission specks!" Konohamaru said as he jumped up onto the roof. "I'll meet you at Ichiraku later!"

A short time later, Konohamaru arrived at the Hyūga District and its Compound. Being one of the oldest, and currently most powerful ninja clans in all of Konoha, it had over a hundred different buildings to fit the entire clan's population in comfortably. In terms of population size, the Hyūga was the largest in the entire village, with only the late Uchiha Clan matching it before its downfall. Adding to the fact it was the most powerful Clan in all of Konoha, nearly half of Hyūga were enlisted as active shinobi, roughly 1,200 shinobi total out of 2,400 Clan Members. As such, despite War raging, the Hyūga District was quite active with dozens of shops and restaurants still open.

The Main Family Compound, where Hanabi and her elder sister Hinata currently lived was the largest building of the district. A Japanese style mansion with two stories, dozens of rooms, several gardens and private training fields, it represented the strength and influence the Hyūga Clan had achieved. Due to its location, it had suffered moderate to severe damage during the Invasion of Pain, however most if not all of the damage had been repaired. From a distance Konohamaru could see members of the clan working on maintenance of mansion as well as care of its gardens.

"...GRRR!" Konohamaru heard. "Why can I get this?!"

He heard the sound of chakra bursting out from one of the Hyūga's training fields. Konohamaru got the clearance to enter and he walked in to see Hyūga Hanabi training her hardest. She was dressed in standard ninja clothes, a black tee-shirt over mesh as well as a white vest and long black pants with a shuriken and kunai holder strapped onto her leg for easy access. She had also cut her hair short and had a white lily, which represented the bond with her sister, in her short hair.

"Okay...another try...Hinata-onee-sama wouldn't quit..." Hanabi said as she activated her Byakugan once more, in the center where she was standing was a mishmash, nearly circular crater. "Kaiten!"

With that chakra burst from her body and she began another spin and tried to form the solid wall of chakra around her. At best she could do was a partial, incomplete dome before she lost her footing and spun hard into a nearby tree hard enough to shake several leaves and branches off. Hanabi wince in pain but she straightened up.

If...if father was here he'd tell me what's wrong with my stance...Neji-nii-sama would give me pointers on control... tears appeared on the corners of Hanabi's eyes as she kept thinking of her family. ...and Hinata-onee-sama would encourage me not to give up...

Konohamaru knew that look. "She's training to keep her mind off her dad's death...just like I did when Grandpa Hiruzen and Uncle Asuma died..." he said in a sharp whisper.

" crying don't show tears..." Hanabi said to herself as she straightened up a bit...and for the first time she saw Konohamaru here. "...uh can I help you?"

"Oh right!" Konohamaru said with a grin. "Its Konohamaru remember? We met a few times when you were in town with your sister!"

"Oh!" Hanabi squeaked a bit and straightened up. "Konohamaru-sama, I couldn't recog..."

"Gah! Don't call me that, I'm not Hokage yet after all! Just Konohamaru!" Konohamaru said with a grin. "Oh and I'm the leader of the team that was hired for the mission to escort you tomorrow!"

Hyūga Natsu, Hanabi's teacher, bodyguard, and maid came walking in with some refreshments for her charge. She was dressed in a maid outfit, and had her headband tied firmly around her forehead under her shoulder-length greenish black hair.

"Konohamaru-sama?" Natsu asked asked blinked in a bit of surprise.

"Grr...I just got over telling Hanabi not to call me that! Just Konohamaru! And I'll be escorting Hanabi tomorrow!"

"Oh, that's right, I nearly forgotten that," Natsu said as she pursed her lips. "Then why are you here now?"

"Just wanted to see how Hanabi was doing!" Konohamaru said with a grin, and he folded his hands behind his head.

Natsu nodded. "Hanabi-sama, it might be prudent for you to take a break from training now."

"Huh? But I'm so close!"

"There is such a thing as over-training, Hanabi-sama. Your sister and Neji-sama would tell you the same thing I am," Natsu said with a kind smile on her face.

"...alright, alright..." Hanabi said with a groan.

"I'd recommend you hang out with Konohamaru-kun and his team until tonight. If they are going to be escorting you tomorrow, it'd be best to get to know them," Natsu said as she handed the young Hyūga a bottle of water. "Who knows, you might make a few friends."

Hanabi flushed and sipped her drink. "Okay, okay..."

With that, Konohamaru and Hanabi walked out of the compound and talked together. Outside the village itself a figure appeared in a shunshin...and a White Zetsu poked out of the ground. The figure was dressed in a black cloak though through the shadows cracks could be clearly seen on his face.

"So I suppose you're gonna summon a few buddies to attack through that, Kabuto?" the White Zetsu asked.

"You'll see, you'll see. I've been having my puppet here scout everything out..." Kabuto's voice said through the Edo Tensei. "I believe I have the perfect choice to lead this mission..."

The Edo Tensei slammed its hands down and in a puff of smoke a coffin rose...and it creaked and fell open. Sasori of the Red Sand then stepped out, his scroll with his best puppets was attached to his back. Kabuto had finished working on his the master puppeteer was 'whole' again. An 'core' was attached to a specially made human puppet with the same features and abilities as Sasori's old one...but with one crucial difference: it could regenerate from any damage just like a Edo Tensei. As Kabuto put it, he was 'better than new' in this new form.

"Finally, I'll get to test my art," Sasori said as he squeezed his hand tightly. He flicked his wrist and a tube pushed out of his palm before he withdrew it.

"Feel free. Consider this a test run. There'll be attacks on other villages but I want to see how you do against Konoha."

All over the forest more White Zetsu began to appear. First several hundred...slowly creeping over the thousand mark. Sasori looked dispassionately at the white humanoids, unlike the first 'batch' they lacked armor...but he saw several begin to merge into one, monstrous creature. It would take a while, but the force would shrunk to a quarter of its full size so the Zetsus could be in their...strongest form.

"When they're finished joining their powers..." Sasori started as he summoned two of his puppets and had them float next to him. "Then we attack at dusk for a night battle!"

Lightning Ridge, Land of Lightning, First Division

Chōji crashed against the wall hard and demolished most of it with his wait. The Gedō Mazō had kicked him as Neji used his speed to zip right up the statue's leg, travel up its entire body and smash his fist right into its chin with all his might. Sakura followed him and used the same strategy as the giant statue stumbled backwards from the blow. The Hyūga Genius and Tsunade's Apprentice jumped back as Hinata swooped in and her Hoderi created a Rasengan over one hand, the size of a large boulder and smashed it into the statue's stomach just as its feet managed to stabilize on the ground.

"Chōji-kun, hit it with everything you got!" Hinata yelled as she broke off and flew upwards, leaving a sizable hole in the Gedō Mazō's stomach from the giant Rasengan she smashed into it.

"RIGHT!" Chōji yelled as he scrambled back to his feet and he charged forward and his fists were surrounded by the blue chakra again.

With that he smashed it right in the 'wound' that the new Hyūga Leader had created and the statue skidded backwards and ground the stone ground at its feet up and sending several rocks flying upwards. It then stomped its feet hard and gave a roar...just as Katsuyu surged forward and her mouth opening 'puckered'.

"Zesshi Nensan (Tongue Tooth Sticky Acid)!" she called out and sprayed a massive blast of acid right into the Gedō Mazō's face.

That seemed to cause more than superficial damage to the giant statue. The acid bubbled and burned right into its face as it began to howl in pain and anger. Sakura stood on Katsuyu's head as Neji stood on Chōji's shoulder as they waited for the next move. It then crossed its arms and Hinata and Neji both detected a pulse of chakra from it.

"Guys!" Hinata yelled first as she swooped down. "Its about to attack!"

And it then gave a LOUD, powerful roar...and sent a massive pulse of chakra that blew everything around it away in a perfect circle. In her Hoderi, Hinata crashed into Chōji, Neji was thrown off his shoulder and Katsuyu had Sakura sink into her body to shield her from the blast. It was like a nuclear bomb had hit, the shock wave that had been created flattened the wall and greatly damaged the keep, most of the shinobi defenders had been blown away.

" really strong..." Chōji groaned in pain as he managed to get back to his feet. "You okay, Neji, Hinata?!"

Hinata winced. "I'm jutsu shielded me from most of the damage..." The Hoderi had suffered a few large cracks from the strain of the blasts, but thankfully the armor it now wore shielded her and its wings were undamaged. "Neji-nii-san?!"

"I'm okay..." Blood trickled down from Neji's lip as he tried to get back to his feet...only to find one of his legs was broken and he fell back. "Gah!"


"Don't worry...just scratches...we still have to deal with that thing!"

"Where's Sakura?! Was she blown away too?!" Chōji asked as he looked around.

"I'm okay!" Sakura jumped out of Katsuyu's back...the giant slug was virtually undamaged from the blast. "Katsuyu-sama had shielded me!"

With that Tsunade's Apprentice dashed over to Neji and her hands glowed green and she began to treat his wounds. Neji winced as the healing chakra was forced into his body and Sakura began to do diagnostic jutsus to see how badly he was hurt. She pursed her lips.

Multiple muscle lacerations, bruising, as well as half a dozen broken bones just not Neji's leg...he needs to be taken to the medical core immediately for treatment...

"I'm okay Sakura, just heal the worse of it. We still have to finish this fight," Neji said.

"We do, yes, but you don't Neji. You're too wounded to continue to fight. Katsuyu-sama, I need you over here!"

Katsuyu had a piece of her body divide and slither over as the Gedō Mazō continued to thrash and stomp about as the damage it sustained slowly 'healed'. Just as it was about to attack again two giant, mountain-sized slabs of rock smashed into it from either size with enough force to flatten nearly anything caught in it. Hinata glanced back to see Kurotsuchi there and she smirked.

"Dad, I pulled off the Doton: Sando no Jutsu (Earth Release: Mountain Sandwich Technique)!" Kurotsuchi said as she rose to her feet.

"Perfect execution, I'll rebuild the..." Kitsuchi started as the Sando no Jutsu started to tremble. "What the..."

With that the center of the newly created mountain imploded as giant, powerful lightning bolts shot out of the spines on the Gedō Mazō's back! Katsuyu shielded everyone as best she could but even her durability was put to the test against the concentrated lightning blasts. Hinata had her Hoderi's wings close around her as an extra shield as Chōji crossed his arms and charged chakra to them for a impromptu shield. One of them was about to strike Kurotsuchi and Kitsuchi as a flash of lightning appeared...and cut the bolt in half. A, the Yondaime Raikage himself had just arrived to back the defense up.

"I was getting the rest of the wounded back to the medical tents," A said, his Raiton no Yoroi crackled around him as he looked at the demonic statue. "This thing really is a monster..."

"Raikage-sama!" Hinata called out. "Neji-nii-san's and my Byakugan detected the chakra of seven of the Biju inside it!"

"No wonder why its so strong then," A said calmly as he began to crack his knuckles. "Then we'll have to go all out against it to drive it back. Akimichi, you still okay there?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Chōji said as he dropped his arms.

Ino hopped down, parts of her uniform were destroyed from the blast but she managed to heal most of the injuries. Her mesh undershirt was exposed and she only had a single sleeve left of her shirt dangling from her right arm. "Sakura, I'll handle Neji's injuries, you get back to the fight!"

"Thanks Ino! But are you sure you can keep healing while maintaining your jutsu?"

"Don't worry about me, I can multitask like a champ," Ino said as she gave a thumb's up. "Right now your monster strength is needed to beat that thing!"

"Thanks Ino!" Sakura turned away and jumped back to the front line.

The Gedō Mazō then growled at the new challengers. It then opened its mouth...and black and white chakra began to swirl in front of it. A's eyes widened in realization as a dense black ball of compressed energy began to form in front of the statue. Bolts of static electricity arched out as it gathered more power.

Acting quickly A charged up his maximum power, his Raiton no Yoroi grew thicker and several more lightning bolts shot out and his hair which was normally flat stood up and became spiked. He vanished and just as the statue was about to complete the Bijudama it was creating... the Raikage delivered a rising uppercut at full speed and power.

The fastest shinobi on Earth had forced the Bijudama off course and sent it flying over Lightning Ridge. It fell like a meteor and crashed into a cluster of mountains...and detonated. A gigantic dome explosion could be seen from dozens of kilometers around as the blast wiped out the entire mountain range and left a crater nearly 40 kilometers across! Dust and debris fell as the explosion dissipated and turned into a giant mushroom cloud, and at the top of the cloud a lightning storm brewed from the static electricity of the debris rushing against each other. Only the Bijudama's fired from Kurama were more powerful than that. Everyone looked in a bit of fear and awe at the display of power the statue had just unleashed.

A landed as the electricity kept bursting around his body. "We need to end this now before it can get enough chakra to fire another one of those Bijudamas!"

"We're with you, Raikage-sama!" Chōji yelled as he scrambled to take point.

"Right!" Hinata added as she got on A's right.

"With the four of us here, we'll force it back and defeat it!" Sakura finished as she released the chakra from her seal...and her strength and speed increased 100 fold as well as activating Sōzō Saisei. "There's no more holding back!"

"We'll support you from the rear," Kitsuchi said as he stood next to his daughter.

"Right!" Kurotsuchi said as she straightened herself up to her full height.

As they prepared to fight, within what remained of the fortress Madara was searching for his target: the gourd and pot of the Rikudo Sennin. Behind him were dead or unconscious Allied Shinobi who had tried to stop him. Finally he had reached the weapon's room...just as a flash bang rolled in. He winced in irritation and covered his eyes...before he found he couldn't move.

"I had a feeling this was the true target," a new voice...identified as Shikamaru said from behind him as he pulled his hands apart. "Kagemane no Jutsu is a success."

"Shikamaru and I have been theorizing that you'd attempt to get the Sennin's tools, since it was taking too long to capture Naruto and Bee-san," another voice said...and Madara recognized that one as Shino and a swarm of bugs began to converge around him. "Thus we are going to cut you off."

"...impressive you were able to see through my strategy and thought process," Madara said as his Rinnegan and Sharingan glared at the insects. "You two are definitely worthy enemies of me."

"Thanks for the compliment, but we're gonna have to put an end to you," Shikamaru said as he did a seal. "Kage Nui no Jutsu (Shadow Stitching Technique)!" With that, Madara arms and legs were impaled by the Nara Genius' shadow to hold him in place. "Now you can't do that phasing thing. Shino! Suck him dry!"

"Mushidama (Insect Sphere)," Shino said calmly as his swarm attacked Akatsuki's leader from all sides...before covering him entirely. "I can confirm he is still within the swarm..."

"Preta Path," they then heard...and the Nara Genius felt his shadows loosen...and vanish. "Forgot that I had the Rinnegan now, boys?"

Shino's Kikaichū swarm was then blown away by Madara's Gunbai fan and he sent Shikamaru and the Aburame Heir into a wall from the blast of wind from it. Both spat out blood as they dropped down and Shino's sunglasses had even broken and shattered from the attack. Just as he was about to put his fan away...something appeared in a flash and slammed against his weapon. General Darui had managed to figure things out as well.

"Another pest," Madara said as the Raikage's right hand man smirked.

"Sorry to dull your visit, but you aren't getting the Rikudo Sennin's weapons," Darui said as he attacked Madara with surprising speed and ferocity.

The Akatsuki Leader was forced to block and backpedal from the slashes the First Division's general was using. Darui spun and kicked out and Madara blocked with his gunbai only for the General to toss several Raiton charged shuriken at him to force him to phase. When the last passed through Madara's body Darui slashed upwards and managed to score a slash on the Akatsuki leader's chest. Blood flew up as Madara's eyes widened in shock...before Darui charged up his Black Lightning.

"Raiton: Kuropansa (Lightning Release: Black Panther)!" Darui called out as Shikamaru and Shino recovered from the last attack and got into battle stances again.

Madara gritted his teeth behind his mask and managed to absorb it with Preta just as several kunai with explosive tags were tossed by Shikamaru to force him back...just as Shino used a shunshin to get to his back and his skin turned purple. Twisting and contorting the Akatsuki Leader blocked the Aburame Heir's punch with his Gunbai before using it to slam him away.

Suddenly a barrage of 'laser blasts' converged on him and he phased right through them. However Darui timed it well...just as the beams finished passing through he kicked the Akatsuki Leader in the face hard into to skid him back before he slashed downward once more and cut another slash into Madara's chest.

"This was supposed to be an easy battle," Madara snarled a bit as Darui attacked again and charged lightning into his giant blade.

"Like we said, sorry to dull your expectations on getting the weapons!" Darui slashed but his attack phased through Madara's body.

"I've humored you long enough," Madara said as he grasped Darui's neck without him able to retaliate and smashed him to the ground and embedded him in the crater. Then he stabbed him in the shoulder with a black rod and impaled the General as he cried out in pain. "Now stay put."

From the corner of his eye Shikamaru rushed to attack him with the knife from his back drawn. Madara lazily kicked him in the chest before he slammed his knee hard enough into the Nara's chin to knock him out. Shino then was dealt a crushing slam to the ground by the Akatsuki Leader's gunbai which rendered him unconscious too.

Madara then went to grab the gourd and pot as its three defenders tried to rouse themselves. Behind his mask, the Akatsuki Leader had a smirk as he grabbed both and then used his Kamui to transport them into his alternate dimension.

"Now that that has been taken care of..." he said as he vanished into his own dimension with Kamui.

Back with the battle of the Gedō Mazō, Chōji was now grappling with it to hold it in place. He had basically put the giant statue in a headlock for Sakura and A to attack. Their fists slammed right into the Mazō's face as the new Akimichi Leader let go...before he delivered an uppercut which made the statue crash to the ground. It roared and got back to its feet as Hinata flew in in her Hoderi and she created the Jūho Sōshiken around her jutsu's arms.

Just as she was about to make contact the Gedō Mazō sent another chakra roar that forced her back and made her crash to the ground. Several lightning bolts again shot from the demonic statue's back and converged right on Hinata.

"HINATA!" Sakura, Chōji Ino, and Neji all yelled at the same time.

There was a massive explosion and as the dust cleared, Hinata was still standing...though her Hoderi had been completely breached and there was a huge hole in it. Blood dripped from a gash her forehead as she grasped her left arm which was bleeding too, breathing in and out and like Ino portions of her uniform had been destroyed. Despite her injuries she was still standing and was focusing her chakra to reform her jutsu.

"I'm...okay everyone don't worry!" Hinata called out as her Keihatsu Byakugan blazed in determination. "Just like Naruto-kun...I won't give up!"

Sakura used a shunshin then to charge up her fist...seeing the statue about to stomp on Hinata. Just as it was about to crush both of them Tsunade's Apprentice punched upwards with such force the Gedō Mazō's knee smashed into its own chin! It roared in what sounded to be pain and confusion as the Raikage appeared above it and sharpened the lightning chakra around his dominant arm.

"Raigyaku Suihei Choppu (Lightning Oppression Horizontal Chop)!" A roared as he cut right through the Gedō Mazō's right arm...and severed it from the shoulder down and crashed to the ground after he had landed. "Hyūga, you can still do that absorption technique right?!"

"Yes I can!" Hinata replied as the Mazō cupped its severed arm as white liquid dripped from it like blood. "I just need a few moments to build up the chakra for it again!"

"I'll buy you that time!" Chōji yelled as he had his chakra wings flap and he got airborne. "Just be ready to hit!

He then roared and flew right at the statue and began to deliver a flurry of strong, heavy blows that sent it staggering backwards. Each impact of Chōji's fists was enough to create shock waves even larger than the ones A himself could make. Each Chōdan Bakugeki that impacted sent a burst of chakra as the new Akimichi Leader kept forcing the Gedō Mazō backwards.

"TAKE THIS! AND THAT!" Chōji yelled as Hinata lifted her uninjured arm up and pointed two fingers towards the sky and she began to channel her chakra again to focus it.

The Gedō Mazō then grasped Choji by the throat and head butted him hard enough to make him stumble back, blood flew out of his nose and off his lip. Even with one arm the physical attacks the Mazō were using were devastating. Each punch and kick were as strong as what even Gyūki could do! It grabbed the Akimichi Leader's wrist and lifted him up like he was a ragdoll and smashed him back first to the ground. The Gedō Mazō began to stomp on Chōji's stomach several times and broke and shattered his armor and he cried out in pain!

It was at that moment Hinata reformed her Hoderi in full and she flew up and created another Jūho Sōshiken around its arms. "Here I come Chōji!"

She flew faster and then created a Rasengan within the chakra lions jaws she had created. Before the Gedō Mazō could react she smashed her Hoderi's attack right into its head.

"Jūho Sōshi Rasenrengan (Gentle Step Twin Lion Twin Rasengan)!" Hinata called out...and suddenly felt herself in an area of white as she absorbed a bit of the statue's chakra...and before her was a blue, giant flaming cat. "A...a Biju!"

"We sensed your attack coming but I was the only one able to connect. You're specifically absorbing my chakra into yourself now," the Nibi said as she sat. "We don't have much time, but you may be an anchor to me outside this prison."

"An...anchor?" Hinata asked in a little surprise.

"Yes. I'm giving you consent to have a small amount of my chakra which will grow independently from my main body. It'll allow us to converse and will enhance your powers," the Nibi explained. "Even a small amount can start to throw the balance the Gedō Mazō has of all the Biju's chakra out."

"But...why me? Wouldn't anyone with chakra absorption abilities do?"

"Since we sensed Kurama's chakra on you. And you may call me Matatabi, that is my true name," Matatabi explained. "Son Gokū wished to transfer some of his chakra into that big guy who was fighting the statue before, and Kokuō wished to transfer his to that boy with the same eyes as yours, and Saiken wished he could transfer his chakra to the pink-haired girl, but you're the only one capable of even absorbing the chakra here so you were my choice."

"Kurama...Son Gokū...Kokuō...Saiken...that's the names of the Biju..." Hinata whispered and she blinked. "You sensed the Kyūbi's chakra on me?"

"Yes. You must have been very close to when he last unleashed his power in sufficient quantities," Matatabi confirmed as she pursed her lips. "We'll talk later through the chakra I've given you. The masked Sharingan user is about to unsummon the Gedō Mazō."

Hinata blinked and she then found herself back in the real world, the red chakra burst from the Gedō Mazō's head and went into her...just as the statue vanished in a puff of smoke. She winced and fell back to the ground, using her Hoderi to soften her landing. Hinata breathed in and out a few times and felt...the new chakra within was like a warm comforting flame.

"Hinata! You did it! You drove it off!" Sakura cheered as she ran over with the others.

"The...the summoner just desummoned it..." Hinata said as she felt a little wobbly on her feet and dropped to one knee.

A smirked. "Still though, no wonder why you Hyūga gave us so much trouble in the last War! All that damage the combined amount of us did to it must have forced Madara to take it out of play!" he glanced back at the discarded arm. "And now we can analyze what exactly that statue IS."

"I..." Hinata started as she breathed in. "One of the Biju used the opportunity me...through the statue. All those Akatsuki captured were in it, just like we thought."

"Wait, one of the Biju? Which?" Sakura asked as she began to treat Hinata's wounds.

"The Nibi, she called herself Matatabi," Hinata said as her body was healed. "Said by transferring some of her chakra to me, I'll be her 'anchor' and it'll start to destabilize the balance of the Biju within the statue in the long run. Even said some of the other Biju wanted to do the same for you Sakura-chan, Chōji-kun, Neji-nii-san."

"And why's that?" Neji was able to walk now thanks to Ino's treatment of his broken leg.

"Since...I think its because we were all close enough to Naruto-kun when he fought Pain and unleashed the Kyūbi's...I mean Kurama's power, and probably since Chōji-kun fought that Kinkaku guy next to Tenko-kun and he was using Kurama's chakra too..." she looked around. "Where are Shino-kun and Shikamaru-kun? Shouldn't they be back now?"

"We're here...Hinata," Shikamaru said as he was supported by Shino and Darui. "Had a rough fight ourselves against Madara himself."

"Madara?!" A turned right at them. "He came here?!"

"And he probably summoned the statue, boss," Darui confirmed. "Shikamaru and Shino had intercepted him before I did."

"We managed to inflict some minor wounds on him, but he still got his objective: the gourd and pot of the Rikudo Sennin," Shikamaru said with a wince.

"...the fact you even anticipated and stalled Madara long enough for us to inflict such damage on his statue is quite remarkable," A said and he squeezed his hand into a tight fist and raised it. "We effectively robbed total victory from him!"

A few hours later, while the injured were being treated a small ceremony was made to honor the dead who fell fighting the Gedō Mazō and Madara himself. Neji, Hinata, Chōji, Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba, Tenko, and Karin were all talking together after ceremony as A suddenly called everyone to the center of the fortress. Kitsuchi had used his Doton jutsus to rebuild the wall and make it even stronger and reinforced than the previous one.

"There were several people who stood out in the battle that raged today," A started after he cleared his throat while he stood on a small stage and podium. "And we'd like to honor their service. Akimichi Chōji, would you please come up onto the stage?"

Chōji blinked and got onto it. He was wearing some new armor since the one he was wearing before were destroyed. "Yes, Raikage-sama?"

"Having talked it over with the rest of the Kages and Headquarters, you are now promoted to the rank of Jōnin," A said and Chōji's eyes widened. Everyone that were gathered began to clap as Akimichi bowed respectfully as he was presented with a new flak jacket. "Haruno Sakura, will you please come up on the stage."

Sakura got onto the stage and like Chōji she was promoted to Jōnin. Hinata was next and she received her own Jōnin promotion, followed by Ino. Just like Chōji they were presented with a new flak jacket that represented their new rank. Shikamaru had also been called up, and given the rank of Jōnin to go along with his Proxy General rank. The crowd were clapping and cheering, it was finally some good news after all the death from the battles beforehand.

"Now...Aburame Shino, you are not only promoted to Jōnin but have been named the Proxy General of the Fifth Division," A said as Shino got onto the stage and was presented with a ceremonial tantō and new flak jacket. "You've proven capable of this over the past few battles, you'll make us all proud."

"I will, Raikage-sama," Shino said with a bow of respect before taking the tantō and flak jacket.

"Hyūga Neji," A said as Neji got onto the stage. He was still bandaged up but wasn't in constant pain like he was after the Gedō Mazō's attack. "You have been promoted to the Proxy General of the Second Division."

"Thank you, Raikage-sama," Neji said as he bowed his head. "I won't let you down. I won't let any of you down."

With another round of clapping and cheering Neji got off the stage with Shino. Ino grinned as she got her new flak jacket on. It was one of the newest Konoha designs, it lacked the multiple pockets to store scrolls but it was twice as durable and added far more protection than the last design, and like the last design it had the Uzumaki symbol on its back.

"Can you believe it guys!? We're all Jōnin now!" Ino cheered happily and Hinata flushed.

"...back when I was first starting...I didn't even think I'd reach Chūnin much less Jōnin," Hinata said after she put the flak jacket on. "It...feels a real accomplishment."

"Speak for yourselves," Kiba said with a groan. "Whats it gonna take for me to be promoted?!"

"You'll be promoted when you're ready, Kiba," Shino said as he pushed his new sunglasses up. "Why? Since you have the potential, but you aren't there yet."

"Bah you're only saying that since you're Jōnin already!" Kiba said and he crossed his arms in a Naruto-like manner and pouted. "Least I'm ranked higher than Sasuke, I know that for sure!"

Sakura looked down at the mention of Sasuke's name and Ino elbowed Kiba in the chest. "Stop being a baby Kiba!" Ino scolded him.

Hinata glanced at Sakura. "...Sakura-chan, are you alright?"

"Yes...I'm fine," Sakura said as she forced herself to smile. "I'm Jōnin now...Shishō, sensei, and mom and dad will be really proud!"

Chōji punched upwards. "Lets get something to eat guys! A big celebratory meal at some of the food places here!"

Tenko and Karin came walking over. The two talking about not being able to help fight the demonic statue but wanted to help a lot in the next battle. Especially Tenko since he was fully healed and back to normal.

"Can we join in?! We aren't Jōnin like you guys so..." Karin started as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Sure! The more the merrier!" Ino said and cut her off. "Heh, you're one of us now after all!"

"I am?" Karin asked as Ino wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah, of course! You fight alongside us and hang out with us," Ino said with a grin. "So come on, join in! That goes for you too Tenko!"

"Heh, great!" Tenko said with a happy grin.

Soon they were at the modest beef pot restaurant that the merchants had set up in the fortress. They talked throughout the night about the promotions and the battles they had fought and shared stories of their toughest missions before the War. Karin had began to open up and began to bond with Sakura and Ino, and Tenko got into a bit of a rivalry with Kiba after the Inuzuka bragged he was one of Naruto's rivals. The two got into a glaring contest and everyone started to laugh at it. Tenten used her chakra strings to snatch some beef from Neji's plate before he ever noticed and she got a teasing, cat like grin when he asked where his meal went. And Hinata just leaned back...and hoped she'd be able to share moments like these with Naruto soon.

Mountain's Graveyard

Tobi appeared out of a swirl of nothing as the Gedō Mazō burst into the open. He was expecting to find his main base of operations still standing...not in the state of utter ruin it was now. Even the crucial Hashirama flower which he used as a medium to grow new White Zetsu had been destroyed! He gave a loud roar of anger as a White Zetsu popped up.

"We...just finished our patrol looks like ROOT got in."

"Then I'll have Danzō's head on a platter!" Tobi started as he turned to see how beat up the Gedō Mazō was. "And apparently the Alliance's defenders were stronger than I thought they'd be. Damn it..."

"On the former point, Sasuke beat you to it...we've detected his chakra all around and there's black flames still smoldering," the White Zetsu reported. "We...even found the corpse of our original. What's left of it that is."

Tobi fought the urge to rub the bridge of his nose. "At least I managed to secure the Kohaku no Jōhei and the Benihisago. If we don't manage to capture Naruto we'll at least have the nine-tails chakra available to recreate the Jūbi..."

"On that front, Black Zetsu has sensed that Naruto and the Eight Tails are on the move, they entered his sensing sphere."

"Finally some good news..." Tobi grumbled as he walked...and found the Edo Tensei Jinchūriki were

waiting for him. "I suppose its time for me to craft my own...unique...Pein Rikudo..."

With that his Rinnegan began to slow...and he started to get to work...

To be continued...

Author's Notes:

Phew, this was a fun chapter. The battle against the Gedo Mazo was extremely fun to do, and almost everyone but Kiba, Tenten, and Lee ranked up. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter too, I had fun writing it! Especially enjoyed Hinata getting to meet Matatabi and eventually getting her power. Almost all the Rookies will gain access to Biju power too so Hinata isn't the only one! Next battle will be in Konoha!