Chapter 41

Final Battle: Conclusion

Konohagakure, Land of Fire

While the final battle was raging in the northern part of the continent, Team Ebisu, as well as Hyūga Hanabi, made patrols throughout Konoha just in case anymore White Zetsu still were hiding within. However the mood was rather somber, while the details were unknown everyone had felt the effects of the Ten-Tails' revival and the subsequent battle against it. Due to that the mission had changed: evacuate the civilians into the shelters in case of another attack and maintain battle readiness. Even retired shinobi had been pressed back into service due to the lack of manpower from most of Konoha's fighting force being entangled against the Ten-Tails.

Konohamaru landed on a rooftop and looked up into the sky as Udon and Moegi landed next to him with the young Hyūga. They had just finished helping the last stragglers into the shelters in the base of the Hokage Monument and above it. The village had just about finished repairing the damage done during the Battle of Konoha, while it was still amid the massive reconstruction from the Invasion of Pain. An eerie calm had settled over Konoha now, the only lights on were teams of genin and retired shinobi making patrols, and the sounds of crickets chirping and treefrogs croaking had replaced the usual bustle at this time of night.

"Konohamaru, do you think the battle is almost over?" Udon asked, snapping his teammate out of his stupor while looking into the sky as he wiped his nose. "Those scary roars and tremors have stopped right?"

"Of course it's over Udon!" Moegi snapped and slapped Udon on the back as if to scold him. "Naruto-nii-chan is fighting now! And he's the Hokage, he's probably going to defeat Madara and be back in Konoha soon!"

"But…but that roar, was it from Madara?" Udon asked a bit fearfully. "And…and those big explosions! Everyone saw how bright those blasts were from the north, and we felt the ground shake!"

"So?!" Moegi retorted as she looked. "Naruto-nii-chan is the strongest shinobi in Konoha! He's going to win! Right Konohamaru?"

Konohamaru's blue scarf flapped in the wind. "Things aren't going well I bet," he said as he breathed out. "I haven't felt this anxious since Pain's invasion, or Orochimaru's…"

"But…but…" Moegi started, looking at her teammate. "Naruto-nii-chan…"

"He's really strong!" Udon finished and waved his arms around.

"So was my grandpa," Konohamaru said softly. "Didn't stop him from dying…"

"But he isn't alone! Hinata-onee-chan is there too!" Hanabi argued. "Naruto-nii-chan and Hinata-onee-chan are an unbeatable team if they are together! We heard reports of their tag teams throughout the War!"

"Not to mention Sakura-nee-chan is there too!" Moegi added. "She's really strong and can heal any of Naruto-nii-chan's wounds! You're worried over nothing Konohamaru-kun, Udon-kun!"

"…I really hope so," Konohamaru said as he rubbed his nose.

Another shockwave knocked them off their feet and the three young genin and chūnin struggled to get back to where they were on the roof. This time it was from the direction of Mountain's Graveyard and it was a larger explosion than the previous ones. Udon gave another huge gulp as he saw the light in the distance slowly fade.

"That…that was bigger than any of the previous ones…" Udon whispered as a few tears appeared in his eyes. "Is this…the end of the world?"

"NO! Naruto-nii-chan is going to stop it!" Moegi protested as she focused in calming herself down. "He just has to!"

Konohamaru stayed silent as they waited for news of the battle's conclusion. He squeezed his hands into tight fists and cursed that he was too weak to help his 'older brother' fight on the front lines against this threat. Even after all these years he wasn't strong enough to be Hokage yet…so he had to rely on Naruto again to save the day. Just like he did against Pain…

"You better come back Naruto-nii-chan," Konohamaru whispered. "Since I want you to train me to be as strong as you!"

Final Battlefield, Land of Lightning

Tobimaru staggered back from the sheer force of Naruto's blows. In his mind a single thought was going through it. It's impossible! He had achieved godhood and should now be beyond the young Hokage's power, much less Sasuke's, Hinata's, or Sakura's! But here he was, bent over the ground and spitting up his own blood from essentially a single punch.

No…it's impossible! It's because I'm still recovering from the Sandaime Hokage's final attack, that must be it! Tobirama's eyes looked up at Naruto who cracked his knuckles. How could the brat gain that amount of power in such short amount of time?!

Instantly he created four more arms, two protruded from his shoulders and two others shot out of his armpits and he created his fantail again. His Rinnegan pulsed as he pulled even more chakra from the Ten-Tails that was sealed inside him, and his six arms buffed up a bit. He roared out as his Shuradō.

"Shuradō: Sensō-Mōdo (Asura Path: War Mode)!" Tobimaru yelled. "With my power now I'll…"

Naruto was instantly in his face and then slammed a glowing orange Rasengan into his chest and sent him flying backwards. He gave a loud cry of pain as he was sent spiraling around from the force of the Rikudō Senjutsu enhanced attack. Tobimaru crashed and spun on the ground before he managed to stop his ascent by throwing his hands back an creating a gigantic Shinra Tensei as a cushion. He panted, his left eye partially closed from the strain while his right eye was practically bulging out as spit and blood dripped from his lip.

"Is that all this new 'god' has?" Naruto asked tauntingly as his eyes narrowed. "Even now you're getting beaten down. First by my dad back when I was a baby…then by myself multiple times…then by even the Old Man!"

"S-Shut…UP brat!" Tobimaru snapped as veins popped in his eyes in rage. "I am going to kill you! Finish the job I should have done when you were an infant!"

"You've tried time and time and time again," Hinata said as her Tenseigan narrowed. "No matter how many times you've tried, you'll never succeed! You always take the easy way out!"

The Ten-Tails Jinchūriki snapped at the Hyūga's declaration and went to blitz her. He formed his Gudōdama into a drill with the intent of completely obliterating her body after running her through. Hinata's eyes then narrowed and she then sidestepped the drill-stab and slammed her palm into it…and completely obliterated the Gudōdama with a point-blank blast of Hamura's chakra. Tobirama grunted as he stumbled back from the force of the blow despite it not even making contact, and then he looked up as Hinata had her hand up.

"Yasogami Kūgeki (Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack)!" Hinata uttered as purple chakra bursts around her and several giant fists were formed out of it and then hit the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki with full force.

HOW?! HOW IS EVEN SHE THIS POWERFUL?! Tobimaru thought in sheer disbelief as each one of the Hyūga Leader's chakra blows sent him crashing into a cliff-wall…and then through it.

He then managed to use Kamui to phase through the last blows only for Sasuke to toss several kunai and shuriken at him. He 'tsked' and allowed it to phase through him just as the Uchiha redeemer's weapons passed through him…but before he could blink, they vanished…and Sasuke was behind him. A Chidori burst to life in his palm…which was then colored black as he tapped into his Rikudō chakra and he slammed it through Tobimaru's back before he could use Kamui's phasing once more.

What?! Did he just…switch places with one of his kunai or shuriken?! Tobimaru thought as blood leaked from his lip. "But you're too CLOSE!"

His fantail whipped and Sasuke made no attempt to dodge as it pierced right through his stomach and back. The Ten-Tails Jinchūriki grinned manically as he was about to say 'one down'…only for the Uchiha redeemer to…vanish! Instantly he though substitution but there was no material in place…and his eyes widened.

Wait…did he just use Izanagi?! Tobimaru thought as his eyes widened. He'd sacrifice…no if he uses Izanagi with a Rinnegan it means…

"Banbutsu Sōzō no Jutsu (Creation of All Things Technique)," Sasuke uttered as he appeared next to Naruto. In his Rinnegan one of the tomoe vanished but would regenerate in time. "Don't know how Danzo could put himself through Izanagi, it still hurts when you let an attack hit."

Tobimaru's eyes narrowed as he then created six chakra cannons with his Shuradō technique. Black and white chakra swirled around it as he combined the power of Hagoromo's war path with the Ten-Tails inside him…and he fired a pure black beam that had enough power to wipe out an entire country. Sakura then got in its way and the strange markings flared around her and she lifted her hands up.

"What the hell are you planning?!" Tobimaru demanded. "Planning on dying?!"

"HARDLY!" Sakura yelled as her Karma seal flared and she…absorbed the entirety of Tobimaru's blast and felt it supercharge her. "Though I have to thank you for powering me up!"

"WHAT?!" Tobimaru demanded before the pink-haired kunoichi vanished and then smashed her fist right into his face….and into the ground which created a gigantic crater!

Earthquakes were felt throughout the region from the sheer force of Sakura's blow as the Allied Shinobi Forces tried to stay on their feet. A giant cloud of dust was expelled from the force of the punch and Minato tried to steady himself. Tobimaru then bursts out of the smoke, blood dripping from his face and he gritted his teeth…only for a Rasenshuriken with a molten core to burst through the smoke right at him.

"Senpō: Yōton: Rasenshuriken (Sage Art: Lava Release: Rasenshuriken)!" Naruto called out from the ground as the spinning wind blades made the ball of molten lava spin faster towards Tobimaru.

The Ten-Tails Jinchūriki's eyes widened and he barely dodged…as the Rokudaime Hokage then had the Rasenshuriken burst and expanded with such speed and ferocity it bisected Tobimaru in a split second. He cried out in pain as his legs fell to the ground and he managed to fly higher and focused his regeneration on healing.

"Its…it's amazing!" Ino said as she arrived on the scene next to her classmates as well as the members of Team Guy. "All of them, their chakra levels are now insane!"

"It's like they are on a completely different level now!" Chōji added as Tobimaru's legs managed to regenerate while his fallen ones crashed to the ground in a heap.

Neji's Byakugan was active as he scanned Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura's chakra networks. I've never seen anything like this, they were near death's door but now are powerful enough to make even a Ten-Tails Jinchūriki look weak?! He focused on the Rokudaime Hokage and Byakugan Princess, then the Uchiha Redeemer and pink-haired medic. If I were to rank them…Naruto is the most powerful of the four after this boost…followed by Hinata-sama! This purple chakra…I've seen it a few times before but never in this quantity…then Sasuke's…his chakra is completely different and more powerful, much like Madara's. And Sakura's…that strange seal looks like she's channeling another type of chakra entirely.

"The battle's not over yet," Shikamaru said as he watched. "Even after that beating, the bastard is wanting more!"

"He's right," Minato said as he stretched. "Naruto and the others might need backup, no matter how small what we can offer. Even the strongest of us are still vulnerable to sneak attacks."

"HOW?!" Tobimaru demanded. "HOW DID YOU GET SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL?!"

"Let's just say that the beating you gave us just unlocked our hidden potential," Naruto said as his body began to glow. "And it's time for us to finish this!"

"Couldn't say it any better, Naruto-kun!" Hinata added as her own body began to glow…

And at once both were enveloped in a cloak of chakra. Naruto's was golden and he had nine Gudōdama floating behind him, two of them then shaped into short staffs. Hinata's was purple and she had two 'horns' of chakra on her head over her eyes and both had markings of the Rikudō Sennin on their backs showing they had achieved Rikudō Senjutsu. The Rokudaime Hokage's Rikudō Sage Mode was now at full power, and the Byakugan Princess now was cloaked in Tenseigan Chakra Mode. Halos of power bursts off both and the ground even cracked under their feet.

"Can't let you two spoil all the fun," Sasuke said as his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan then swirled and he awoke his second Rinnegan, six more tomoe appeared in the iris in the rings. "Time for us to end this!"

Dark blue chakra bursts around Sasuke as he formed his Susano'o: Tathagata around his body again and the sheer power made the ground crack and quake under his feet. Itachi, who was watching from his vantage point was surprised by the sheer might that his younger brother had unlocked. He…had a feeling of immense pride at seeing how far Sasuke had come since their own final battle.

I can't believe it…Sasuke's potential surpassed my own by a wide margin…I can't even fathom how powerful he'll be when he reaches my age…

Sakura smirked. "Can't have you guys leave me in the dust!"

Her Karma seal spread throughout her body more, on top of activating her Byakugō no Jutsu which added black lines down her body from her forehead. Finally a pair of short horns grew out of her forehead and she cracked her knuckles. She then made the first move and a black vortex opened in her palms and she jumped through.

"What the…space-time jutsu?!" Tobimaru started before Sakura reappeared in front of him through a swirling black portal.

"SHANNARO!" Sakura called out and slammed her fist hard enough through the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki's stomach in an uppercut that there was a shockwave that bursts from behind him.

He was sent flying into the sky with such force he broke the sound barrier and he tumbled through the air before he could right himself. Tobimaru floated and he gasped and groaned in pain as blood dribbled out of his lip and a fist-sized indent was scarred on his stomach. His regenerative powers activated and started to repair the damage and steam hissed off his wound…just as Hinata was on him.

She created several smaller Gudōdama which began to spin and rotate at high speeds. "Ginrin Tensei Baku (Silver Wheel Explosion)!"

Tobimaru's Gudōdama turned into a sphere which surrounded him to block the Hyūga Leader's attack. "I'm…getting used to your power…I'm a GOD…I won't be…."

Hinata's attack formed into a gigantic, silver tornado that buffeted the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki with tremendous force. Cracks and splinters appeared around Tobimaru's Gudōdama sphere as he was launched farther into the atmosphere. When it died down the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki turned his technique back to normal just as a yellow flash appeared in front of him.

"You're not getting out of this just yet!" Naruto announced as he created a Wakusei Rasengan (Planetary Rasengan) above his palm. "Not one second of rest from what you've done!"

Tobimaru grunted and created a shield and deflected the attack. "I'm adapting to your powers! I'll be on top…."

Suddenly he was teleported from his spot right into Sasuke's black Chidori which ripped through his arm. Scowling Tobimaru used his Kamui to disappear into a vortex to recover from the latest assault. The Uchiha redeemer's Rinnegan darted back and forth as he tried to predict where the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki would reappear and Sakura landed next to him.

"I think I can sense him," Sakura started as she concentrated. "Wherever he teleports with that technique it seems to be a plane of existence that runs alongside our own…that means…"

She then pulled Sasuke right out of the way as Tobimaru reappeared and tried to slash off the Uchiha redeemer's arm with a strange sword made from Gudōdama. It was shaped in a double helix and was extremely sharp, and even seemed to hum with power. Tobimaru licked his lip and he smirked.

"The Sword of Nunoboku, the same sword that the Rikudō Sennin used to fight and defeat the Ten-Tails and shape the world…will now be used to destroy it!" Tobimaru announced as he twirled his blade. "And nothing you can do to stop it!"

He slashed with the Nunoboku blade right at Sasuke who deflected it with his Susano'o blade. There was a shockwave that knocked up a vast cloud of dust throughout the air. The Uchiha Redeemer then charged black lightning through the blade, adjusted his grip and then parried Tobimaru's next slash into the ground which carved a crack to nearly the horizon. Sasuke's Susano'o then spread its wings and flew right into the sky at high speed and the two then slashed at each other with full force of their blades.

Both Sasuke and Tobimaru landed after the slash and…one of the Uchiha Redeemer's Susano'o wings then disappeared and Sasuke spat out a bit of blood and dropped to one knee. The Ten-Tails Jinchūriki gave a smirk…before he spat out blood himself, the Sword of Nunoboku shattered and he saw blood leaking down his chest.


"You relied too much on power for those slashes," Sasuke started as he stood up and Sakura immediately started to heal him.

"Your attack was too shallow though," Tobimaru said as he spat out more blood, but his wound was regenerated. "Too weak to deal the killing blow."

"You haven't even realized our actual objective here," Sasuke said with a smirk.

"True objective?!" Tobimaru asked tauntingly. "You're merely prolonging the inevitable, I'm this world's new GOD!"

"God nothing!" Naruto yelled as he appeared and crossed his fingers and created nine Kage Bunshin. "You're nothing but a sadistic maniac!"

Tobimaru's eye twitched and gritted his teeth. "You stuck up brat…hindering my plans over, and over, and over again!"

With that the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki surged up into the air and his Gudōdama swirled around him to create a thick circular shield. Naruto then followed up with his clones creating a Rasenshuriken using every one of the Biju's powers. One had sand in the center, the next had blue flames, the one after that was made of water, the other had lava, the next was a ball of steam contained in the core, the next had a ball of acid, the seventh had a strange bright powder that rotated with the blades, the eighth had a ball of supercharged ink, and the final was a black ball made of pure chakra. The sheer power of each of the Rasenshuriken was nearly blinding for any sensor on the field.

"Senpō: Chō Bijū Rasenshuriken (Sage Art: Super Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken)!" Naruto called out as he and his Bunshins tossed their Rasenshuriken right up at Tobimaru.

The orb of Gudōdama didn't even move out of the way as the barrage of Rasenshuriken slammed into it. There was a massive explosion that created a light that could be seen as far away as the southern Land of Fire and the shockwave of the blast was felt as far away as the remnants of Kumogakure and the Land of Lightning Capital. From the ground Neji snapped on his Byakugan and the Alliance cheered.

"They did it!" a Iwagakure shinobi cheered.

"That has to have wiped the bastard out!"

"I'm not…seeing him at all," Neji started as his Byakugan scanned. Did Naruto obliterate him with that jutsu, or…

Kakashi was thinking the same thing as he then rushed towards where Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura were. He had his hand over his left eye, and he seemed to have trouble running but he made his way to his students. He panted as he dropped to one knee as he took deep breaths.

"He used Kamui…at the last second," Kakashi uttered as he breathed out. "He's going to be…regrouping…"

"Kakashi-sensei?! Why is your chakra draining so quickly?!" Naruto asked as he went to his sensei and he slowly lowered his hand from his left eye.

"When…when that bastard became the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki and Obito's eye turned into a Rinnegan…my eye responded and…evolved too," Kakashi said as he revealed the Rinnegan in his left eye, complete with his Mangekyō Sharingan design in the center of it. "Even when covered, its draining my chakra faster than I can produce it…"

"We need to get it out then!" Sakura said as she came over. 'You'll die otherwise!"

Kakashi shook his head. "My eye…is the only way we're gonna be able to track Tobimaru now."

Naruto pursed his lips and then had an idea. "Wait! I know!"

"Huh?" Kakashi started as Naruto then did a tiger seal...and the chakra that the Hokage had given to him earlier suddenly bursts to life around him and formed a chakra cloak. In several seconds the exhaustion that the leader of Team 7 was suffering from had been taken away and he felt refreshed and more powerful.

"Don't know how long that is going to last Kakashi-sensei, but you'll be able to at least help us take the bastard out," Naruto said as he looked at his teacher and then he smirked. "With that eye, we'll take out that bastard's only safe haven!"

At that Kakashi vanished in a Rinnegan powered Kamui, appearing in the separate dimension in a whirlpool of time and space. Tobimaru had sat on a large stone tower, all three of his eyes closed as he attempted to calm the Ten-Tails within him. The beast had been enraged that the battle had turned against them in nearly a split second, its demands for blood seemingly being ignored.

Calm down damn it, this is just a setback! Tobimaru snarled as in his mind the Ten-Tails went to snap at him but was only restrained by the seal on it.

I require blood and suffering! If you can't deliver, I'll tear myself FREE and rampage to my heart's content!

Tobimaru scowled, the Ten-Tails was much more difficult to control than he anticipated. Its power was constantly growing within him as if it was a perpetual energy generator. But despite all that power the insane Uchiha was unable to best Naruto…and his frustration made the abomination within him even more frustrated. All he could do now is try to calm then beast and start a second round…

…then he had to block a barrage of kunai and shuriken that had been imbued in lightning. Tobimaru gritted his teeth in frustration and anger as his Gudōdama crushed the weaponry and he spun around.

"You constantly underestimate your opponents," a voice said from the shadows. "You even forget several key things…so confident in your power you can't seem to handle fighting opponents who are just as strong or stronger."

"Show yourself!" Tobimaru demanded as smoke bombs were tossed around him and obscured his vision.

The chirping of birds was then heard and the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki barely dodged the lightning attack as Kakashi appeared through the smoke. Tobimaru's eyes widened and he gritted his teeth as he went to counterattack with his Gudōdama and shaped them into spikes. The Copy Ninja avoided them with ease and even cut through and shattered them with the black lightning Raikiri he used.

"Forgot about me?" Kakashi taunted as he jumped out of the way of several tendrils of wood that Tobimaru created from the blocks. "I'm here to retrieve my friend's eye."

Tobimaru snarled. "You really think you can face me one on one?"

"I do," Kakashi started as the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki then saw the Rinnegan in the Copy Ninja's eye instead of his usual Sharingan. "Forgot Sharingan eyes were linked, didn't you?"

"You should be on your deathbed from the surge of chakra there, or at least in a coma…" Tobimaru retorted as the two started to square off and walked on the large, floating cube structure.

"Forgot what my student could do as well?" Kakashi asked as his Raikiri flashed around his hands.

"I suppose this has been a long time coming," Tobimaru said as a sadistic smirk began to appear. "I should send you to your worthless father on a silver platter now. Worthy payback for what he did to my original eyes."

"You fought my father once huh?" Kakashi asked as they kept the slow walk. "Surprised you survived the encounter; he was one of Konoha's best."

"And he died a pathetic death. Robbing me of a chance for a rematch where I get my revenge," Tobimaru said as he shaped his Gudōdama into blades. "Though I suppose…in the end I can do what I was planning on your sensei. After I leave you broken and dead within your friend's dimension here."

Kakashi's eyes narrowed but he said nothing…and the two began. In a flash of speed both got into melee range and began to trade several blows, each dodging or blocking. The Copy Ninja was more focused on dodging due to the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki's superior physical strength and both kept trying to read which attack or counter would be used on the other.

The aura that Naruto gave him flared around Kakashi's body and then lashed out against Tobimaru independently and made him skid backwards. He gritted his teeth and then did several seals.

"You like lightning huh, take MINE!" Tobimaru yelled as he threw his hands forward. "Senpō: Inton Raiha) (Sage Art: Yin Release Lightning Dispatch)!"

Arcs of purple lightning empowered by the Ten-Tails itself sizzled at Kakashi who just activated another black Raikiri and met the charge. To Tobimaru's shock and anger the Copy-Ninja literally cut through his lightning and surged towards him at high speed. He barely dodged Kakashi's lightning-enhanced knife hand and went to counter with his staff. Kakashi created a black staff from his palm and cut his hand intentionally. He then slammed it down to the ground to pivot himself and dodged Tobimaru's strike while landing a solid kick. The Ten-Tails Jinchūriki staggered backwards from the blow while he didn't notice that a few drops of Kakashi's own blood had been put on his cheek.

"What's wrong, Tobimaru?" Kakashi taunted as he crossed his fingers and created dozens of Raiton: Kage Bunshins to mask himself. "Not having as easy a fight as you thought against me?"

"Shut the hell up!" Tobimaru snapped as he sent his Gudōdama flying forward right into the line of clones which exploded with lightning and smoke. "You're only doing this good since you have your student boosting your abilities!"

"That may be true," Kakashi said as he slammed down several smoke bombs to obscure Tobimaru's vision and he then did another seal. "But you always seem to have trouble fighting people who can counter your tricks or are just plain stronger than you. Isn't that why my sensei beat you in the first place?"

"Shut up!" Tobimaru snapped as the entire area was then covered in a thick mist which obscured the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki's vision. He's intentionally blinding my Rinnegan? I can only see a thick cloud of chakra…damn it…

"What, its true isn't it?" Kakashi continued to taunt as his remaining clones followed the scent from the blood, he left on Tobimaru's cheek. "Its why you relied on Akatsuki and never attacked Konoha directly after Minato-sensei defeated you. Its why you relied on Pain since he was much stronger than you."

"Shut the hell up! I'm a fucking GOD now!" Tobimaru yelled as he tried to absorb some of the cloud with Gakidō (Preta Path) but he couldn't clear it all out. I'll just use a Fūton to blow this mist away!

"Doesn't matter, you're still the same coward you always were," Kakashi continued as he got into position….and disappeared into the stones of the Kamui dimension.

"I'm no coward!" Tobimaru yelled as Kakashi's Raiton Bunshins then leaped into action and attacked the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki from all sides.

"Really now? Is that why you kept having your pawns do all the fighting for you?" Kakashi taunted from his vantage point. "The Akatsuki weren't merely your pawns, they were making up for your own weaknesses in power and ability."

"So what, they were my pawns and did the job I needed them to do!" Tobimaru yelled as several of the Raiton Bunshins then shot a blast of flame at him which he blocked with his Gudōdama.

"Then why did Naruto seem to pose a challenge for you, even when he was a kid?" Kakashi taunted as his clones all got into position. "If you were truly unafraid of Konoha, why wait until he became not only strong enough to match you and shatter your mask, but fight and surpass you multiple times? With your power and Obito's eye you should have been able to easily capture him and retake Kurama, yet you didn't…"

"Since I had a plan you bastard," Tobimaru snarled as he leaped to the stone pillar while fighting off multiples of Kakashi's clones.

"You keep telling yourself that, but you just were afraid. You were afraid of the Sandaime Hokage, you were afraid of Jiraiya-sama, and you became terrified the moment Naruto defeated one of your Akatsuki," Kakashi said as he picked apart Tobimaru's mentality. "A coward sending stronger or more capable ninja's is no god."

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Tobimaru roared as he unleashed a Shinra Tensei which blew away several of the Raiton Bunshins.

Many of them were dispelled and the mist was blown away finally. The Ten-Tails Jinchūriki panted in rage as his eyes darted back and forth, the Bunshins leaped into an combined assault. He blocked, dodged or deflected each of their attacks without realizing they were coordinating themselves…using Gedō (Outer Path) to cover each other's blind spots.

"Stupid…fucking…pests!" Tobimaru gritted his teeth as he twirled his Gudōdama staff to block the kunai and shuriken that were launched at him.

Wordlessly the clones then charged and closed the distance and confused the Ten-Tail Jinchūriki with their attack pattern, having switched up their defend, attack and deflect combination. Tobimaru got increasingly frustrated and angry with the continued assault while Kakashi's words kept echoing in his head.

"That is ENOUGH!" Tobimaru roared as he stabbed three Bunshins at the same time…and they gave a smirk. "What…?"

A massive electrical discharge from the three Raiton Bunshins crippled the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki entirely for several moments…enough time for the original to strike. Tobimaru's eyes widened as Kakashi leaped right out of the stone that he was standing on. A black Raikiri wrapped around the Copy Ninja's hand as he thrusts forward.

"Now coward, I'm taking back Obito's eye!" Kakashi yelled as he stabbed forward and not only retrieved Obito's Sharingan…well Rinnegan but tore off the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki's face, including ripping off his ear.

"YOU…BASTARD!" Tobimaru sputtered as he yelled in pain, blood squirted and dribbled from his open wound on his face. His skull was completely visible as well portions of his musculature and ligaments. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

"Now get out of my sight!" Kakashi retorted and his Rinnegan slowly morphed back to the Mangekyō Sharingan. "Kamui!"

Before Tobimaru could recover and counterattack…he was forced right out of the Kamui realm and shunted back to Earth. Since he had entered while high up in the sky he crashed to the ground like a meteor and created a small crater right in front of Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura. He spat up blood as he stood up and gritted his teeth.

"You bastards…you fucking, worthless pond scum…!" Tobimaru roared as he sent a pulse of power and chakra through the ground. His face was regenerating, new muscle and cartilage sizzled and bubbled up as his eye then regenerated fully…without Obito's eye his original was forced to regrow and a blood red Sharingan was then in the socket.

"Kakashi-sensei really did a number on him," Sakura commented as she cracked her knuckles.

"That's why he's our sensei, when he gets serious it takes a hell of a lot to stop him," Naruto said as he smirked. 'And now its time to finish this."

Hinata nodded, next to her boyfriend. "I don't see that foreign chakra in his eye anymore…that's his original one if I were to guess."

Naruto grinned. "Yep, our plan was a success!"

"Kakashi was the one who did it," Sasuke pointed out as he flicked his sword. "Though you did give him the power to accomplish it, I bet he's grateful Naruto."

Tobimaru panted and growled in anger as his original Sharingan was forced to evolve into is Mangekyō form before the familiar ripple pattern of the Rinnegan overtook it from the burst of Ten-Tails Chakra he unleashed. He then closed his eyes and breathed out harshly through his nose to calm himself…only for the ground to crater at his feet from his sheer rage and several stones and pebbles levitated around him as if responded to his Tendō. Both of his Rinnegan then snapped open once more and glared at Team 7 and Hinata.

"That's it…" he whispered as he shot up into the air. "I've had enough! EVERYBODY DIES! CHIBAKU TENSEI!"

Now back at the same altitude he was before he slammed his hands together and then created a dense black sphere with Tendō (Deva Path). He then threw it into the air, and it split off into several smaller spheres while the main one went right into space. The northern part of the continent then experienced gravitational upheaval as entire portions of it were then torn up by the Chibaku Tensei spheres. Mountain ranges were stripped from the earth as huge, deep gorges were then formed all over the Land of Lightning, parts of the Land of Frost and even Land of Hotsprings. Whatever remained from the Mountain's Graveyard was also yanked into the sky as massive planetoids, each between fifty to a hundred kilometers floated all over the planet now. The very largest of these artificial meteors were then pulled in by the gravitational pull of the largest black orb which also began to pull in debris from space.

Shikamaru's jaw lowered a bit. "He's…he's going to drop all that on us? Even just one of those planetoids would be enough to wipe out all life on the planet, all of them will…"

"Turn it into a broken, molten ball of rock," Neji surmised as he kept his Byakugan focused on his cousin, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. What are they planning on doing to counter that?!

Sasuke glanced at Sakura. "Ready to bust some of those rocks, Sakura?"

"You know it," Sakura said as she cracked her knuckles and she then focused…and started to float using the Ōtsutsuki chakra within her Karma seal. "I'm going to blow them away!"

A dark blue aura bursts around Sasuke's body and his Susano'o: Tathagata formed around his body and he then shot into the sky, his wings flapping to catch up with the pink-haired medic. In seconds, the closest of the giant meteors was either cut in several smaller pieces…or shattered into dust by the two. Naruto and Hinata were about to enter the fray too but then they saw in the sky…the largest of the meteors was still forming.

"That…keeps getting bigger and bigger," Tenko said from where he was with a gulp, Karin was next to him.

"Its…its like a second moon…this close its blocking out the entire sky!" Karin added as she stumbled back.

Minato's eyes narrowed as he was next to Kushina. "I could try to teleport those smaller meteors away…but that thing…."

"It'd take more chakra than both of us combined," Kushina breathed out and she looked at their son.

"…Naruto's not worried," Minato said, and he smirked. "I wouldn't put it past him to deal with that new moon."

Kakashi reappeared near them, panting as he dropped to his knee. His Rinnegan pulsed in his head as the chakra that connected it to the Ten-Tails was slowly drained…and it morphed back to its usual Sharingan form. Hastily he pulled his headband over his eye and fell on his rear.

"I did it…I retook Obito's eye from that monster," Kakashi said as he looked at Minato and Kushina. "If I hadn't seen you alive earlier, sensei, I'd think I'd have died again."

"…died again?!" Kushina started.

"I'll explain after Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Hinata win this for us," Kakashi replied as he breathed in and out and Rin came over. "Hey Rin…looks like we're getting a bit of a reunion, reminds me of old times…"

"And Obito's here in spirit with us," Rin said with a happy smile.

Kushina glomped Rin happily. "You're still as cute as you were back when you were a little girl Rin! I'm so happy you're still alive, 'ttebane!"

"GAH!" Rin started before hugging Kushina back happily. "I was so glad to see you were alive too in that monster's dungeon, I could hardly believe it…"

"Heh, its real dattebane! Now my son is gonna end this!" Kushina said as they all looked up.

Also watching was Itachi. His Edo Tensei had started to crack and splinter as his tenuous control over it started to waver. Whatever Kabuto had put on him initially never went away despite him fully regenerating through sheer will. But despite that…he was smiling, seeing his younger brother battle to save the entire world alongside Naruto, Hinata, and Sakura.

Just a bit longer body…just hold out a bit longer…I still have one more thing to give Sasuke.

In the sky Sakura smashed another one of the planetoids into dust with a single punch but she frowned as the new moon loomed over them. Sasuke then floated next to her and he noticed she had lost 'footing' a bit in the sky and he grabbed her to steady her. She blinked in surprise and looked at him…and despite herself her cheeks flushed a bit.

"Not getting worn out after all this?" Sasuke asked her gently.

"Grr…no, I'm not," Sakura said softly as she tried to hide her blush. Well if he wants to earn my love, he's doing a really good job so far…

"Good," Sasuke started and he gave a gentle smile. "Since I enjoy fighting alongside you."

She turned even brighter red at that, and she shook her head to get back in the game. "Same here, we're teammates after all!"

On the ground Naruto and Hinata had been channeling their power together. The young Hokage had been taking in and balancing a massive amount of natural energy while the Hyūga Leader charged more of Hamura's chakra throughout her Tenseigan Chakra Mode. The ground cracked and shattered under their feet as they finished their preparations and then grabbed each other's hands.

"Ready Hinata?" Naruto asked in a whisper and she nodded.

"Yes, Naruto-kun," Hinata replied as she squeezed his hand back.

With that…the young Hokage charged Kokuō's power throughout his body using Futton: Kairiki Musō (Boil Release: Unrivaled Strength) and the threw his girlfriend up into the sky like a bullet. Hinata shot up into the atmosphere at insane speeds and she used her Tenseigan Chakra Mode's Gudōdama just to slam through the meteors and planetoids without stopping herself. She even deliberately spun around one to launch herself up in a slingshot maneuver.

Tobimaru snarled. "What are they hoping to…"

All the while Hinata's eyes were closed…and when she opened them five Gudōdama rotated around her arm, "Kinrin Tensei Baku (Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion)!"

She pulled her arm back and then extended a massive, golden blade…or beam of light, hundreds of kilometers long! It cut through Tobimaru diagonally by accident, when he wasn't even expecting an attack of such range or power and then slammed right into the artificial moon he had created at the same time. In mere seconds she cut through the entire second moon and it cracked and split in half.

"I-Impossible…" Tobimaru muttered as he gurgled blood…and charged more of the Ten-Tails power around him to start regenerating again. How does that Hyūga girl have such power now?! What the hell is that chakra she's using…?

As Tobimaru's moon split in half fully it started to fall onto Earth. Naruto however had finished supercharging himself with Natural Energy and threw his hands back. Gudōdama went into his palms and he then powered them up to the point where they were each as big as a single Chō Bijudama…then as big as the ones the Ten-Tails had created as he lifted both chakra projectiles over his head. Wind then spun around them and created gigantic blades as he stomped his feet and threw them right up into the air.

"Senpō: Chō Bijudama Rasenshuriken (Sage Art: Super Tailed Beast Ball Rasenshuriken)!" the young Hokage called out as he threw both gigantic blasts of chakra into the stratosphere.

Hinata immediately shot down with Sasuke and Sakura while Tobimaru hastily tried to get out of the way of the gigantic Bijudama Rasenshuriken that Naruto had thrown. He avoided one…only for his legs to be cut off by the second and he was caught in a gigantic tailwind from the Fūton chakra within the blasts.

To his sheer disbelief Naruto's attacks impacted both halves of his moon…and in a thundering, massive explosion that vibrated throughout the entire planet and its shockwaves were felt as far away as Earth's original moon. Tobimaru's ultimate attack, his ultimate 'fuck you' to the Ninja World…had been turned to dust. He crashed to the ground, in front of the Allied Shinobi Forces as well as Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura. He then…began to step back, for the briefest of moments he hesitated.

Pathetic! You are a worthless human! The Ten-Tails echoed in Tobimaru's head and he gritted his teeth.

"Shut the hell up!" he called out, throwing his arm around.

You're clearly unable to get the job done! You were even planning on running from this battle… The Ten Tails growled and then its claws raked against the seal holding it. You don't have the willpower to hold me back anymore!

"Grr…stay in the…" Tobimaru started as he stumbled back…and a giant claw poked through his chest where the seal originated…mimicking Minato and Kushina's death to protect Naruto. Blood dribbled from the evil Uchiha's lips as he grabbed the giant claw to push it back into the seal. "No…no…get…back in…!"

Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "After the beating he just got, looks like the Ten-Tails is breaking free…"

"Kind of expected that to happen," Naruto said as his Rikudō Sage Mode flickered around him in intensity. "The Rikudō Sennin said it took immense will to calm the beast long enough to separate it into nine pieces after all…"

Hinata's Tenseigan could see the state of the seal that Tobimaru used to contain the Ten-Tails, more and more…another claw forced itself through the seal. "We don't have much time until it breaks free!"

The main branch of the Ōtsutsuki Clan landed around the entire area and began to create a gigantic Kuchiyoise (Summoning) circle. They worked meticulously as they weaved several complex seals within to jutsu formula, many which went over even Kushina's head despite her mastery of fuinjutsu.

"When it breaks free, we'll summon it to the central dimension!" one of the Ōtsutsuki said as he finished his part of the seal. "Then the Hokage, Byakugan Princess, Uchiha and Karma Medic can finish the battle!"

Kushina blinked. "Central Dimension, what are you…what even are…"

"We'll explain everything later, Uzumaki-dono," one of the female Ōtsutsuki said and she gave a victory sign. "Comparing fuinjutsu knowledge will be fun later!"

Tobimaru now had lost the battle of wills between himself and the Ten-Tails and screamed in absolute agony as his body was being ripped apart from the inside. In his mind he flashed to all the people he killed…he betrayed…people who thought he was their friend and ally only to end up with a kunai to the back. All in his attempt at godhood…and it was now slipping away…

"NO…" Tobimaru snarled as he tried to force the claw back but with each second more came out. "I won't…surrender my…god…"

Before Tobimaru could even finish his sentence, what remained of his seal completely shattered and unfurled on the Ten-Tails. He gave an inhuman scream of pain and agony as his body was literally torn apart as the murderous primordial Bijū burst through its cage. Unlike the other Jinchūriki who merely transformed into their beast when they lost control, when the Ten-Tails was fully unleashed its host was completely obliterated. What was left of Tobimaru's body, still conscious was flicked by the massive Bijū's tail. He reached up weakly as blood leaked out of his torso…his white hair turning back to black and his original eye changed back to a Sharingan…before reverting to a normal black pupil.

"N-No…." Tobimaru mumbled weakly as his life started to fade. "After…all this…my power…my godhood…."

Before he could finish his sentence the Ten-Tails 'tsked' and then crushed him beneath his paw. Useless human…now time to bathe in BLOOD! The One-Eye Deidarabotachi is now FREE!

"NOT FOR LONG!" Naruto yelled as he fully transformed into his Rikudō Bijū Mode, Kurama's Six Path Empowered form was now equal in size to the gigantic Ten-Tails. "You aren't going to get any FURTHER!"

With that the Ōtsutsuki Clan finished their sealing preparations and the space-time portal was finished. Instead of opening like Kamui, the rip in space time took several jagged lines in the ground and on the other side was a place of lined valleys. Before Deidarabotachi could start his brawl with Naruto, it was then hit by Hinata, Sasuke, and Sakura. Naruto followed up and slammed Kurama's gigantic tails into the primordial Biju's face and it staggered…and fell into the rip in space-time.

Hinata got into Naruto's Biju Mode and then cloaked in in her empowered Hoderi: Iso and they jumped into the portal first. Sasuke changed he form of his Susano'o into its massive Perfect form with Sakura inside it and the two followed the Hokage and Hyūga Leader. The Ōtsutsuki Clan Members then added a barrier over the portal to prevent the Ten-Tails from jumping back through it if it should defeat the four extremely powerful shinobi. Neji rushed to the edge and activated his Byakugan so he could watch and see what happened…

It was at that moment Tsunade, Mei and Gaara arrived and saw the state of the battlefield. The blue kimono the Godaime Hokage was wearing flapped in the wind as she hopped down with the Mizukage off the Kazekage's sand platform. They had all been ready to enter the battle again, Tsunade was even in Sage Mode. They then blinked in confusion, expecting to be in a battle with Madara and the Ten-Tails…only to find neither there.

"Hokage-sama, Mizukage-sama, Kazekage-sama!" Ino said as she rushed over. "Phew, we were a bit worried that the battle's scale might have caught you all up on this!"

"We managed to avoid the worst of it," Gaara said as he looked around. "Where's Madara? The Ten-Tails?"

"Madara got obliterated by his partner Tobimaru," Shikamaru answered as he walked over. "Lots of things changed, we actually had to fight alongside Madara when his partner became the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki. And the past Hokage were brought back via Edo Tensei, either Kabuto sent them ore…"

"Orochimaru?" Tsunade finished and she sighed. "That snake just doesn't stay dead…."

"Yes…the Nidaime, Shodaime, and Sandaime all fell in battle, the latter two were obliterated-with Shodaime with Madara, by usage of the strange black orbs that Tobimaru possessed, and the Sandaime burned out his Edo Tensei body with the Eight Gates," Shikamaru continued and he glanced to see Minato and Kushina coming over. "Tobimaru decided to bring the Yondaime back to life with the sole purpose of torturing him…only for Naruto to overpower him with some amazing new abilities."

Tsunade nodded and her eyes widened "That explains Minato…but how about Kushina? She's not a Edo Tensei…."

"No, I'm not," Kushina said as she breathed out. "It's a long story, but I was the prisoner of Tobimaru ever since the night the Kyūbi...I mean Kurama was forced out of my seal by him."

"After this is over, I'm going to need a full debriefing on what happened," Tsunade said as she looked at the Ōtsutsuki Clan and their portal. Their chakra…its so powerful and vast…who the hell are they?!

On the other side of the portal in the 'Central Dimension', Deidarabotachi gave a loud roar as he forced Naruto and Hinata's combined chakra avatar off him. In the strange time-space, there were stars clearly seen in the sky and it felt like they were all on an alternate planet, not just a different dimension. Large canyons and mountain ranges made up the terrain with each layer of geologic time exposed. Strangely, far in the distance there was a structure…a castle that had been built there untold ages ago.

"You think you can keep me here?! I'll slam my way through that portal and start massacring the entire human race!"

"Not if we can help it!" Sakura yelled as she slammed right into the Ten-Tails face with a massive punch.

The gigantic, multi-kilometer tailed beast gave a loud roar of pain as several teeth went flying out of its jaw when it impacted the ground with enough force to create a giant crater. In response Deidarabotachi whipped its massive tails to try to swat Sakura like a fly only for Sasuke to swoop in and deflected them with his Perfect Susano'o's swords.

The Ten-Tails then gave a loud roar and black and white chakra surged around its mouth and then formed a gigantic, dense orb of black chakra. It then fired not as a projectile but a massive blast-wave right at Sasuke and Sakura. Both avoided it but the blast went right at Naruto and Hinata who just stood their ground…and the Hyūga's Hoderi withstood the blast which would vaporize nearly anything else.

"I'm going in Naruto-kun, you and Sasuke are keys to sealing the beast!" Hinata announced as she jumped out of the chakra construct while her Tenseigan Chakra Mode flickered around her body.

"Right! I'll provide long-ranged support until we're already!" Naruto said as he dispelled his Kurama Avatar and then created two gigantic Yōton: Rasenshuriken and tossed them right at the Ten-Tails. "Hey ugly! Bet you can't hit me!"

The massive Yōton: Rasenshuriken slammed into Deidarabotachi and crashed into the ground with enough force to create earthquakes. They erupted in a massive dome explosion that had the appearance of small suns which bathed the primordial Biju superheated lava. It then roared in pain and annoyance as it slammed its tails into the ground…and its entire body began to glow with a sickly green.

Hinata's Tenseigan and Sasuke Rinnegan, due to both being enhanced by the power of Hamura and Hagoromo witnessed what was happening: the Ten-Tails was actively zapping the planet's natural energy that it was on. Naruto could even sense it as the air started to shimmer around the area and a sinister steam hissed out of the primordial Biju's mouth. Its arms and legs surged and grew with muscle mass and on its back, what seemed to be like a flower burst open. Its foxlike face snarled as any of its jagged teeth that had been blown out of its mouth had been regrown even sharper than before. In mere seconds after it had drained the power of the very planet itself, Deidarabotachi had truly regained its full might.

"Must…DESTROY…EVERYTHING!" The Ten-Tails called out as it then it seemed to vanish right in front of Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura's eyes!

"Where…?!" Sasuke started before he and his Perfect Susano'o were smashed into the ground by the gigantic claws of the beast.

"SASUKE!" Naruto, Hinata and Sakura called out before the three were also hit all simultaneously and sent flying in different directions!

The Hokage was the first to recover as he used Kokuō's power to strengthen his body to tank the impact into the ground. The Hyūga Leader had managed to use her Gudōdama for the same purpose, but she groaned a bit in pain. The pink-haired medic had powered more of her Karma seal and managed to regain momentum in the air as the horns on her head grew a bit larger. She sent chakra to her feet and stopped herself in mid-air and then launched herself like a bullet.

"That HURT! SHANNARO!" Sakura yelled as she smashed her fist right into the Ten-Tail's cheek and the gigantic multi-kilometer beast staggered back as a few more of its teeth went flying.

"Don't let up!" Hinata yelled as she joined the attack too. "Ginrin Tensei Baku (Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion)!"

Her Gudōdama swirled around her arm and created a gigantic, powerful vortex which slammed the Ten-Tails back into Sakura's fists. Not willing to let up Hinata zipped forward at full speed as she charged up another one of her attacks and lifted her hand up.

"Yasogami Kūgeki (Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack)!" Hinata called out as she followed up with a barrage of gigantic chakra fists that sent the Ten-Tails' head flying upwards and it slammed down on its back onto the ground, and it roared angrily. We must keep attacking to keep its attention!

Sakura read what Hinata was doing and she zipped to one of the giant beast's tails. "Don't think we're done yet! You're not gonna get any more power here! SHANNARO!"

With that Sakura grabbed the tail…and she used all her newfound strength from her Karma seal to not only yank Deidarabotachi up from the ground…but slam it into the earth with enough force to create earthquakes and crater the ground. By now, Sasuke had managed to recover from the blow he did, as did Naruto who was grinning.

"Damn…note to self, never get Hinata-chan OR Sakura-chan angry ever again," Naruto said as both Hinata and Sakura landed a combined blow on the Ten-Tails!

"Agreed," Sasuke commented as he looked at Sakura. …I was too blinded in the beginning…she's become more than just a fine shinobi…

Sakura yelled as she then tossed the Ten-Tails away, sending it tumbling on the ground and she breathed in and out through her nose. Hinata flew in and followed up and launched dozens of Hamura chakra enhanced Hakke Kūshō's that impacted with the force of Bijudama's right on the primordial Biju's body! The Ten-Tails gave a roar of pain and annoyance and charged chakra through its next roar to send Sakura and Hinata flying backwards!

Naruto crossed his fingers. "Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Multiple Shadow Clone Technique)!"

In an instant 10,000 clones of Naruto puffed into existence, two of which caught Hinata and Sakura while the others surged forward like a angry swarm of wasps right at the gigantic Deidarabotachi. It roared and swiped at them and destroyed hundreds of them just as the clones landed a barrage of Rasengans and Gudōdama attacks right on it. Naruto himself hovered back with nine others and each began to create a Rasenshuriken while the Ten-Tails fought the swarm.

Sasuke then rushed in himself while the Ten-Tails was distracted and he focused, and then Amaterasu began to ignite all over the primordial Biju's body! One of Naruto's clones then did a chakra transfer to the last Uchiha and he got a burst of power in the form of some of the Biju's power at that moment. With that Sasuke formed his Perfect Susano'o again…and its appearance had changed. It had a huge bow now…and white lightning was bursting from its back and it had lost its wings.

"Biju Perfect Susano'o, active!" Sasuke yelled as he then created a arrow made of lightning itself. "Indora no Ya (Indra's Arrow)!"

He then shot the massively powerful lightning arrow right at the Ten-Tails as it managed to dispel Sasuke's Amaterasu and fight off Naruto's clone swarm. The arrow slammed right through the beast's skin and then it not only electrocuted Deidarabotachi but then erupted in a massive explosion. The sheer size of the explosion seemed to shake the entire planet and sent a blast of superheated plasma right into space.

"That…actually…HURT!" The Ten-Tails gave another loud, angry roar as it went to slam its tails into the earth again.

"Not this time!" Hinata called out as she rushed forward and her Gudōdama spun again and formed into the giant golden sword again. "Kinrin Tensei Baku (Golden Reincarnation Wheel Explosion)!"

With that she slashed out once more with her blade that was thousands of kilometers long and cut through all of the Ten-Tails' tails and made it cry out loudly in pain. Before it could recover Sasuke followed up with several gigantic Susano'o Arrows that pinned its feet and to the ground. Just as Sakura followed up with a gigantic uppercut to the chin to keep it stunned.

"ANYTIME NOW NARUTO!" Sakura called out as she landed on her feet. "We can't keep this up indefinitely!"

"All DONE!" Naruto yelled as the eight other clones floated with him and they each created a Chōōdama Rasenshuriken…each powered with chakra from every Biju within the young Hokage.

One had sand floating around it to show Shukaku's power; the next had blue flames to show Matatabi's; the following had a sphere of water at the center of the Rasenshuriken for Isobu's, the fourth had a molten core to show Son Goku's; the fifth had boiling, acidic water to signify Kokuō's; the sixth was a ball of sticky acid to show Saiken's power; the seventh had glittering, golden scales around it to show Chōmei's power; the eighth was a ball of destructive ink for Gyūki's; and finally a ball of pure chakra to signify Kurama's to round it out. Not since Hagoromo and Hamura existed had a jutsu this powerful nor magnificent had existed!

"Senpō: Chō Chō Bijū Rasenshuriken (Sage Art: Super Ultra Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken)!" Naruto called out and launched all nine Chōōdama Rasenshuriken right at the immobilized, stunned Ten-Tails.

The resulting explosion dwarfed even Sasuke's and scorched the earth for over a thousand kilometers around. Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura regrouped as they hoped the desired, secondary effect would affect the primordial Biju. Before they could even seal it after all…the original full seven Biju inside it would have to be 'reawaken' after their own chakra had it.

As the smoke cleared…there was a 'bubbling' sound. They saw that the Ten-Tails was now mutated…the effects of the other Biju's chakra made their faces appear right on its skin as it tried to keep them under control. It gave a garbled roar as it started to concentrate its power again and one of the gigantic Susano'o arrows pinning its hands and feet burst out of the ground.

"Now's our chance!" Naruto yelled.

"Before it recovers!" Sasuke added as both Naruto and Sasuke flew in at full speed towards the primordial Biju.

As the Ten-Tails writhed in agony from the entities that the Rikudō Sennin had created being reawakened in its body. If this had been a one on one, or even a two on one battle, the Deidarabotachi was sure it could have won or at least drag the fight out for a long time. But against four powerful opponents at, near, or even above Hagoromo and Hamura's power was too much. Even its brief power up by absorbing the natural energy of the new planet it was on, it wasn't enough.

I should…have assumed a more human form…concentrated my power….

Just as it thought that…Naruto and Sasuke's dominant hands slammed onto its body at the same time…and the sun and moon symbols then eclipsed the Rinne Sharingan that Deidarabotachi had. It gave a roar as within that moment it was sent flying into the sky…the Biju ripping themselves free as its power was completely sealed. Just like three thousand years ago…it had lost, and its power was being broken up. And now…there was no way of coming back.

Damn…it…I need to kill…but… It gave one final roar as the Rikudō: Chibaku Tensei fully activated while its body reverted to the Gedō Mazō.

"Your Jinchūriki actually did it Kurama! I'm impressed!" Son Goku said as he landed on his feet and knuckles, four tails whipping behind him.

"Pat Naruto, Hinata and their friends' backs later, we need to get out of here!" Matatabi said as a new massive moon was being built around the Ten-Tails' husk.

"Don't worry, we're already on it!" Naruto said with a grin and he flew down…and grabbed each Biju with a giant chakra arm and lifted them into the air.

"We got to hurry back," Hinata said as sweat appeared on her brow. "We used up a lot of chakra…"

Sasuke had his Perfect Susano'o around him as he and Sakura followed. "We're almost there!" Sakura said as her seals contracted to her forehead…but she retained the horns afterwards. "Didn't…ever expect to use that much power…or hell even gain that much power…"

Naruto grinned. "We'll rest in a few minutes…here we go!"

With that they passed through the portal in the sky and it was shortly closed right up. With that everyone powered down and Naruto took several deep gasps as he knelt next to Hinata, his arms around her while the Biju towered over them. The Hyūga Leader's eyes changed back to her normal white pupils as she relaxed against the young Hokage. Sasuke's eyes changed as well, his dominant eye maintained the Rinnegan but the other reverted back to normal.

"Hey…Sakura…your seal's off, right?" Naruto asked and she blinked and nodded. "Then why do you still have horns?"

"What…?!" Sakura asked and Saiken came over.

"You could use my body as a mirror Pinkie! See?"

Sakura looked…and just as Naruto said she retained the horns that she regained when she was powered up by her Karma seal. Before she could start freaking out, Sasuke put his hand on her shoulder gently.

"I think they look nice, Sakura," Sasuke said with a smile.

…with that Sakura's cheeks turned bright red and she forced herself not to lash out like she normally would. "Gah…you're just saying that! And don't get too familiar, I still haven't fully forgiven you for leaving Konoha!"

Son Goku could sense nearby the Jinchūriki were still alive-albeit barely, thanks to Sakura's remote healing. Throughout the entire final battle they had been safely protected and stabilized by the Katsuyu attached to each one of them. It was nearly unspoken…but the Biju sought out their old Jinchūriki 'prisons'…and willingly resealed themselves inside them to save their lives. Yugito Nii, Yagura, Rōshi, Han, and Fū slowly regained consciousness just as Naruto's family and friends rushed over.

The long war was finally over, it was finished. All four, even Sasuke were lifted into the air and tossed into the sky as they were proclaimed the heroes that saved the world. The sun crested over the horizon and signified that a new day, a new era had begun to dawn for the ninja world!


A few weeks later in Konoha, the aftermath of the War had started to sink in. In the Hokage Tower, Naruto, Tsunade, and Minato were all swamped by paperwork, the three Hokage were focused on several things. Due to the Daimyo being killed by Tobimaru, they had to divvy up the work that the civilian government would usually do. Lines of succession were in place in every great nation, but until things were decided the respective Kage were tasked in leading not only their village but the country itself.

Bodies were in the process of being recovered from the various battlefields of the War, and the ruins of Kumogakure had been investigated for any survivors. None had been found but due to the actions of Tsunade and Shikaku, the entirety of the civilian population as well as the home guard had survived. Funds were being funneled from all of the Shinobi Alliance to rebuild Kumogakure as Darui had assumed the role of Raikage. Simultaneously Kurotsuchi assumed the role of Tsuchikage in Iwagakure.

Kirigakure, Sunagakure, Konohagakure and Iwagakure had been virtually untouched in comparison during the war. All the major villages like Konoha had suffered a full-on assault by Akatsuki forces but they had been repelled with minimal losses. But despite that…things were a bit grim.

"…more refugees from the Land of Lightning are asking to be let into the Land of Fire," Minato said as he wiped his forehead after seeing the latest reports.

The Yellow Flash and Kushina had scant time to catch up after their long, long time away from each other, and even less connect with their now Hokage son. They both had been added back to the active roster-Kushina had gone through a full medical check by Tsunade and a debriefing before she cleared her for active duty. Minato had also given a full briefing of Orochimaru's survival but couldn't attest to the Snake Sannin's current whereabouts.

Naruto leaned back and then checked the time. "The funeral ceremonies are starting; I have to be there."

Minato smiled. "I'll continue working then Naruto, its important to say your goodbyes to your late comrades. And…by the time you're done, your friend's release will be secured. The Land of Iron has made one condition though that shouldn't be too much trouble for him if he's genuinely willing to atone."

"Knowing Sasuke, that won't be too much of an issue," Naruto said with a grin. "At least some good news there…what's the condition?"

"Sasuke is to work for the families in the Land of Iron of the men he killed until the debt is repaid. He's to spend two years in the Samurai Country to do so. General Mifune had agreed to a lesser sentence due to Sasuke's actions saving more of his people during the War than he killed before it."

A few minutes later, the young Hokage was dressed in his robes but he had put on a funeral outfit to go with it. He looked up to see Hinata there. She had been equally busy as the new Hyūga Leader but was already in the works to give her cousin, Neji the post, since she felt he deserved it more. She walked over to her boyfriend and rested her head against his shoulder, and he noticed dried tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I know Hinata-chan, I know," Naruto said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and closed his eyes tightly. The image of Kiba appeared in his head and he breathed out. "I miss him too."

"I know…I know…." Hinata breathed out as she put her hand over her chest. "He's always going to be in here…but…it still hurts so much that he's gone. Even more that he sacrificed himself to save us…"

Naruto pushed their foreheads together as they shed a few soft tears, and they forced themselves to stand up. Naruto and Hinata made their way to the cemetery and were slowly joined by their friends with Akamaru and Shino being the first, Shikamaru, Chōji and Ino were next, then Neji, Tenten and Rock Lee, and finally Sakura, Sai, Tenko, and Karin. Ino had supplied everyone with the flowers needed for the funerals from the Yamanaka Flower Shop, she was now the Yamanaka Clan head. The only one absent was Sasuke…despite helping save the world, he had insisted he faced punishment for his actions before and midway through the War and was currently imprisoned in Konoha's military prison. His only visitors besides Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Sai, and Kakashi was the Edo Tensei of his elder brother Itachi.

Kiba wasn't the only ninja being laid to rest…he was one of thousands that Konoha had lost in the War. Alongside his elder sister, as well as the Shikaku, Inoichi, Chōza, Hiashi, Hana, and countless others. The funerals had effectively started after the euphoria of winning the War had worn off after a week as the grim, sad task sank in. Every name…Naruto made sure to memorize and engrave in his mind, heart and soul.

When they all reached the cemetery, in the line of new gravestones little candles were lit as everyone placed a bouquet of flowers down in front of each name. Nearly all Konoha was there mourning, the combined funeral was larger than even the Sandaime's from years ago. Naruto made sure that he acknowledged the dead and gave them a proper sendoff.

In preparation for these funerals, a new monument had been erected next to the memorial stone shaped like a flame. This one…was an eternal flame to show the Will of Fire right next to the memorial stone and two ANBU were to make sure the flame never went out. It wasn't burning just for Konoha now, but the entire Ninja world. Naruto had gotten the idea after the War…and he, Gaara, Mei Terumi, Kurotsuchi and Darui had all added their chakra to make sure the flame stayed ignited and to show the new bonds between the Five Great Villages.

The combined funeral took hours…but it had finished with Naruto putting the Senpū Rōga right on Kiba's grave. The blade that the Inuzuka had spent years to master would be kept with him even beyond the grave. Akamaru gave a small whine and barked, putting his nose to the ground where his master was buried.

"I know Akamaru, I know," Naruto said as he pat the dog and then gave it a hug. "Kiba's still with us…we'll never forget him."

A wild looking woman, who looked like she had been crying for days on end had came over to Naruto and then bowed. "Thank you Hokage-sama…thank you for honoring my son…and my daughter…"

Naruto bowed back. "No need, Tsume-dono…Kiba was one of my best friends, and I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him. And I didn't know Hana as well, but I won't forget her either…they're both heroes."

She sniffled and wiped her nose. "They'd probably tease me for bawling my eyes out like this. I'm supposed to be the tough, scary mom…but…" her voice cracked as she began to sob again. "A mother…a parent isn't supposed to outlive their children…"

Naruto then hugged her comfortingly. "I know…I know…"

Hinata and Shino then both came over to Tsume and Naruto, and the four shared stories about Kiba and Hana while they tried to get through their own grief. Even Shino's normal stoic exterior had started to crack as he shared with Tsume on how Kiba had helped him improve his taijutsu. The last one to came over was Kurenai, she had tears in her eyes too since Kiba had been her own student. She was holding her baby daughter…Mirai, who didn't grasp what was going on but since her mother was crying, she was crying too.

When the sun began to set the funerals were over and the Konoha 11 were now enjoying a group dinner together at the Barbecue Restaurant. To cheer up his friends Rock Lee put on an skit with Neji and Tenten to break up the tension, and the comedy routine cut RIGHT through the somber mood like a knife. Especially when Neji complained about being cast as a woman once again in one of Lee's stories!

"Heh…thanks Lee," Naruto said after laughing next to Hinata. "We all needed that!"

As this was happening, Sasuke was in his cell and was talking with his elder brother. Due to his compliance, the last Uchiha had minimal security and his chakra network and eyes weren't sealed and he was sipping some tea. Itachi leaned back as his face cracked.

"The jutsu isn't going to hold out much longer," Sasuke noticed and Itachi smiled.

"I know, I'm okay with that," Itachi said as he looked at his hand. "My soul is going to return to the pure world once more."

"…I still can't believe we didn't get a chance to talk during the War, but so much stuff had happened," Sasuke said as he leaned back and glanced out the barred window.

"That's true, and we just missed each other as I understand it when you fought Naruto for that final time," Itachi added as his body cracked more and a bright light began to shine through the gaps. "My time looks to be up, or…I don't have any regrets anymore."

Sasuke smiled. "…at least you'll be known for your actions to save Konoha and the world…"

"I played a minor part there, and I still wish I had found another way to save not only Konoha but our Clan," Itachi said as he leaned back. "If I had trusted you earlier, reached out to Kakashi or my comrades, that all could have been avoided. Danzo's and Tobimaru's machinations would have screeched to a halt."

Sasuke paused at Danzo's name. "…that's the only thing I don't feel sorry for. Danzo may have tried to protect Konoha his own way…but in the end he was nothing but a self-serving person. The world's better off with him gone for good."

"Not many people would disagree," Itachi said as he looked at the ceiling as the locks began to be undone on the cell. "Looks like this is where I'll be gone for good, Sasuke." Itachi's body broke down fully and then he pushed his head against his brother's forehead instead of poking it. "No matter what Sasuke, always remember, I'll always love you. Goodbye…."

The reincarnated Uchiha's body shattered into a pile of ash and paper and his soul, now bathed in a golden light ascended into the sky as Sasuke looked up and watched it leave. Just as Kakashi came walking in and he noticed the scene.

"Sasuke…I have good news. You're free to go," he said to his student and Sasuke wiped his eyes. "Though…you do have to report for work in the Land of Iron for the next couple years."

"…I see…" Sasuke said as he stood up. "That's fine…when do I leave?"

"You have a few days. Go see your friends," Kakashi said and he gave a smiling eye. "And…don't forget to bring Sakura with you."


"You're leaving Konoha again for two years. You honestly expect her not to tag along with you?" Kakashi pointed out with a grin. "And I can tell…"

"Tell what?" Sasuke asked as he began to walk out with his teacher.

"You've fallen hard for her," Kakashi replied as they walked. "Hell I think you kept pushing her away since you either thought you were protecting her or didn't deserve her. Let her make that choice though this time."

"…you're really observant Kakashi," Sasuke admitted as he sighed. "And if I said 'no' to not taking her, I might get the old beatings that she gave Naruto in the past."

"True, true," Kakashi said as they walked, and he pat the last Uchiha's back. "Like Naruto and Sakura, you've made me proud Sasuke."

"Thanks, Kakashi-sensei," Sasuke said with a grin. "The old me probably wouldn't have acknowledged that."

The two shared a soft laugh as Sasuke was given the directions to where his friends, his comrades were now hanging out. For the first time in…years. Sasuke felt…he knew he was home. That he had a home…and it made his heart swell.

A few hours later…after Sasuke had rejoined his comrades at the Barbecue Restaurant and made plans with Sakura about his 'mission' to the Land of Iron, Naruto and Hinata had excused themselves from the now party. Despite being a Clan Head…Hinata had all but moved in with Naruto after the War, both having the authority to do so without raising many eyebrows. Even the Clan Elders couldn't object…and the union between the two was now not only politically viable and powerful, but the Elders saw that any potential offspring between Naruto and Hinata would bring the Hyūga Clan to new heights! To this point, they even constructed a new house for them to live in near record time half-way between the Hyūga Compound and the Hokage Tower. Whenever they had the chance, they would spend the day together or go out on dates…getting closer and closer together.

Akamaru looked up as Naruto and Hinata stumbled into the living room, the two now kissing passionately. He gave a 'not again' groan before putting his head down. They left a pile of clothes outside their shared bedroom. Naruto laid back in the bed as Hinata climbed up and straddled his waist…and throughout the house a 'Oh Naruto!' was heard!

Epilogue, 15 years later

At the Uzumaki Residence, a little girl with black hair, four whisker marks and sky-blue eyes awoke for the day. She sat up and stretched…before giving a happy grin when she realized what day it was! It was the first day of the Ninja Academy! She jumped off her bed and eagerly got dressed and brushed her teeth….and bumped into her elder sister. At the foot of her bed was a old white dog…Akamaru looked up the minute she hopped off the bed and barked and panted cutely seeing her.

"Geez Himawari-chan, slow down!" the older girl, who was around 11 years old said and she had long black hair in a ponytail and like her younger sister four whisker marks on her cheeks, but she had her mother's white eyes.

"Sorry Shina-onee-chan! I'm just so excited!" Himawari said eagerly as she jumped up and down. "Like you, Boruto-onii-chan and Tsune-onii-chan I'm gonna be a ninja!"

Shina had grinned. "Just don't be too much like Boruto-nii, I swear he gives dad a headache more times than I can count…"

"Where's daddy?!" Himawari asked with a grin.

"You'll see him at the Academy," Shina said as Boruto came walking downstairs. He had four whisker marks on his face and his blond hair was shaped as a leaf, and he had his father's blue eyes. "Hey big bro, getting ready for a mission?"

"Yeah, yeah," Boruto said as he stretched. "Gotta meet up with Sarada and Mitsuki. Don't want her to yell at me again and punch me flat…."

"You always do get on Sarada-nee's nerves big bro!" Himawari said teasingly. "Where's Tsu?!"

"Where else, trying to prank grandpa and failing," Boruto said as Hinata then came walking out and was carrying laundry. "Hey mom!"

Hinata smiled. "Kids, I'm getting ready for this week's laundry, you all set there?"

The Uzumaki matriarch was as beautiful as she was years ago even though she had four children with her husband Naruto. She wore her long hair in a ponytail that went all the way down her back and was wearing a blue dress since she wasn't on duty right now. As she talked with her children, she passed several pictures…Naruto and Hinata's wedding…pictures of Boruto, Shina, Tsune and Himawari as babies as well as pictures of their friends and sensei's.

"Dad's not going to be late tonight, right?" Boruto asked critically.

"No, your grandfather said he'll cover the last part of the paperwork today so your father can have the night off," Hinata said happily.

Himawari grinned. "And I'll see daddy at the Academy!"

…and then they heard a yell and a young boy with black hair the same shade as Hinata's rushed in, and he had blue eyes like Naruto with four whisker marks. Behind him was a red-headed woman…Kushina who was stomping her feet after being soaked by a falling bucket.




Hinata sighed. "Tsune…."

"Heh, always getting in trouble Tsu!" Himawari said with a giggle. "I gotta get going though!"

"Why can't you behave like sweet Himawari-chan?!" Kushina complained while comedically chasing Tsune around the room as her red hair floated around.

"It was just a joke! I'm sorry!"

Himawari giggled and then rushed out of the living room and she was bathed in the sunlight ahead. Konoha had changed a LOT…it was now not just the ninja village of the Land of Fire; it had become the Land of Fire's capital. As such it was much, much more urban after the War, there was a sprawling city around it complete with skyscrapers and trains going to and from the other nations.

On the Hokage Monument itself…Naruto's face was now over the village to show he was still protecting it, like his forefathers. And in the Hokage Tower itself, the Rokudaime Hokage was at work to prepare for the next Kage Summit which would be held in Konoha this year. His hands flew over the keys on his laptop as he prepared the agenda for it and there were a few cups of Ichiraku Ramen around his desk. After all these years, most of the wounds from the Fourth Shinobi World War healed…the Jinchūriki were still around and were in constant contact. Hell Fū, the Chōmei's Jinchūriki had even moved to Konoha after the War since she could finally make friends and have a fresh start. She was now an instructor at the Academy…alongside her husband Shino.

Naruto stretched and leaned back. "Man…I need to stretch," he said with a grin. "Lots of work to do, not enough time for it…"

He looked out at his village, his home…seeing one of the inventions that had been tested and made during his early years as Hokage fly in the sky. The airship was advertising for the Kage Summit as well as for opening day at the Ninja Academy, the latter ad was telling kids to stock up on supplies.

"Times sure have changed," Naruto said as he stood up. His cape was now a bit shorter, and his spikey hair was now cut a bit shorter as well. He also was wearing a orange sweater with a black pattern-Hinata had made it and several copies for him to wear and had also made the orange pants he was now sporting. He looked out the window again and smiled.

"Even after all these years…I can't believe I did it…" Naruto said with a smile. "I'm Hokage…all this hard work had paid off…" He stretched. Tsunade-oba-chan is on her sixth honeymoon with the Mizukage Mei Terumi right now…man when they married it was a BIG show since no one expected it…oh and Gaara sent me an email that he's expecting a new baby now too!

He smirked happily at that as he leaned back and yawned before Shikamaru came in. He now looked nearly identical to his late father, right down to the goatee. "Not planning on slacking off Naruto?"

"Not even, I'm just getting started! I still have to make it to my little girl's first day at the Academy after all!" Naruto said with a grin. "And after all, aren't you the lazy one?"

"Temari would have my hide if I continued to be lazy," Shikamaru said with a grin. "Sasuke is gonna be back soon too I hear."

"Yep…that second mission. Good thing I told him he better come back to Konoha every month for a debriefing, or Sakura-chan would REALLY be both depressed and mad all the time. One frustrated punch and…boom, Konoha would need to hire Inari's company again to repair the damage."

The two shared a laugh before looking out the window again…seeing all the progress they've made since Pain's Invasion. Since the Fourth Shinobi World War…and like Naruto insisted, the work was never done!

The End!

Author's Notes:

Whew…its all over. Ten years of working on this story has been so fun. Sorry it took so long to make this chapter, lots of things have happened over 2019-2020 for me. But this has been a labor of love and has been so fun to write. Thank you for all the reviews and support through over the years, I really appreciate it!

Now as for the story itself…this isn't the end to the 'Bijuverse'! I have a series of interquels planned basically doing the Hiden storylines my way, as well as my version of The Last! And when the sequel comes, Himawari is the main character, not Boruto! She deserves more love and should honestly be the focus of a sequel storyline. And as for the Uzumaki family, heh, Naruto and Hinata got productive since the War ended, four kids instead of two after all!

Killing Tobimaru off was so satisfying and my favorite parts of this chapter were Kakashi's duel with him in the Kamui dimension, the 'new Sages' effortlessly dealing with his Chibaku Tensei spam and Naruto and Hinata destroying Tobimaru's new moon. As for power…?





In that order. Though the gap isn't that big. Hinata had received the lion's portion of Hamura's chakra and awakened the Tenseigan which is why, in pure firepower and speed, strength and defenses, she's a bit stronger than Sasuke and Sakura. Sasuke is the 'hax' of the group, he can use all the Six Paths Techniques on top of a Izanagi-like jutsu which doesn't blind him, AND his teleportation Amenotejikara makes him insanely hard to hit and due damage. Sakura is the 'tank' of the group, she isn't as fast or agile as Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke, but makes up for it with pure, insanely massive strength amped by her Karma Seal and she can regenerate from any damage and absorb ninjutsu and make it her own. Naruto though? He is undoubtedly the strongest of all four, able to use all the powers of the Nine Biju and amp them up with Six Paths Senjutsu chakra, and he has all his canon abilities for that like the ability to regenerate organs and such for others (just couldn't show it). And if he could tap into the planet's Natural Energy…he's practically unstoppable due to the power increase of his Rikudō Sage Mode.

Oh, and couples that have became 'canon' in the story besides NaruHina? SasuSaku, ShikaTema, SaiIno, ChoKar, NejiTen, Tenko/Karin, Tsunade/Mei Terumi and the surprise of Shino/Fu (to surprise my friend Anders Arias of Son of the Sannin). They'll all get screen time and everything in the interquels and sequel too! Now who do you think Kakashi will get with, since that'll be dealt with in the Interquels…and finally…noticed Boruto's teammates? Yes…Mitsuki exists in this verse but backstory is a bit different…he's a clone of Orochimaru but escaped to Konoha with the help of Log and has no contact with Orochimaru now since his 'parent' is still evil. They are even staying with Minato and Kushina!

Oh, and as for Madara and Hashirama…yeah, the Gudōdama combined with Bijudama obliterated them due to the properties of the latter, their souls were free to return to the pure world. Itachi was the 'longest' active Edo Tensei and his body began to break down due to two things: he was finally leaving without regrets and the jutsu was never designed to be active indefinitely. I thought his final meeting with Sasuke was touching as well.

And finally, sorry about the downer after the War with the funeral, but it was really needed to hammer in what was lost. And with Tsume there…finally some interaction between Naruto and a parent of one of his friends that isn't part of Team 10. And Akamaru has joined the 'Uzumaki Family' now to keep protecting Naruto and Hinata in his master's stead, which in turn means he's watching over their kids too.

Thank you for reading, and please review! After all these years, you all made this story awesome!

This is the link to the fic: