Chapter 38

Ten-Tails Rampage, Allied Shinobi Counter Attack!

Mountain's Graveyard, Kabuto's Cave

Itachi panted, a bead of sweat dripped down his ashy forehead. In one hand he had two kunai drawn, and the other nearly a dozen shuriken. Kabuto was literally…toying with him, he knew it. He had set the perfect trap to make sure the reincarnated Uchiha ANBU was completely vulnerable. Not only that…with Sage Mode…and several other abilities he didn't expect, it was exceedingly difficult for Itachi to even damage him. Even if he had managed to land an attack, Kabuto would either turn into water to completely negate it-Itachi deduced that was the Hozuki Clan's hidden technique. Or he'd regenerate from the attack with ease, either using Orochimaru's Shirohebi no Chikara (Power of the White Snake) or…an even higher form of regeneration. Sage Mode itself also increased Kabuto's durability to an incredible amount.

I should have brought allies, Itachi thought and he cursed himself. I made the exact same mistake I did in life…trying to shoulder things on my own. And I may have cursed us all…

"Oh IIIIITTTACCCCHIIII…" Kabuto said mockingly. "This game of hide and seek is truly getting boring now…so I believe I'll just end it!"

In a second the mad necromancer stomped his foot to the ground before he launched himself like a bullet towards where Itachi was hiding. His hand was glowing greenish blue as he created a Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel) and then shaped it into a large Chakra sword. Itachi's Sharingan snapped as he felt the killing intent and he then barely dodged Kabuto's slash, a few strands of hair flew off his head as the necromancer grinned madly and his snake appendage unleashed several bites and snaps right at Itachi who barely dodged and ducked them before he tossed his shuriken and blew flames around them.

"Katon: Hōsenka Tsumabeni (Fire Release: Phoenix Flower Crimson Nail)!" Itachi uttered as the flaming shuriken were launched in a full barrage at the mad necromancer.

Kabuto smirked, and he then dodged each individual shuriken despite being point blank…and he then caught the last two on his fingers and tossed them right at Itachi! Itachi's eyes widened and he barely dodged the return volley before Kabuto slapped his hands together.

"Let's see you deal with the very earth around you as your enemy!" he uttered as he charged senjutsu chakra into the environment. "Senpō: Muki Tensei (Sage Art: Inorganic Reanimation)!"

Wait…is this a Doton?! No…it's something else! Itachi thought as the very cave itself launched itself to attack him!

Stalagmites and stalactites launched themselves at him, either becoming airborne spikes or stretching unnaturally at him. Walls of smashed down to box him in as he tried to retreat. Itachi jumped onto the tip of one of the spikes only for several others to snake towards him and he leaped and twisted to avoid them but then a boulder stretched and slammed into his stomach. He grunted as he crashed into the ground before several more spikes and stalagmites went to skewer him. Faced with no other open his Mangekyō Sharingan spun into life and he was forced to activate his Susano'o!

Reddish, golden chakra bursts around Itachi's body as a giant ribcage formed, followed by the skeletal form of his guardian deity. He dropped to one knee as he forced it to its highest level, and it gained the armor it needs to block the assault Kabuto had unleashed. A massive cloud of dust was kicked up from the impact of the animated spikes, stalagmites and stalactites that impacted against the Yata no Kagami (Yata Mirror), and they didn't even damage it. He slowly rose back to his feet, panting heavily from the chakra drain.

"Ahh…magnificent," Kabuto said as he saw Itachi's Susano'o fully when the dust cleared. "Orochimaru didn't know what he was facing when he saw this. But I've studied…I know its weaknesses. Even your fabled Mirror had a few which I'd love to exploit…"

"Then why are you stalling…?" Itachi uttered as he panted. "Why are you drawing this out…what are…?"

Suddenly they felt…and heard the ROAR that shook their very souls. To Itachi…he dropped to his knees in utter terror for the first time of his life but Kabuto…he merely grinned, not bothered at all by the sensation and the sheer power that radiated around them. Even Itachi's Susano'o flickered from it…before the roar passed them.

"What…what was…?"

"The Ten-Tails, Itachi," Kabuto stated bluntly. "The primordial power and fear that all humans have has just been reborn into this world…"

"Then…then why aren't you affected?!"

"Since it is…beautiful," Kabuto said as he spread his hands. "The power of the Ten-Tails…it's the true secret to ninjutsu that Orochimaru-sama and I've tried to find for years. But…I'm the closest to understand it. You want to know why…?"

Itachi snarled a bit as he managed to regain a bit of his composure and rose back to his feet. "I don't think I'd like the answer…"

"Shame, I'd thought you'd be interested in the…reincarnation of the Rikudō Sennin," Kabuto stated as he smirked. "My studies…the various genetic material I've absorbed…the ninjutsu and senjutsu I've mastered…I'm the closest to the great Sage himself!"

"You're delusional," Itachi countered as he breathed out. "And even if you weren't, it doesn't matter. I'm still going to beat you."

"Oh you are…?" Kabuto asked with a smirk. "Since I now…have the means to awaken the fabled Rinnegan within myself."

"WHAT?" Itachi demanded in shock as Kabuto did a seal…and a body appeared from his navel.

"Meet Sakon and Ukon…well the dummies I've made from their cells within my body. Their Kekkei Genkai is so unique…it allows them to split and recombine their bodies at will," Kabuto explained as he had the silver haired young man…change. "What happens when I add…Uchiha DNA to the mix?"

The man…began to resemble…Madara himself in a sickening display. Itachi could hear…each realignment of the abomination's bones and musculature which changed it from a teenager…to a full-grown man. And then…the Sharingan activated within the…creation.

"But I'm not done…you see, earlier? I've gotten the Hashirama genetic material I've needed via the White Zetsu that Tobi used to spy on me…now…" Kabuto continued as he forced Hashirama's DNA through the Madara clone's veins…and the effect was immediate.

The Madara Clone's Sharingan pulsed for several seconds and it shook its head madly before…purple began to spread through its irises…and the Rinnegan, the concentric circles appeared. Even mindless…the clone panted from the change and the mad necromancer smirked.

"And now…Senpō: Yuuki Yuukai (Sage Art: Organic Fusion)!" with that…Kabuto had the Madara clone merge with his own body! "All the people I've reincarnated through Edo Tensei are my power to use freely! As you can SEE!"

And there…standing in front of Itachi now…was Kabuto in his new form. The Rinnegan were behind his glasses…and he was still in Sage Mode and the reincarnated Uchiha could feel the atmosphere change around them. It was…it was like facing Pain once more for Itachi…the sheer power of those eyes…

"Now…" Kabuto said as he vanished before Itachi's eyes and suddenly the Susano'o shattered. Even Itachi's Yata Mirror cracked…and shattered like glass after he reappeared behind the Uchiha. "Do you understand where you sit on the food chain?"

I…I didn't…even see him move… Itachi thought…as ash and paper wafted from his body. He looked down…to see that he had been cut completely in half. I…I lost…

"I could just restore you here and now…I even prepared a Fuda tag with your name on it," Kabuto said as he lifted his hand up. "But your intelligence means I'd have to go through with this again. I can't let that happen. Not when I'm so close…"

Itachi felt the pulse of power…as the combined ANBU forces from the Allied Shinobi Forces managed to break through Kabuto's barrier…but it was too late.

"Now…how did Nagato say it…?" Kabuto said as he licked his lips. "Shinra Tensei."

A massively powerful, Senjutsu empowered Shinra Tensei impacted Itachi…and every ANBU which were arriving to back him up. Kabuto' entire cave was blown apart. Ash and paper from Itachi's reincarnated body were blown into the winds as a crater nearly 15 kilometers long was gouged out from his hideout and he stepped into the moonlight. He then turned to the cloaked figure that was still behind him.

"Well…Tendō-sama, how was that for a performance?" Kabuto asked with an eager smirk.

"VERY impressive, young man," the cloaked figure said as he stepped forward…and his spikey red hair could be seen…which gave away his Uzumaki heritage. His eyes were an icy blue and he had a few wrinkles on his face. "You are definitely worth recruiting into my organization…"

"Tasogare, wasn't it?"

"Indeed," Tendō said with a smirk as he looked up at the moon. "With the Ten-Tails revived, this world is going to change whether it likes it or not. And with your expertise Kabuto…you'll make my plans come to fruition."

Kabuto smirked, and he did a seal. "I'll resummons them all later…I've let Madara be free for now. Even he doesn't realize how far I've grown since I spoke to him earlier."

"Let's keep it that way," Tendō said simply as he smirked. "Though in the future, I will get to meet my brethren…"

With that, the two vanished in a burst of smoke. What was left of Itachi was wafting in the wind…he was trying to WILL his body to reform, so he could at least pass a message…but he realized the only way for him to do so…was to break the jutsu's hold on himself. With that…Itachi resolved to break Edo Tensei's hold on himself so he could transfer his will to Naruto…and hopefully Sasuke.

Land of Lightning, Final Battlefield

After the Bijudama beam and the roar that pierced everyone's souls, the Ten-Tails crouched low as it snarled angrily. Madara and Tobimaru acted quickly and scaled its tremendous body before it could swat them off like flies. When they managed to reach the head the two did a seal and a wooden tendril burst from the base of their necks and it slammed into primordial Biju's head.

"We need to act quickly to control this thing, or else it'll destroy the very moon I need to control the world with," Madara said simply and he kept his tiger seal active.

"Yeah, yeah," Tobimaru said with a grumble and he then smirked. "Though it'll be fun turning it lose on these maggots."

"True, but we should preserve as much as the Ten-Tails power as possible."

"Oh you're overreacting," Tobimaru said with a vicious smirk. "The Ten-Tails power is limitless, you don't have to worry about it losing power for your genjutsu."

Madara's eyebrow raised. "…be that as it may, my goal is clearly at hand. I just wish I was able to battle Naruto and Hashirama once more."

"Isn't that genjutsu your concocting going to give you that chance for all eternity?" Tobimaru retorted with a bit of a mocking tone. "Still to even cast it, we do have to destroy the opposition."

"…very well…" Madara said as he crossed his arms. "Though let's not drag it out, that would be cruel."

"Oh just let me have a bit of fun," Tobimaru said darkly as a shadow descended over his face and made his Sharingan and Rinnegan the only things that were visible.

On the other side of the battlefield, the Konoha 12 and Killer Bee had recovered from the roar and were planning their next move. Sakura had managed to rejoin her comrades since she had used a reverse summoning to send the Jinchūriki to the medical camps outside the battlefield, so they could recover. She jumped next to Sasuke who prepared to activate his Perfect Susano'o.

"How's your chakra consumption?" Sakura asked him and Sasuke glanced back.

"I'm pretty much at full power, I think Kiba might need some first aid but Ino has treated him," Sasuke nodded and she nodded.

"Alright then," she cracked her neck and her hands glowed green as she activated her Byakugō no Jutsu and placed her hands on Sasuke's back. "Use that jutsu so we can hit that thing with all our power."

"…I like the way you think," Sasuke said and the pink-haired kunoichi fought back a flush.

"Save it for after the world ending monster has been defeated," Sakura snapped at him as she growled. He still has a long way to go, at least he hasn't called me 'annoying'…that's a plus.

The last Uchiha then activated his Perfect Susano'o, the tremendous chakra construct stood 1700 meters tall above the battlefield and was the same height as Naruto's Biju Mode once more. Sakura's Byakugō no Jutsu combined with it and black lines descended from its face, arms and legs to provide it a power increase of one hundred and grant it regeneration so the Uchiha wouldn't have to constantly reform it after it sustained damage.

With the rest of the group, Kurama looked down at the Konoha 12. "What are you guys waiting for, get into my body! With Hinata's Hoderi protecting ya, if you're injured or exhausted my chakra will replenish ya!"

Shikamaru blinked. "Wait you want us…"

"Don't argue! Just hop into my mouth NOW!"

The group gulped but did as Kurama commanded and hopped into the sea of chakra of his avatar Biju form. They floated inside as Kurama's eyes darted to Ino and focused on her.

"Yamanaka girl, are you capable of patching me into HQ? I have an idea on how to defeat the Ten-Tails, or at least to start it!"

"Wait…you do?! And yes, I can!" Ino said with a nod…before she looked at the fox. "My name is Ino by the way!"

"Not important now, we just have a few minutes!"

Alliance Headquarters, Kumogakure

Shikaku punched the wall in frustration and disgust. The Sensor Team had just picked up what had happened with Itachi's battle with Kabuto…as well as the near complete annihilation of the Alliance's combined ANBU forces that were on the field. The Snake Sannin's successor had managed to pull the wool over their eyes once more and from what Aō had picked up, had gotten even stronger than they had anticipated. Plus…one chakra signature when the barrier had been blown away…

"Inoichi, are you sure its Uzumaki in origin?"

"Yes," Inoichi said as he sat in the communication's device. "Uzumaki chakra has a very distinctive feel to it…."

"Agreed," Aō said as he sat around the sensor ball. "But we have a much more pressing concern now…the sensing sphere is barely keeping its SHAPE now that the Ten-Tails has been revived."

In the center of Headquarters, the sensor sphere was rippling as a GIGANTIC 'mountain' of chakra concentrated on it. In comparison, Naruto's own 'chakra mountain' would have looked like a hill on it despite it previously dwarfing all known signatures in sheer quantity on the field.

"…all Divisions are heading in to back Naruto's team up," Inoichi said with a frown. "They just need to hold out…"

"DAD! Uh…the f…I mean Kurama has a plan to defeat the Ten-Tails!" Ino's voice echoed through her father's head. "Patch us through to Shikaku! Got Shikamaru also connected to iron things out too!"

"Shikaku! Looks like Kurama has an idea he wants to iron out!" Inoichi said as the Nara Clan Leader came over to them.

"Kurama does huh? Well then let's hear it," Shikaku said as he put his hand on Inoichi's head to establish the psychic connection.

"Great, you can hear me. Look even with the entire Shinobi army coming to help against the Ten-Tails-I could sense their approach from hundreds of kilometers away, it won't be enough. They lack the firepower to do lasting damage and are fodder otherwise." Kurama explained as Shikaku and Inoichi directly got images of the primordial Biju's power from the Kyūbi. "Which is why my chakra will have to be transferred to them. If nothing else, it'll increase their survival rate."

"Wait, transfer your chakra? You can do it that easily?" Shikaku asked and Kurama smirked in his mind.

"Being a Biju, I don't have as many limits to transferring chakra as you humans do. Once I show Naruto how to do it, he'll also be able to improve it-I think that's the jutsu his late teacher tried to get him to learn," Kurama explained.

"It's a excellent idea in theory, but in the heat of battle like this, can it be pulled off? And how much chakra do you have now?" Shikamaru interjected into the conversation.

"Truthfully, I'll need to recharge my chakra to do such a feat. It won't take too long given my connection with Naruto is very strong," Kurama replied. "We just need to hold out against the Ten-Tails…"

"…I can buy you that time then," Shikaku said as he put his hand to his chin. "But all five divisions need to be on the field to pull it off."

"Good, then we'll buy time for that!' Kurama said with a nod. "Alright Ino lets sign out and focus on the task at hand!"

Shikaku breathed in. "We're only going to have one shot at this, we better make it count!"

With that the entire Headquarters was getting ready for Shikaku's orders. Inoichi and the communications team were transmitting data to every division while Aō and the sensor team monitored the situation. Like the Nara Clan leader said, they were going to have one shot at buying time for Kurama to do the chakra transfer when the Divisions arrived.

Land of Lightning, Final Battlefield

There was a slight lull in the battle when Madara and Tobimaru established their link to the Ten-Tails and made sure it was under their control. When it was, the younger evil Uchiha then lifted his hand…and the primordial Biju lifted its gigantic, kilometers long tail up and then swung it. The effect was immediate as a massive amount of earth and rock were carved out and even several mountains were just blown away like they were ant hills. Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke, Sakura, and the rest of the Konoha 12 hunkered in Kurama's Avatar and Perfect Susano'o as Killer Bee lifted his own tails in his Biju Mode form to shield him from the effect.

"Its coming, get ready!" Naruto warned as his chakra and danger sense flared, him still being in his new Biju Sage Mode.

"I see it! Its fast!" Hinata added as suddenly through the massive dust screen a giant hand crashed through.

Sasuke was the first hit and crashed backwards within his Perfect Susano'o. Dark blue chakra was torn off, but he was still able to maintain it. He stabbed the ground with his sword to soften the blow just as Naruto and Killer Bee were hit at the same time and were knocked in alternate directions. The entire exchange happened in just a split second.

How is something THAT big so fast?! Naruto thought as he slammed Kurama's foot into the ground to change direction. "Alright Bee!"

"RIGHT!" Bee yelled as he rolled on the ground before getting back to a sitting position.

Black and white chakra surged at their Biju Mode's mouths as they created a Bijudama. Naruto added Senjutsu and Fūton to it to make the blasts stronger and both he and Bee were then ready.

"Renzoku Bijudama (Tailed Beast Ball Barrage)!" Killer Bee called out as he fired full power Bijudama right at the Ten-Tails

"Senpō Fūton: Bijudama Rasenshuriken Rendan (Sage Technique Wind Release: Tailed Beast Ball Rasenshuriken Barrage)!" Naruto called out as he fired several Senjutsu enhanced Bijudama Rasenshuriken right at the primordial Biju.

Sasuke, having now recovered had taken to the sky in his Perfect Susano'o. Immediately he attached both sides of his blades together and created the bow that he had used against Naruto before. He then drew a giant arrow…and created a Kirin through it due to all the static electricity created from the Ten-Tails' initial tail swipe, and then he used Kagutsuchi to add Amaterasu into the 'tip' of the arrow bolt.

We're gonna have only one shot at this, come on Naruto pull off a good distraction!

"We don't even need to dodge," Madara commented as the Ten-Tails charged up another Bijudama. "But we should use this power…"

"As much as we can!" Tobimaru insisted with a smirk.

There was a low 'bwoom' when the Ten-Tails fired its Bijudama beam right at Naruto's Bijudama Rasenshuriken. One seemingly misaimed and didn't even need to be blocked as it spun into the distance, the other blasts were blocked by the beam. Then the primordial Biju spun to send its beam right at Bee's blasts to bore through them like nothing before focusing right on Gyūki's Jinchūriki itself.

Naruto wasn't going to let that happen as he jumped in front of Bee and Hinata closed her eyes and then grabbed his hand. The two then linked their chakra as the Hoderi pulsed around Kurama's Biju Mode avatar and Kurama started to spin at high speeds and a orange-red aura burst around him.

"Biju Kaiten (Tailed Beast Rotation)!" Naruto, Hinata, Matatabi and Kurama yelled at the same time as they spun at high speed.

Then a gigantic dome of orange-red and Hinata's blue chakra, with blue flames at the edges bursts around them and protected Killer Bee from the blast. It was gigantic, nearly three and a half kilometers wide and bore a perfectly circular crater into the ground. The Ten-Tails blast then slammed right into the high spinning, Kurama and Matatabi enhanced Kaiten managed to stop it despite the beams insane power…and deflect it harmlessly into the sky. Madara looked extremely intrigued at the combination.

"Impressive…most impressive. Combining the Hyūga's ultimate defense with the immense power and chakra of the Kyūbi to create an even greater technique," Madara said as his Rinnegan analyzed the jutsu. "And…hm…is that the Nibi's chakra mixed in…?"

Naruto and Hinata panted a bit after deflecting the Ten-Tails Bijudama. "Hey…Kurama how are you holding up?" Naruto asked his partner.

"Phew…that did take a lot out of me, but I think I'm stable to stay outside you now. How about you Hinata?"

"I'm fine…I think Matatabi-chan pushed us over the edge when we deflected the attack," Hinata said between pants. "We can't do that regularly…at least not at the chakra levels we have now after…fighting all this time."

"Right…" Naruto said as he breathed in and out and a bead of sweat appeared on his forehead. Fighting on all these fronts on top of battling Nagato, then Sasuke, and now the Biju, Tobi, and now Madara and the Ten-Tails is wearing me out now…

"As impressive as that was," Tobimaru said with a smirk. "Looks like you're running on fumes now…time to finish you off!"

With that the Ten-Tails began to open its mouth again and black and white chakra swirled, almost looking like a dragon preparing a blast of flame. But…before it could finish creating the Bijudama…the Bijudama Rasenshuriken that Naruto had launched at the start of his barrage suddenly screamed in from the beast's blind spot!

"Gotcha!" Naruto said with a laugh and he punched the air. "A ninja should always look underneath the underneath!"

It then slammed with its full force and power right into the Ten-Tails jaw with enough force to prematurely launch its own Bijudama harmlessly into the sea as a projectile instead of a beam! And when it exploded a half a dozen sharp teeth, the size of five story buildings were blown out of the primordial Biju's jaw. Madara and Tobimaru were knocked off their feet and Tobimaru's control over the beast was even temporarily severed.

"Damn it…what the hell happened?!" Tobimaru demanded angrily.

"It appears…Naruto managed to get the better of…" Madara started as the Ten-Tails angrily opened its eye…

"NOW!" Sasuke uttered as he fired the Amaterasu Kirin arrow. "Kagutsuchi: Kirin no Ya (Kagutsuchi: Kirin's Arrow)!"

At the speed of a lightning bolt the Kirin Arrow slammed right into the Ten-Tails eye in nearly slow motion. The primordial Biju could only look up and not react as its eye was engulfed in a bright flash of light and there was a large explosion that followed which made it crash to the ground…and then black flames engulfed it. It then began to roar in pain and anger as its entire body was paralyzed by the power of the Kirin bolt!

Madara gritted his teeth. "…and Sasuke was waiting in the wings…I can't believe we discounted him…"

"That brat!" Tobimaru roared as the black flames ate into the Ten-Tails eye and it thrashed around in pain. Immediately the evil Uchiha re-established control. "All they've done is made the Ten-Tails mad…"

"Tobimaru, calm down now!" Madara ordered firmly and then glanced at the damage. The Ten-Tails should be immune to all damage even within this form…the flames and lightning are nothing more than an irritant at best…but the blow Naruto struck…

The giant primordial Biju gave a snarl as it tried to regenerate from Naruto's attack, but it was struggling with whatever was mixed into the jutsu. Its body was still mostly paralyzed by Sasuke Kirin Arrow, but the Amaterasu flames were now being…for lack of a better word, consumed by the Ten-Tails. However due to the damage the young Hokage had inflicted with his Senpō Fūton: Bijudama Rasenshuriken, it was a slower process than normal.

"We still have an uphill battle," Naruto said as he looked up. "Great shot Sasuke! We have to regroup though!"

Sasuke nodded and he and Sakura flew down. "Then what's the next move?" Sakura asked her teammate.

Naruto paused for a few moments and he grinned. "Time for the Allied Shinobi Forces Jutsu."

"What?" Sakura asked as suddenly…

Tens of thousands of blurs appeared on the battlefield followed by a gigantic smokescreen of mist to cover their advance. Kurama told Naruto that they need to conserve chakra now so he, Hinata, and the rest of the Konoha 11 landed on their feet after they untransformed. Naruto's Sage Kurama Mode flickered around him as his cape flapped in the wind and he smirked.

"Great, everyone came!" Naruto said with a smirk.

"First Division reporting, sorry we're so dull in our arrival," Darui said as he landed with Samui, Atsui, and even Tenko and Karin. Don't worry boss, we'll finish the job you started against Madara! I'm not dull enough to make my first step at Raikage a washout!

"Naruto!" Tenko said as he rushed over. "Got something for you man!"


Tenko then tapped his friend's shoulder and Kurama realized what was happening. Jiraiya's son then released the seal that bound the Nine-Tails wayward chakra to him, and he transferred it right into Naruto's body! Kurama was washed with the red chakra that had originally belonged to him and he grew from the power boost, making Naruto's Kurama Sage Mode even stronger. Tenko dropped to his knees, panting in slight exhaustion.

"Was hoping to…transfer it to your Kage Bunshin earlier, but never got the chance," Tenko said as he smirked. "Better late than ever, huh?"

"Thanks Tenko, that really helps!" Naruto said with a laugh and Karin then looked up.

"Wait…is that…Sasuke?!" Karin asked in shock. And his chakra…it feels…so different. Less cold and dark…its like a bright light has started to warm him from the inside!

"Second Division reporting in, we're ready to drop a mountain on this monster!" Kitsuchi said and Kurotsuchi punched the air.

"And get back at Madara for killing my grandfather!" Kurotsuchi added as her eyes seemed to ignite. Just you watch Grandpa, I'm going to kick Madara's ass and show why I'm worthy of Tsuchikage!

"Third Division reporting in," Kakashi said as he landed. "Looking good Naruto, Sakura, you've done really well to hold out this long." He then looked at Sasuke who floated within his Perfect Susano'o. "…and Sasuke, you've lost much of that darkness that clung to you since the last time we met. Good to have my team back together in these circumstances."

"Thanks Kakashi-sensei!"

"LEE! Your youth is exploding immensely!" Guy asked, and Rock Lee punched the air.

"YOSH! Yes sensei, and I scored a victory against Madara's clones!"

"Excellent Lee! Now we gotta finish this battle, if we can't we'll do 10,000 squats!"

"If we can't do that, we'll do 20,000 laps around the entire continent on our hands!"

"Uhhh…can we save such declarations until AFTER the battle, sensei, Lee?" Tenten asked with a bit of a sweat drop appeared on her head.

"Fourth Division reporting in," Temari said as she landed with the Fourth Division, after Gaara and Shikamaru, she was next in command of the entire division. And she was already in Sage Mode. "…man just being close to that thing is nearly overwhelming…"

"Then we'll cut right through it, the Fifth Division has arrived!" Mifune said as he landed with his Samurai and Ninja within his division.

Suddenly a flurry of paper appeared as troops from the minor villages arrived. At the front of them was Konan herself, her wings of paper behind her. She was wearing a modified version of the Akatsuki Cloak, instead of all black with red clouds, it was now…a white background with a sun symbol in the back showing the change of her allegiance and nature.

"Sixth Division Relief Division has arrived for its first action in the War," Konan said as she looked down at Naruto. "Sorry for the long wait, kohai, I had to rally the other minor villages into full war footing to support the Alliance. 12,000 fresh ninja troops are at your command to save the world."

"Thanks Konan-senpai!" Naruto said with a grin. "Glad to have the help!"

Madara from his vantage point on top of the Ten-Tails looked down as he crossed his arms. An army of shinobi this vast and varied, from all over the continent was unprecedented. Minor, Major villages, he could even and feel clans that weren't part of the villages part of the Allied Shinobi Forces. But one thing…made his eyes narrow.

"…Tobimaru, that young Uchiha, Sasuke was it, was rather…angry," his eyes slowly looked at his partner. "…and I can't feel the Uchiha Clan at all in this vast army. Uchiha had participated in every single World War, why not this one?"

Tobimaru growled. "That isn't important…"

"Yes, it is," Madara said sharply as his Rinnegan narrowed and he unleashed a burst of chakra. "Never forget Tobimaru, I'm the stronger of the two of us. Even on my deathbed, you only killed me because I let you for the sake of my plan. The Uchiha were supposed to the primary beneficiaries of the Mugen Tsukuyomi, they would inherit a new world while everyone else was put under the peaceful slumber of my Genjutsu." The reincarnated Uchiha grit his teeth. "Now, what. Did. You. Do?"

"What? Why accuse me?" Tobimaru snarled back. "You know how Konoha treated the Uchiha, they're probably still being forced to guard the village since they fear…"

Madara's eyes narrowed but he then turned his attention to the Allied Shinobi Forces. "…we will finish the final battle."

Shikamaru had noticed the exchange and he glanced at Naruto. "Looks like those two aren't as solid allies as we expected."

"Makes sense…something tells me that Tobi kept a LOT from Madara," Naruto said as he put his hand to his chin. "We can use that, but we have to deal with the Ten-Tails first."

"Leave that to me!" Shikaku said through the army's minds. "Alright, Kirigakure, Amegakure, Takigakure Shinobi, Aburame Clan and other insect users, first up! Blind the enemy's dōjutsu with the Kirigakure no Jutsu and Mushi Jamingu no Jutsu (Insect Jamming Technique)!"

With that thousands of Kirigakure, Amegakure, and Takigakure shinobi simultaneously did several seals and their cheeks flushed before they, at the same moment blew out a thick, dense fog from their mouths that was amplified by all the users combining the technique. Shino, as well as the other members of the Aburame Clan lifted their arms up and swarms of insects went into the dense fog and began to emit chakra to confuse Madara's sensory abilities. Other insect using clans sent up swarms of bees, wasps, flies, dragonflies, moths, and even butterflies to replicate the effects.

"Sunagakure shinobi, Naruto! Use a Fūton to blow the insect filled mist right into the enemy's face!"

"On it!" Naruto said as he charged Fūton chakra through his hands and did a few seals. "Senpō: Fūton Sunabokori (Sage Art: Wind Release Dust Cloud)!"

Temari smirked and she entered Sage Mode, the marks appeared on her face and around her eyes. "Senpō: Fūton Ōkamaitachi no Jutsu (Sage Art: Wind Release Great Sickle Weasel Technique)!"

With that the massive blast of wind from Naruto and Temari combined with the thousands of Sunagakure Shinobi's, and it blew the mass of fog and insects right into Madara, Tobimaru, and the Ten-Tails' face. The effect was immediate as all the Rinnegan and Sharingan wielders could see was just a mass of thick chakra with insects within it, nearly blinding them from the sheer amount.

"Damn it, they've cut off our field of vision," Madara said as his eyes darted around.

"We'll just blast it away with one of the Ten-Tails' tail swipes!" Tobimaru started as the next set of shinobi were all set up to go.

"Kumogakure Shinobi, you're up! Make the Ten-Tails close its eye!"

"On it!" C said as he did several seals alongside his countrymen. "Raiton: Raigen Raikōchū (Lightning Release: Lightning Illusion Flash Pillar)!"

"We're on it too, even though it's a little dull," Darui said as he did a seal as his hands were engulfed in a bright halo. "Ranton: Reizā Sākasu (Storm Release: Laser Circus)!"

With that, alongside the rest of his clan, the new Raikage shot hundreds upon hundreds of 'laser' blasts from their palms right at the primordial Biju. Madara grunted as he was forced to close his eyes, but he lifted his hand up to use Gakidō to absorb several of the blasts, but the Ten-Tails closed its eyes to shield itself from the bright light. Tobimaru grunted as he covered his eyes as well, focusing on sensing to avoid the blasts since if he used Kamui he'd lose his link with the Biju.

"Next step now, Iwagakure Ninja, sink the beast!"

"RIGHT!" Kurotsuchi, the new Tsuchikage exclaimed as she, with her father and nearly three thousand Iwagakure shinobi all simultaneously did several seals. "Doton: Daichidōkaku (Earth Release: Great Moving Core)!"

A massive amount of earth was suddenly carved out, around, and under the Ten-Tails and made it sink nearly six kilometers into the ground. It grunted and its massive hands tried to stop its ascent before it was looking up, snarling in rage as his body began to…subtly mutate. However the ninjas were already at the next step of their plan.

"Now any Yōton capable shinobi, you're up!"

Kurotsuchi as well as hundreds of shinobi with the Yōton Kekkei Genkai got to the edge and did several seals. "Yōton: Sekkaigyō no Jutsu (Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique)!"

With that they spat out superheated concrete from their mouths right into the hole where the Ten-Tails was. Its roared angrily as the hot concrete poured down onto it and whatever missed it was absorbed by Madara's Gakidō. The reincarnated Uchiha was going over the strategy and his Rinnegan eyes widened.

Whoever has made this strategy…its brilliant…the concrete is building around the Ten-Tails arms…if its heated…

"Kirigakure, Takigakure, Amegakure shinobi, stir the quicklime with a Suiton!"

All over the edge of the artificial canyon that had been created the Kirigakure, Takigakure, and Amegakure Ninja all did several seals simultaneously. All at once, they called out Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Bullet Technique) to stir and increase the volume of the quicklime concrete. It was filled up to the point of the Ten-Tails' wrists and several of its tails were covered!

"Now Konoha's turn, Sarutobi Clan…and Sasuke! Time for a searing hot Katon to harden the concrete solid!"

"On it!" the members of the Sarutobi Clan gathered at the edge of the canyon and did several seals. "Katon: Gōen no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Flame Technique)!"

Hundreds of streams of searing hot flames were shot down right into the canyon as Sasuke did his own seals. He had thought of using Amaterasu, but it would intentionally cause more harm than good. Instead he went for one of Madara's flame techniques that he had copied during their brief clash.

"Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku (Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation)!" Sasuke called out as he blew a massive wall of flame down into the canyon.

It merged with the other Katons that had been shot down and a virtual firestorm engulfed the entirety of the Ten-Tails and rapidly cooked the concrete as if it were in a pottery oven. Madara merely…absorbed what flames he could but Tobimaru was forced to hold his breath. All the oxygen at the bottom of the makeshift canyon had been consumed by the firestorm and the shadow leader of Akatsuki started to gag…when the air from the surface was literally sucked down to fill the void like a vacuum from the backdraft. Tobimaru and even the Ten-Tails were sent crashing-the evil Uchiha into the Ten-Tails' head while the primordial Biju crashed onto the harder than rock concrete with enough force to send some of its 'fur' flying off.

"Now, while its stunned, sever the connection that Madara and Tobi have with the Ten-Tails! Then we'll focus on more attempts to seal the beast!"

Naruto stood next to his friends, his allies, and the entire army of ninja the world had assembled to save itself. In Kurama Sage Mode, he created a Rasenshuriken in his hand as he stood by Hinata who had created her Rasenyari in one hand, a Rasengan in another. Kakashi and Sasuke both created the Raikiri and Chidori respectively and Sakura summoned the Kiba Blades she had taken from Ameyuri Ringo. Sai was in the process of drawing an army of ink creatures to attack while he stood next to Ino who had taken out a kunai. Shikamaru had his trench knives out and charged chakra through them to create blades and Chōji immediately grew and used his Tetsu Buddha technique. Rock Lee activated Kyōmon at the same time as Might Guy, while Neji activated Tomon while his Byakugan activated, and Tenten charged her armor up. Shino had his army of Kikai flood out of his wrists as Kiba prepared to use his Senpū Rōga. Tenko had entered Sage Mode and had his own Rasengan in hand as he stood next to Karin, who breathed in…and did a seal as Adamantine Chains shot out of her back and Kushina's head snapped over.

"You're a Uzumaki too?!" Kushina asked in surprise as her own chains whipped at her back.

"Yes…but I've never been…" Karin shook her head. "We should talk later after we defeat this thing!" she glanced at Sasuke. Still haven't had time to process his change moreover world ending stuff!

"ATTACK!" Naruto called out as all at once, the army leaped down to attack Madara and Tobimaru directly while the Ten-Tails was stunned and restrained.

Madara looked up as the army flooded down, tens of thousands of jutsu and weapons were arrayed as Tobimaru recovered. He glanced up with utter hatred and he specifically spotted Konan flying down, her paper wings preparing hundreds of explosive paper shuriken. The reincarnated Uchiha sighed.

"It's a good plan, I'll give them that. Whoever could come up with a strategy which used the strengths from ninja from all over the continent like this is an enemy worthy of my time," Madara commented. "However…all they did was delay the inevitable. The Ten-Tails…it just finished its maturation."

Immediately Kurama felt the massive surge of…negative chakra from the Ten-Tails as midnight black power bursts around it. "NARUTO! FALL BACK! ITS JUST POWERING UP!"

Hinata's Keihatsu Byakugan noticed the change too and she then grabbed Naruto and her Hoderi formed around him protectively! Sasuke then formed his Susano'o…which shielded all their classmates, Team Guy, Karin, Tenko, and Kushina just as the transformation exploded out. The Allied Shinobi Forces were forced out of the makeshift canyon and they crashed into the scorched earth.

Naruto groaned as he sat up and grasped his shoulder, despite Hinata shielding him his arm had been dislocated and he was even back in his base form. He then looked around desperately to see the Hyūga Leader on her back, groaning…her henge had been blown off leaving her chest bared again. The young Hokage rushed over to help her up as he heard groans all around them.

"Hinata-chan!" Naruto started and he looked around. "Guys?! Everyone alright?!"

"Still alive…thanks…" Shikamaru said as he got up. "Thanks to Sasuke…"

"Yeah…he protected all of us," Ino said as she slowly stood up too and noticed Hinata's…state. If it were anywhere else, she'd be freaking out, but the enemy was still ahead of them. "Is Hinata alright?"

Hinata's eyes flickered open as she looked up at Naruto. "…you're…okay…thank goodness…"

"Hinata-chan!" Naruto yelled as he rushed over and helped her up, pushing her naked, huge breasts against his chest as he cupped her cheeks. "I was worried…"

"I'm…I'm fine…I'm just glad you're safe Naruto-kun…"

With that Naruto leaned in and kissed Hinata tenderly, just overjoyed she was alive, and she wrapped her arms around him. When they broke the kiss, the two stood up together and looked at all their friends. They also turned to where the giant canyon that was created to hamper the Ten-Tails movement was.

Sasuke steadied Sakura as he helped her up. "Nearly didn't react in time…you alright Sakura?"

"Yes…I'm fine," Sakura said as she breathed in and grabbed her Kiba Blades. "Least I didn't lose these…"

"…you'll get your chance to use them. Never thought you'd be one to use swords," Sasuke commented and the pink haired medic turned bright red.

"I'm more than just punching things Sasuke!"

"I know," Sasuke said simply. "That's why you're Team Seven's Sakura."

Before Sakura could react to that…the ground suddenly shook as all eyes turned to the makeshift canyon. Ten tails suddenly shot out…each with what looked to be a hand on the end of each. Suddenly a large, clawed hand grasped the edge of the canyon and a low, animalistic growl could be heard…and the changes to the Ten-Tails itself came fully into view.

Its face…was now shaped like a fox or wolf…but it still had its crazy jaw with hundreds if not thousands of skyscraper sized teeth. Its nose…was pointed much like a shark and it snarled more as negative chakra fluttered out. Under its main eye…two smaller ones had grown out, looking much like a Byakugan…with a pupil that resembled Kurama's own. There were four spikes that grew out of the top of its head around its long ears that resembled a crown. Its body was emaciated the same way the Fox's was after his battle with Naruto, and it was covered in a thick, almost armored like coat of white fur and the bulb on its back had receded to a single sharp point in the center of its spine. Finally it had grown out a pair of hind legs which allowed it to climb out of the canyon easily.

Madara stabilized himself as he felt the still growing power of the now mature Ten-Tails. "Incredible…we need to establish a greater amount of control now…"

"Blood…I need…BLOOD!" suddenly came from the Ten-Tails mouth. "I need hate…I need agony…I need misery I need it ALL!"

"And you'll get it, now shut up," Tobimaru commanded as another root shot from his body to establish a stronger control.

Madara looked a little puzzled but he mirrored his partner's action. …the Ten-Tails is supposedly mindless…how did it…

In Naruto's mind…Kurama gave a shiver at the sound. "That's…bad…"

It fully regained its mind already?! How long before it reaches full power?! Gyūki asked through the Tailed Beast Telepathy.

Its because it assimilated those Edo Tensei Kinkaku Brothers, the stolen chakra from you Kurama is constantly replenished…on top of them being direct descendants of the Old Man's clan which decided to stay on Earth, Matatabi added as a bead of sweat appeared at the back of her head. The Uchiha probably don't even have an hour before its out of their control, Mokuton will only work for so long on it!

"I know…I know…" Kurama said as he calmed down and forced himself to sit in meditation position again. "I'm going to finish charging more chakra, then I'll have Naruto transfer it to the Alliance. Stay ready, got it?"

The other two Biju gave a nod as in the physical world Naruto and Hinata grasped each other's hands, breathing out as they looked at the gigantic new form of the Ten-Tails. No matter what…it just looked…wrong to their eyes, and even those without Naruto's negative emotion sensing could feel the utter malice…the evil from it. And…despite that, they were, as well as the rest of the Alliance, going to face it head on to save the world. The Hokage grabbed his hat once more…and put it back onto his head. With that the next phase of the final battle was going to begin…

Location Unknown

Hundreds of kilometers away, several Oto ninja were converging on a single point led by a man with a decorative Hanya Mask. When they arrived, they knelt and bowed low to the cloaked figure with a nod.

"We have brought the materials, sir!"

"Excellent…" the figure said as the ninja unwrapped a scroll…and in a puff of smoke five restrained White Zetsu appeared. "It was tricky luring them away from the main force before the new Hokage's Bunshin wiped them out single handily…"

"Naruto-kun's power has grown so much in my absence, but I'll have to deal with him later," the masked figure said as one of the Oto ninja straightened up the fifth Zetsu. "Excellent…now let's begin!"

He unsheathed a wakizashi from his belt and then from behind him…the God of the Dead…the Shinigami appeared behind him and copied his actions. The masked figure then stabbed himself…and the Shinigami copied him and did the same. Blood squirted and dribbled out of the masked figure's stomach as he committed seppuku and from the Shinigami's stomach…four orbs shot out and the figure's hands then glowed. He then tossed off his mask to reveal his face as Orochimaru and he smirked.

"MY ARMS…ARE BACK!" he uttered as he then slammed his palms to the ground and the…Edo Tensei seals appeared under the White Zetsu and the souls. "Open the last Zetsu's mouth!"

"Yes Orochimaru-sama!" the Oto Ninja said and Orochimaru then shot his true body out of his vessel…and went right into the Zetsu's mouth to take him over.

"Kukukukuku…well sensei…I finally found away around your jutsu," Orochimaru uttered as he stood up…and ash and paper wafted around the four orbs and the sacrifices.

Senju Hashirama…Senju Tobirama…Sarutobi Hiruzen…and Namikaze Minato were then standing in front of Orochimaru and his men. The first four Hokage's eyes appeared in the black abyss as they realized…they were in the land of the living once more. The youngest of the four, the Yellow Flash looked around in confusion and the oldest physically, the Professor looked around in shock. While the Senju Brothers…they could feel the familiar chakra from the distance…and all four Hokage dropped to their knees when they felt the power…of the Ten-Tails.

"Brother…what the hell is that?!" Tobirama demanded as he slowly regained his footing. "And…we've been brought back by my own technique…once more…"

"Only…only Orochimaru…" Hiruzen snarled as he looked at his old student who had stood back up and cracked his neck. "How…I took your ability to do ninjutsu away!"

"Kushina-chan's clan had a way to break the technique," Orochimaru said with a smirk. "After all, they were the ones who developed the Shiki Fūjin (Dead Demon Consuming Seal) in the first place…"

The Professor noticed Orochimaru's eyes…and saw the Byakugan. "You've…stolen yet another body…"

"Yes, it was quite necessary at the time," Orochimaru said and Hashirama laughed a bit.

"You're quite the shinobi then, Orochimaru, if you could break that technique," Hashirama said and he squeezed his hands after a full moment. "…my powers fully restored to that in life…"

"Same as mine," Tobirama lifted his hand up and he realized he didn't have the Fuda seals like the first time. "What's your game, Orochimaru? Why have you summoned us?"

Minato looked around left and right. Where is Kushina…shouldn't she have been…

"Your wife and son are alive and well, Minato," Orochimaru said with a smirk. "Apparently the man who arranged your deaths brought her back to life using one of his pawns…after all the Rinnegan was in play then."

"The Rinnegan?! What?" Minato demanded and his eyes widened. "Kushina is alive?! And Naruto?!"

"He is now Hokage, the Rokudaime to be exact," Orochimaru said as he leaned back against the wall. "You can thank me later."

"That depends on why you brought us back," Hiruzen said as they felt the immense amount of power.

"I believe it is quite clear why I brought you back," Orochimaru said as he crossed his fingers and did a seal…and Hiruzen's body sizzled. His hair turned from white to brown and he lost his wrinkles. "The world is ending, and I need the best fighters possible to stop it."

The Professor's eyes widened, and he looked at his hands. "You…you restored my youth?"

"My wayward protégé and I had developed the means of improving the summoned Edo Tensei. Reversing someone's aging is quite simple when you know what to do," Orochimaru said as he leaned forward, a sadistic smirk appeared. "He did summon Uchiha Madara to the battlefield after all."

"Battlefield?!" Minato demanded.

"Madara…damn it, that's his chakra alright…" Tobirama snarled.

"…I assume that that…what…" Hashirama said as his brain barely registered what exactly was the power that they were feeling.

"That would be the Ten-Tails, the primordial Biju. Madara's partner had it restored in a final attempt to win the Fourth Shinobi World War," Orochimaru explained as he leaned back. "Honestly it is feeling quite exhilarating to me…such power, I never thought or imagined it!"

"Fourth Shinobi World War?!" Hiruzen gasped and he fell backwards. All Itachi's efforts had been in vain?!

"Yes…though you might be quite pleased to hear this…all five great nations, including the minor nations have united against this threat that Akatsuki created," Orochimaru said with a smirk. "If it was going to be a 'War of the Biju', an Allied Shinobi Force was needed to counter. And until Madara's summoning and the Ten-Tails revival, they had pretty much had the War won from what my scouts saw."

"And you're sending us to the battlefield…" Tobirama started as he looked at the Snake Sannin. "To help the Alliance. No strings attached?"

"…doesn't sound like something you would do, Mr. Orochimaru," Minato said as he looked at the Sannin and unleashed a bit of his power…which cracked the floor. "Jiraiya-sensei always spoke highly of you, but from Hiruzen-sama's reaction…it appeared you fell hard."

Impressive chakra from the young Yondaime… Hashirama thought as he evaluated his successor. …so wait…if his son's the Rokudaime…who's the Godaime?

"You'll be quite happy to hear, Hashirama," Orochimaru said with a smirk. "Tsunade is the Godaime Hokage and she managed to drive off Madara with the help of the other Gokage."

"Wait…Tsuna's Hokage?!" Hashirama and Tobirama asked at the same time.

"Quite the powerful one too…even I'd have trouble defeating her," Orochimaru admitted with a smirk. "Though its here nor there…you can sense the other chakra right That…bright, but powerful one? That is the Rokudaime Hokage's power…after all he is the Kyūbi Jinchūriki and he's, from what my reports and scouts say…mastered the Fox's power and has become quite the powerful Sage."

Minato's eyes widened and he sensed…. Naruto…he's grown that powerful…I've missed…missed everything…I need to make it up…

"Though there is one string attached," Orochimaru explained as he licked his lips. "My involvement? Must be kept completely secret. The world needs to keep believing I died at the Uchiha brother's final battle."

Tobirama's eyes narrowed and he glanced at his fellow Hokage. "And if we don't agree? You've restored our full power, and you don't have a means to control us. Even if you did…" he lifted his finger and unleashed his chakra which shook the room. "We'd break that control. All four of us are more than powerful enough to do so."

"…let's just say I have a means," Orochimaru said simply. "That you would be able to return to living bodies…a true second chance. It'd require a little time, but you'd be able to serve your village once more. Though honestly it doesn't matter to me."

Hashirama crossed his arms…and when he unleashed his chakra the room exploded, and the Oto Ninja were blown away. "I lived a full life, I wouldn't mind going back to the afterlife. But I can't sit out of a battle like this. So…I won't tell the Alliance who summoned us."

"The same goes for me," Tobirama said with a nod.

"I was the oldest Hokage, so I lived more than a full life, not all ninja lives to old age from my time after all," Hiruzen said as he looked at Minato. "…but…if you can do it Orochimaru? Minato's the one who needs the second chance, his life was cut off far too quickly."

Minato mulled it over, weighing the options. "…we'll play by your condition for now Orochimaru. If they discover it on their own…well, you'd be out of luck there."

Orochimaru smirked. "Too true…now I believe you have the means of entering the battlefield whenever you want. Your son is wielding one of your own kunai after all."

"I need to get to a better vantage point to sense my Hiraishin tag," Minato said as he looked up and saw a mountain in the distance. "I'll meet you at that peak."

With that…he vanished in front of their eyes. Tobirama's eyebrow raised and Hashirama gave a smirk.

"Looks like you aren't the Fastest Shinobi Alive anymore, little brother," Hashirama said as he stretched.

"We can't have him wait too long, the entire world is at stake," Tobirama said as he looked at Hiruzen. "Well Monkey, since you're back in your prime, up for a race?"

"Been too long there, sensei," Hiruzen said with a smirk. "You're on."

The first God of Shinobi stretched. "I'll take up the rear to be sure there isn't any enemies between here and there," he glanced at Orochimaru who still had his smug smirk. If I get the chance, I'll wipe you out for threatening Konoha. You're on notice, Orochimaru.

With that, the three remaining Hokage vanished at full speed in the direction where Minato was. The Snake Sannin smirked, licking his lips at the new data he was about to get. Plus…even if he did get discovered, he would be granted a bit of clemency since his action would save the world. It was a win-win for Orochimaru, and he stood up and stretched so he could prepare his next move.

Allied Shinobi Forces Headquarters, Kumogakure

Command was in a bit of chaos over recent events. The, for lack of a better word, evolution of the Ten-Tails was something that no one had expected. Shikaku sat at the desk as he folded his fingers together, his eyes narrowed as the Sensory Water Ball swelled. The signature of the primordial Biju grew so big it was practically a 'planetoid'…which was steadily growing into a full 'planet' of chakra.

"I've never seen anything like this! It just keeps growing bigger and bigger!"

"Try to maintain it or it'll implode!"

Aō gritted his teeth as he held his hands up. "The situation's gone from worse to near hopeless…how are we supposed to defeat something like this?!"

The swell of chakra was so big they didn't even notice the 'blips' which would represent the reincarnated Hokage appearing on the map. Shikaku frowned as he wracked his brain and tried to find an angle.

"…we still have my plan in the works…with any luck Naruto will pull it off," Shikaku said as he looked at the sensory water ball. "…Mabui, prepare the evacuation scrolls."

Mabui blinked. "Shikaku-san, what are you…"

"…the next move that the enemy will make is going to eliminate our core decision and strategy making abilities for the entire Alliance," Shikaku said simply. "We already know the Ten-Tails can shoot the moon and hit it despite its extreme range. So we're going to get ready just in case those madmen controlling it decide to target us."

"But…what about the village? Headquarters is right on its doorstep and if a Bijudama explodes…"

"Send the order to evacuate the village out now. Dedicate all resources into making sure Kumogakure is emptied of all civilians and shinobi," Shikaku ordered as he breathed in. "Tsunade-sama set up reverse summoning portals all over the village, the civilians and shinobi will be able to access them to flee to the Humid Bone Forest."

"What if the other villages are targeted, Shikaku?" Aō asked from his position. "Should we send the word to start evacuations?"

"…put them on standby, but I doubt Madara will target them," Shikaku said as he rubbed his beard. "His goal is to put the world under Mugen Tsukuyomi, it won't make much sense to wipe out the population centers or ninja villages. Kumogakure is a target since it's the headquarters of the Alliance, take it out…all that's left are the people on the ground scrambling to come up with a way to defeat the Ten-Tails."

"…hope you're right," Inoichi said as he transmitted the order across the village. "Attention citizens of Kumogakure…we are issuing a mandatory evacuation of the village. The situation on the final battlefield has turned dire and now Kumogakure is a possible target. In an orderly fashion, please head to the nearest reverse summoning area to evacuate to a safe place…"

As he said that, all over the village, the civilians began the arduous task of leaving the home they had been for generations. Ninja clans were forced to abandon decades of history, many tried to secure the knowledge of the past for future generations by grabbing as many scrolls and books from their libraries that they could. The Kumogakure hospital was quickly evacuated, many of the wounded from the battlefields were carried out on stretchers.

The streets of Kumogakure were flooded with refugees as men, women, and children were guided by Kumo Genin and Chūnin that were left behind to safeguard the village. Many of the children began to cry as they didn't want to leave their home, their parents pulling them along and trying to console them. Several toys were dropped and left on the streets as the parents of the children hurriedly pulled them forward.

The elderly people were some of the last out of their homes. Several had to be dragged from their homes and nursing hospices since they refused to abandon the village. Others where wheeled out in wheelchairs or on beds hooked up to whatever equipment that could be spared. The few Jōnin that remained within Kumo were tasked in making sure their elders had safely evacuated.

From the tower where Headquarters was located, Shikaku looked out as he folded his hands behind his back solemnly. The evacuation portals were all set for the shinobi within but very few wanted to abandon their posts. A shadow appeared over Shikaku's eyes as he looked in the direction of the battlefield.

Well then Madara, your move.

Final Battlefield, Land of Lightning

The gigantic Ten-Tails rose to its full height and opened its mouth, its rows of skyscraper sized jagged teeth shone as its third eye began to wriggle around in its socket before it turned in one direction that Tobimaru indicated. Black and white chakra swirled in its mouth as it prepared a Bijudama and it was then shaped…it was stretched out and made into a triangle shape. From a angle, it sorts of looked like an egg…but in actuality…it was a warhead.

"Time to take the Feudal Lords out, Black Zetsu has already retreated…I was hoping he would be more useful," Tobimaru 'lamented' as an evil smirk appeared. "Right down in the Land of Frost…"

"Then…we'll eliminate the Alliance's strategists, sensory and communication capabilities," Madara said as he folded his arms. …then I'll have Tobimaru resurrect me so I can become the Jinchūriki of this thing before we lose control. Nothing will stop my Mugen Tsukuyomi…

"Like hell we'll let you fire!" Kurotsuchi said as she and her father Kitsuchi slammed their hands to the ground and just as the Ten-Tails was about to fire a massive amount of rock at its feet disrupted its aim!

The Bijudama warhead fired and careened through the sky…there were over a thousand small 'pops' as it shattered through the sound barrier and traveled at immensely high speeds at a near relativistic speed. In seconds it crashed into an abandoned village three thousand miles away…and it then exploded.

There was a loud 'dom' as it erupted in a gigantic explosion that was shaped like a triangle that reached far into even outer space. The blast carved out a massive crater, ten times the size of Naruto and Killer Bee's combined one. Even mountains were set flying into the air before they were vaporized by the sheer force of the explosion and the shockwave slammed right into the battlefield and tossed shinobi around like ragdolls.

"That's…that's far beyond what any of the Biju could do before!" Kakashi uttered as he shielded his Sharingan. "To feel the power of the blast even from this distance!"

Naruto gritted his teeth. Kurama any time now! We need that chakra as soon as possible!

Almost done! Would have taken longer if not for Jiraiya's kid giving me that recharge!

"Another one!" Tobimaru commanded as another Bijudama Warhead was fired!

Land of Frost, Daimyo Hideout

Suigetsu gave a long, bored yawn as he flipped the katana in his hand. Jūgo was sitting by several birds as a few of the guards walked over. Sasuke's allies had been left behind when the Hokage Guard Platoon teleported Mei Terumi and themselves away to fight Madara in the Land of Lightning's desert. For formerly wanted criminals, the two had been given an important task of making sure the feudal lords didn't get attacked.

The Daimyos themselves were having a card game, blissfully unaware of what was happening on the final battlefield. Even the Ten-Tails roar couldn't stop them from wasting time with creating new awards and titles to give to people after the War, nor stop them just from…generally goofing off while people died to keep them safe. What were once, in the past, fierce warlords that worked with their Kages during the past Wars…were now out of touch bureaucrats that barely knew the day to day lives of the citizens within their countries much less in their ninja villages.

"Damn…I'm soooo bored…" Suigetsu gave a groan. "Why did we get left out of the action?"

"Sasuke thinks this is the best place we have to earn the trust of the Alliance," Jūgo said as a bird landed on his shoulder. "If we keep the Daimyos safe, we'll probably be pardoned after the War."

'Pfft, maybe," Suigetsu said as he stretched. "Just want to stretch my legs…plus the lords are kinda assholes, they don't even know what a shinobi even DOES! These guys were war leaders in the past?"

"Times change," one of the other guards said. "We still have our orders…"

Suddenly all the birds around Jūgo began to fly away in panic and entire flocks could be seen. The cursed Sage's blood ran cold when he heard the forests empty and the liquid swordsmen gulped as he looked out the window to the mass of fleeing wildlife.

"Uh Jūgo what's…"

"We have to get out of here! ALL OF US! NOW!" Jūgo roared as he reflexively transformed. "We're all in danger!"

"Dude…stop panicking, we're thousands of kilometers…" Suigetsu then looked up to see something fall from the sky. "…what the hell is…"

Before Suigetsu could even finish his sentence the Bijudama Warhead that the Ten-Tails had fired impacted. In the few seconds of life they had left…everyone in the building screamed in terror as a massive crater was carved into the earth. Jūgo's last moments were desperately mutating his body in a vain attempt to save himself and Suigetsu before he was vaporized in front of his friend. It was like slow motion as Suigetsu saw the cursed Sage's eyes explode out of their sockets as he tried to reach out…the flesh being blown off as Jūgo called out before being reduced into nothingness…with the swordsman following a microsecond later as his body was evaporated.

The Land of Frost itself was completely engulfed in the explosion, hundreds of kilometers were destroyed. Even the evacuated citizens of Frost weren't spared since none of their shelters could survive such an explosion, and as far as Konoha the shockwaves and earthquakes were felt. Tremors shook the entire continent from the impact of the explosion and tsunamis were kicked up on all sides, the Land of Water was even bombarded by them and much of Mountain's Graveyard was flooded. When the blast's light faded…a crater nearly a thousand total kilometers wide was all that was left of the former country.

Land of Lightning, Final Battlefield

As the tremors and light faded the full sense of dread washed over nearly the entire Allied Shinobi Forces. The Daimyos…the Feudal Lords, leaders of their respected countries had all been completely wiped out…and the sensors could just feel a 'hole' where the life of the Land of Frost in general were. Sasuke's eyes were wide when he realized…and he turned to Karin.

"Karin…" he started slowly. "Do you sense them…?"

"Who?!" Karin asked, still trying to control her nausea.

"Jūgo and Suigetsu! They were sent to the Daimyo Guard Platoon," Sasuke said as he pointed. "Do. You. Sense. THEM?"

Karin's eyes widened in realization and she straightened her glasses and concentrated with her Kagura Shingan (Mind's Eye of the Kagura). She tried…she tried to find her former comrade's old chakra signatures repeatedly…but…

"Sasuke…they're gone…" Karin whispered softly, her face pale. "I can't sense them anywhere…"

Susano'o bursts around Sasuke angrily at that. "Damn it!"

From atop the Ten-Tails Tobimaru gave a satisfied smirk. "Now that is one headache that I've wanted to deal with. Oh Kisame, if you were still alive, you'd be jealous, I took out five Daimyo to your one."

"…let's return to business," Madara said as the Ten-Tails eye darted north…towards Kumogakure. "It is time to eliminate the 'brains' of the Alliance."

The Ten-Tails opened his mouth again and black and white chakra swirled around its maw as another Bijudama Warhead was created. Kitsuchi and Kurotsuchi then slammed an entire mountain around it but its tails just stopped and crushed the millions of tons of rock like nothing.

"Damn it we can't let that thing fire!"

Kakashi's eye swirled to the Mangekyō Sharingan. "I'll try to pick it off with Kamui!"

"Absorbing all that power will kill you Kakashi!" Rin said from his side.

"Then I'll have to open up the Eighth Gate!" Might Guy announced, the former ROOT medic stopped them.

Kushina then wrapped hundreds of chakra chains around the Ten-Tails and tried to get a barrier large enough…but her chains were snapped like they were made of plastic. "Damn it I don't have enough power!"

"Useless…" Tobimaru uttered with a sadistic smirk. "Its so fun watching them all scramble to stop the inevitable…"

With that…the Ten-Tails fired. The Bijudama Warhead flew straight like a ballistic missile aimed at the heart of the Land of Lightning. Darui's eyes widened as he realized that the village…everyone in it…

Alliance Headquarters, Kumogakure

Shikaku gave a sigh of relief when reports of the last of the refugees had made it out of the village. The sensory water ball had already exploded from the Bijudama Warhead's latest launch, but it didn't matter. Non-essential personnel had already been evacuated from the Headquarters, the only ones left inside were Shikaku, Aō, and Inoichi.

"Even if we want to escape, there isn't enough time," Aō said as he lowered his arms. "…man, I thought I'd live to a ripe old age."

"…I was looking forward to seeing my grandchild," Inoichi said with a laugh. "…wonder if my wife will remarry."

"…we still have a job to do," Shikaku said as he walked over to Inoichi. "Put me in contact with Shikamaru. There's one last strategy we can use."

Inoichi nodded and did so, his old friend putting his hand on his head as they got in contact with their children on the battlefield. After a few moments…Shikaku took his hand off his friend's head as the Yamanaka Clan leader took off the headset. He wiped off the sweat from his brow as he breathed in.

"The Will of Fire will live on after us," Inoichi said as Aō came over, having found some sake in Tsunade's desk at the headquarters.

"Good stuff," Aō said as he popped it open. "One last drink, friends?"

"Sure," Shikaku and Inoichi said at the same time.

The Kirigakure Hunter Nin poured three glasses of sake for them to drink and they clanged the glasses together. Just as the Bijudama Warhead was about to careen in the old soldiers shared their last drinks together and laughed. With Inoichi's telepathy, they were even able to share quick stories to lighten the mood before their impending deaths.

"…really hope Shikamaru takes care of that one last errand when he gets home," Shikaku said…

And then the Bijudama Warhead crashed into the Headquarters itself before it detonated. A blast with the same size and power that completely wiped out the Land of Frost obliterated the Alliance Headquarters as it expanded…the empty village of Kumogakure was completely engulfed. Its mountain-topped buildings…the Raikage Tower…the entire mountain range and even part of the coast was completely vaporized. The blast reached into space as its light slowly faded…a massive crater in the Land of Lightning, over a thousand kilometers wide and around had been carved out. A scar that would be present for millennium was now all that was left of the once great, powerful Ninja Village.

Land of Lightning, Final Battlefield

Shikamaru closed his eyes tightly as he gritted his teeth. Ino was sobbing near uncontrollably next to him as she tried to compose herself. Like Chōji and Hinata, both had lost their fathers to this War. Darui and Killer Bee were livid and about to go into a banzai charge with the Kumogakure Shinobi on the field. First, they had lost the Yondaime Raikage to Madara, and the reincarnated Uchiha even went so far to destroy their home and everyone in it?! In their despair they were about to do a suicidal attack to get revenge.

"STOP," Shikamaru yelled as he fought off his own grief for now, looking at Darui. "My father passed on his last strategy!"

"Doesn't matter yo, there's nothing left for us to fight for bro," Killer Bee uttered, tears streamed down his face. "Our home…our people…everyone…it gone…some guardian…"

"Kumogakure was…evacuated…" Ino said through sobs. "Its people are still alive. Don't throw your lives away, please!"

Darui's eyes widened. "Really…you're not lying to us, right?! Tell me you aren't!"

"My dad and Tsunade-sama thought ahead, special reverse summoning 'portals' had been created throughout Kumogakure just in case something like this happened," Shikamaru said as he wiped his eye. "The evacuation order was given and everyone within the village was sent to the Humid Bone Forest. Ino, use your telepathy to tell every Kumo Ninja, we need their wits about them!"

Ino nodded as she finished composing herself and she did a seal and connected her mind to the Kumogakure Shinobi within the Alliance. When she was finished, she looked to Naruto who stood by Hinata, both were prepared to reenter the fight.

"You're not going to get away with this Tobi, Madara!" Naruto called out as he entered Sage Mode. "All those people…everyone…we're not going to let you kill anyone else!"

"Ohhhh really…?" Tobimaru said with a smirk. "Not going to let your comrades die…lets see how you honor that!"

With that he did a seal and Madara looked at him. "There's no need, they can't stop us…we should…"

"Have fun, the world is ending and I'm gonna enjoy wiping every. Single. Miserable life out here!" Tobimaru finished for his partner as all ten tails of the primordial Biju pointed right at the Allied Shinobi Forces. "Heāmisairu no Jutsu (Hair Missile Technique)!"

The furry hands on the tails then…began to fire millions of sharp missiles of hair right down at the Allied Shinobi Forces. Immediately defenses were raised, huge walls of earth and stone were created by the Iwagakure Ninja. The Sunagakure Ninja used a barrier made of wind and the Kirigakure Ninja tried to intercept all the missiles with their own attacks. The Konoha Ninja deflected as many as they could, and the Kumogakure Ninja added to the defense.

Konan herself had created a giant barrier made of paper, hardened by her own chakra to shield her solders. Tenko had summoned a giant armored Toad to protect himself and the ninja closest to him. Neji was using his Kaiten to deflect attacks as Rock Lee just dodged each missile. Tenten's armor was thick and sturdy enough to, even when hit, shrug off the penetrative force.

Shino had created a barrier of insects that literally consumed any missile within the vicinity and Kiba was slashing them out of mid-air. He slammed the Senpō Rōga down and created a massive blast of chakra that wiped out many of them but still more were shot right down at the Allied Shinobi Forces.

Sakura had hastily used her own strength to raise a huge wall from the earth to shield the shinobi within her vicinity and Sasuke had used his Perfect Susano'o to protect even more. Naruto and Hinata were deflecting or destroying the missiles together…fighting side by side. The young Hokage created nearly a thousand Kage Bunshins-which then created a massive wall of Senpō: Chō Ōdama Rasengan to create a literal wall of spinning chakra. The Hyūga Leader then used hundreds of Hakke Kūshō to deflect the missiles that had managed to penetrate the defense.

…but it became clear that their defenses wouldn't hold indefinitely, but the barrage would slowly die down. Just as it did…Naruto's wall of Bunshins bursts into a massive cloud of smoke as he dropped to his knees…and he looked around. Despite everyone's best efforts…the battlefield was now littered with the corpses of thousands of shinobi.

"Damn it…Kurama…come ON…" he uttered as he forced himself back onto his feet. "Hinata-chan…are you holding up…?"

"Yes…" Hinata said as she breathed in and out, her huge breasts heaving. She needed all the chakra she could spare so she couldn't spare what minimal she needed for a quick henge. "But we can't…keep this up…"

"OH glad to hear it!" Tobimaru yelled as he went to have one of the Ten-Tails' tails wipe away the battlefield clean.

Neji gritted his teeth and got in the way. "I'm not letting you do that!"

With that the Hyūga Prodigy activated the Gates again and then began to spin…and created a massively powerful Kaiten which deflected the giant tail away despite its immense amount of physical strength and power. Just as it was about to retaliate, he pushed it away with Hakke Kūhekishō with both hands.

"Rest Naruto, Hinata-sama, I'll defend you from here on out," Neji said as he took a stance. "As Hiashi-sama said…the Hyūga are the most powerful clan in the Leaf!"

"Thank you Neji…but we can't let you fight alone…" Hinata started as her cousin smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't die," Neji said as he pointed to his forehead. "I'm no longer a caged bird, after all."

"How touching…but I think its time to crush that act!" Tobimaru said as the deflected tail then opened its hand. "Heāmisairu no Jutsu!"

A concentrated barrage of hair missiles went right down at Neji, Naruto and Hinata. Immediately the Hyūga Prodigy activated another Kaiten to deflect the barrage and the Hyūga Leader created a Hoderi ribcage around herself and Naruto protect them, Matatabi refilling her chakra as quickly as she could.

Kiba and Shino were rushing over to help with the defense with the rest of the Konoha 12, Kushina, and Karin and Tenko. Tobimaru licked his lips in anticipation as he thought of wiping all of them out, the barrage continuing as Neji and Hinata's defenses began to falter. The Inuzuka sensed something bad was about to happen as he jumped off of Akamaru's back and charged chakra around him…just as the Kaiten and Hoderi began to fade.

"Gatsūga (Fang Over Fang)!" Kiba called out as he spun at high speeds as a drill.

Faster than anyone could react he smashed into Neji, Hinata, and Naruto…to throw them out of the concentrated barrage. He stopped spinning and was punctured many times by the giant arrow-like hair missiles. Blood flew out of his mouth as he then stood in front of his teammate, friend, and rival respectively.

"KIBA!" Naruto, Hinata, and Neji said as the Inuzuka hefted his sword up high.

"This is…my last…MOMENTS! MADARA, TOBIMARU, FUCK…YOU!" Kiba yelled as he charged his remaining chakra and all his remaining life force into the Senpō Rōga. "Senpū Bakuhatsu (Whirlwind Explosion)!"

He dropped his fang like blade and the giant whirlwind explosion smashed right into the Ten-Tails' tail. Due to Kiba putting all of his power into it, even drawing the reserves of might and power from his own life force…he destroyed the primordial Biju's tail and even made the beast stumble back. After he did that…he vomited up a massive amount of blood as Naruto rushed over with Hinata.

"Kiba…Kiba why did you do that?!" Naruto demanded as he held onto him. "Medic! Sakura! Please come!"

"…don't…don't bother…" Kiba whispered as his fang-like Senpō Rōga shrank to its normal form and he pierced it into the ground. "…I'm already…dead…"

Akamaru rushed over and barked, nuzzling Kiba's hand to keep him there with them. The Inuzuka gave a weak smile and pat his ninken partner as his breathing became softer and less labored, the blood forming a pool at his feet as Naruto tried to stabilize him.

"…man…Naruto…was hoping for…a rematch like old times…" Kiba said as his vision became blurry. "…we're rivals…after all…"

"Then stay…stay with us Kiba…" Naruto said as the tears welled up in his eyes.

"Kiba-kun don't give up!" Hinata said as she grabbed her teammate's arm. "Please…we…"

"Hinata…you're one of my best friends…you and Naruto…you are…really perfect together…" Kiba looked down at Akamaru. "Aka…maru…your job…now…is to keep Naruto and Hinata safe…to keep all our friends safe…"

Akamaru whimpered and tried to push him up. Sakura had finally managed to get to Kiba and her hands glowed green as she tried…and she closed her eyes tightly and gritted her teeth.

"Damn it…" Sakura whispered. "I…I can't…"

"Heh…would…you look at…that…" Kiba said as he saw the Ten-Tails…stumbling back as its now stump of a tail flailed around. "…managed…to hurt it…its tails…might be its…weak…poin…t…"

Just as Kiba finished that sentence…what was left of his life…faded. His eyes clouded over, and he slumped on the Senpō Rōga. A proud shinobi…had given his life for his friends…and his village. Naruto gave a primal scream of grief as Hinata did the same and Akamaru gave a long, sad howl.

To be continued…

Author's Notes:

This chapter was extremely fun to right, but it really got dark at the end of it proper didn't it? I wanted to show how desperate the situation was. Itachi's loss to Kabuto meant two things-none of the Edo Tensei Kabuto had summoned can be returned to the pure world just yet, and he was not properly equipped to fight Kabuto. Even in canon, he required Sasuke's aid just to land Izanami…which he doesn't have in the fic. But…despite this, he's not done-he'll have one last heart to heart with Sasuke during the counter attack.

Now…as for the battle against the Ten-Tails. First of all, the Biju Kaiten Naruto, Hinata, and Kurama used to deflect the Bijudama beam from the Ten-Tails? It's the most powerful defense in the entire story that is not empowered by Six Path Chakra. I read through a lot of Naruto and the only 'absolute defense' that hasn't been pierced or defeated is the Kaiten, even a normal one that Neji and Hiashi used could defend against the canon Ten-Tails' tail despite its physical power being far greater than the city-busting physical strength the normal Biju could do.

Secondly…the second form. I've been thinking of this for a LONG time. Now don't get me wrong, I like the original 'mature' design of the Ten-Tails. Its pure nightmare fuel and a full Eldritch Abomination. But…I wanted something different for mine. I looked to the manga/anime Ushio and Tora for inspiration to get a more Yokai-like demon, and combined Hakumen no Mono's form with some traits of the canon Ten-Tails. I wanted it to be a animal form, not a plant form at the end of the day. Its also why it has a mind, and why even Madara was unnerved by hearing its voice for the first time.

Thirdly…the deaths. They were to show how dire the situation is. Despite everything in this part of the manga, we never got anything near 'world ending' as we did in the first few Ten-Tail Bijudama shots. Oh, and Aō isn't coming back in canon, elaborated on the effects of the Bijudama (channeling what I saw from Barefoot Gen) into showing what happens when something like this explodes. Sasuke had failed to protect his comrades again, and Shikaku's last strategy was sent to his son. Also wanted to show Tsunade and Shikaku thinking ahead just in case a normal Bijudama had been launched at Kumo-the village is able to evacuate. And even then, I wanted to show that its not a pretty thing…everyone in Kumo lost everything. Finally…I tried to think of any of the Konoha 12 that weren't safe. Originally, Neji was supposed to get his canon fate…but I thought it might be redundant after killing Hiashi earlier in the story. Toyed with the idea of Shino…but decided against it. So I chose Kiba due to his connection with Naruto and Hinata. Kiba is Naruto's first rival, and despite Naruto getting so much more powerful than him, Kiba never lost sight of trying to surpass him. He desired the Hokage seat as well (and was bummed out when he lost it). And Kiba is Hinata's friend and teammate. He's the only member of the Konoha 12 who's going to bite the bullet, but I wanted to give him a end worthy of a shinobi. Like Ōnoki he died on his feet…and he managed to cause the first real damage to the Ten-Tails by blowing off its tail. A worthy end to Naruto's first rival.

Finally…Orochimaru summoning the past Hokage and getting his arms back. He is not turning good. This is simply a pragmatic means of survival. Plus all four Hokage are too powerful for him to control since he used Kabuto's notes beforehand to bring them back to as strong as they were in life (unlike the 98% they were in the manga or some sort). He did provide a 'final temptation' to bring them back to life for real, and no one accepted it and Minato, the Hokage who deserved a second chance, flat out ignored the question just to enter the battlefield. Still he holds all the cards…and the post-War will be his playground for what I have planned.

Oh, and below…I have a canon Omake to set up another of the ships I rather like, Tsunade/Mei. Its right before the Ten-Tails full revival and I want to prove some levity, fanservice, and a little lightheartedness after the darkness I had written above.

Canon Omake:

Before the Ten-Tails had been fully revived, the remaining Gokage were hastily making their ways to where Naruto was. Tsunade was now dressed…in a spare blue kimono that Mei had summoned for her. The Mizukage was blushing next to her as they flew on the same cloud of sand Gaara had created for them. Despite the kimono though, the Godaime Hokage's breasts were still out…Mei's outfit was too small around the chest to conceal them.

When Mei had summoned it initially after the battle with Madara, she had taken a few moments to…admire Tsunade's bare form. She didn't know why she was so flustered; her heart was beating in her chest. The Hokage looked over to her…and walked over.

"…thanks…but it looks like you like what you see," Tsunade said teasingly at Mei and her finger traced the Mizukage's cheek.

"I…well…yes…you have such a gorgeous body, Tsunade," Mei said as she composed herself as best as she could. "But we're gonna be rushing into battle again, here…I have a spare kimono you could wear."

She pulled out the neatly folded kimono for the Godaime Hokage and helped her put it on. But when she tried tightening the obi…Tsunade's breasts just spilled out since the outfit wasn't adjusted for her cup size. Mei's cheeks flushed as she tried to get them to stay up and she accidentally cupped both Godaime Hokage's breasts.

"…we are in the middle of a War," Tsunade said as she spun. "You're gonna have to wait to touch them."

"W-What?" Mei said as Tsunade cupped her cheek.

"…fuck we might die," Tsunade leaned in and gently kissed Mei on the lips, making her nearly faint. "After this War, how about some fun together? Just lady Kage to lady Kage?"

"I-I'd love that!" Mei said as she put her hands to her cheeks. I-I can't believe it…Lady Tsunade's asked me out…I…holy…I've always…

She then shook her head to focus at the task at hand as Gaara arrived. "…are you two done? We need to head out," the Kazekage said stoically. "Naruto's going to need all the help he can get."

Tsunade nodded. "Right, you ready to go Mizukage?"

"YES!" Mei said as she punched the air. "Let's end this War!"

Now, please read and review. This was a long chapter and I had a lot of fun writing it! I'd really appreciate your thoughts! Next chapter…the Counter Attack begins, past Hokage arrive on the battlefield…and who is gonna become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki….?