To command a flower bud to open is foolishness, and to neglect or unappreciated it is to squander the essence of creation. A flower bud has to be nurtured with patience and appreciation, feeling the sacred gift is to be one with the essence of creation, to be a part of that which is the flow of love. That was how it was supposed to be. That was how she was to be treated, just like any other girl of her age, but it was never something near to it.

From the day her mother deceased she felt it. She felt the changes, the truth behind those facades which looked beautiful from afar but it was never near to it. The hate her father had for her. The hardship her mother had hidden from her. Not a day passed by her father had bought another woman. Not the way she expected it to be. Not once did she see the sadness in him.

She was too small to understand what was happening but what was the time there for? Time flew, but she didn't let the negative vibes creep and spoil her life, so she had gotten rid of them.

One early morning as usual she attended her high school. She was an early attendee who usually was the first to attend her class so she could spend her time alone for herself. As she walked into her class a frown formed on her forehead.

There was a disposable cup of coffee on her desk, but there was no note on it to take a sniff of who it belonged to or who left it on her desk.

The cup had the tag 'Drink Me,' but she didn't dare drink it. Lifting the coffee cup, she kept it on another desk and arranged her books on the desk, and laid her head on the desk.

Three of the girls came walking into the class and greeted her when they saw her, and she returned them the greeting back with a polite smile as she continued reading the new novel which she borrowed from the college library and the girl who sat next to her questioned her whom did the coffee belonged to. Vilian shook her head as she too did not know who it belonged to.

Just like that, there was another cup of coffee waiting for her on the desk but also with a note the next day morning.

It read, "How could you resist me when I couldn't?" The coffee was her favorite Hazelnut latte, which she usually consumed in the college canteen.

Vilian removed the note from the cup and put it in her bag with her confused smile.

As she sink into her chair she peered around. Hardly anyone was there in the classroom. She turned her attention back to the cup. It was a venti, tall, frothy, and still hot. She wanted to resist it until she know the giver, but without conscious thought, she lift it in her hand and the first milky sip crept over her taste buds and down to her throat.

After a few minutes, she was bathing in the kick of the caffeine. The first period of the day began. She finished her coffee before her teacher could enter the classroom.

The coffee giver continued to buy her the coffee every morning along with the sticky notes sticking on it inked with sweat-coating words which always broadened a smile on her.

On a fine summer day, she entered her classroom and eyes as she saw a beautifully wrapped black velvet gift box waiting for her. She ran to her table not believing what she saw. From the look of it, one would say the box itself was costly. She ran to the nearby ladies' washroom along with the box hugging to her chest and her bag still hanging on her shoulders.

She was so in shock that she nearly bumped into someone, but she didn't stop running. As she entered one of the cubicle toilets she locked herself and placed the box over the toilet ball's lid after closing it. As she unlocked the box, she saw a dress folded neatly.

It was a pastel ocean-blue ocean mermaid corset frock. A small black card was pinned to its hand strap inked with glittery blue ink letters as 'Can I borrow you? I swear I'll return it to you.'

"Which means he wants to meet?" She questioned herself in disbelief. The school bell rang, startling her from her daze. She put the dress back into the box and dropped it into her backpack, and she ran to her class with her chest banging so hard. That evening, after her school, she walked back to her home with a cloud of thoughts hovering, not knowing what to do. As soon as she reached her home, she ran to her room.

Opening the box, she took the dress out and placed it on her body, standing in front of the mirror.

"Oh my gosh!!! This dress looks beautiful, Mi'lady!" screamed Lily startling her. Vilian ran to her and shushed. She hasn't let anyone know about the stranger presenting her coffee which might sound strange if one were to know. "Is there a business party again, Mi'lady?"

Mustering herself Viliam said what took place for her to receive a beautiful frock like this. Lily was awestruck. She listened to her as if she was listening to an old fairytale.

Sitting beside her Lily admired the dress lovingly. "This would look beautiful on you. I must say, the guy really knows what your like and what might look good on you. Awee... Isn't this romantic? This is just like the stories and fairytales. I guess he's your prince," She said excitedly as she hugged Vilian but then, as she glanced at the dress again, there was another note on it.

"LOOK!! There's another note in it," she said as she handed the dress to Vilian.

"It's the time and the venue, which means..." dragged Vilian and Lily continued her words.

"He's expecting you to meet him..."

"TODAY!!!" Both exclaimed in unison.

It was already six in the evening, and she had to meet him in an hour. Vilian got prepared hurriedly, while Lily helped her in her dress and do her hair.