"Yo, Aster! Whassup man? Never knew you'd be here?" came the surprised voice from the red-haired guy gazing at the devil.

"Neither do I," muttered Vilian thoughtlessly.

"Oh, Nice to meet you again, Miss," The guy gave an angelic smile as he extended his hand toward Vilian, who stood confused.

She was trying to remember where has she seen him before. Nope. Nothing hit her mind, "I'm sorry, but do we know each other, like have we met before?" she gave an apologetic look.

"Oh, We've never introduced ourselves before. Remember, I treated you back then at Aster's home? You got this panic attack just after you... Ouch!!" He winced, rubbing his shoulder. "What did you do that for?"

Vilian glanced at Astrel glaring daggers at the man standing before her.

"Meet Josh Kellington," came the deep voice behind her. Vilian got startled as she glanced back at him in a surprised manner, "Don't be surprised, the red's a Vampire too..." he assured her nonchalantly.

Josh grunted hearing his friend address him 'red head' "Com'on... Don't be jealous of my beautiful hair...," he said with a grin.

Astrel rolled his eyes as he flipped a cigarette out of the black box and lit it using his magic, showing his annoyed look. Josh didn't bother to stop him from smoking, for it was of no use. He had tried to convince him in the past but never succeeded in convincing the thick head.

Josh shrugged his shoulders, focusing back on the beautiful lady in front of him, "Pleased to meet you again, Ms. Frost," he extended his hand but was swatted by the cold devil. He gave a questioning gaze at Astrel.

"I've got not much time. Do as we agreed earlier. I'm sure I can trust you," ordered Astrel twirling the cigarette in his hand as he blew rings of smoke. Vilian stepped away sensing the odor of the burning cigarette. This was the first time she saw him smoke. She never knew he had the habit of smoking.

As she felt the air suffocating with the smoke that entered her lungs, she coughed out profusely, finding it hard.

"Better put that thing away, dude," muttered Josh eyeing the cigarette in his hand, "She seems so feel uneasy, breathing it." though he didn't expect Astrel to do it, he still told him, just in case.

Surprisingly, Astrel snapped his fingers only to see it vanish into thin air. Josh didn't know if he had obeyed what he told him to do, or if it was more like, he did it for the girl, but he refocused on the girl who was now in tears coughing for so long, clutching her throat.

He ran toward the sink, filled a glass full of water, and came back toward the couch where Vilian was being helped by Astrel to be seated on the grey couch. Astrel extended his hands as he took hold of the glass and fed Vilian the water.

"You better take off your top," Josh instructed thoughtlessly as a doctor.

"What!!!" screamed Vilian with a shocked gaze. Blood drained from her face registering what she heard him say. Astrel gave Josh a pointed look.

"I'm sorry, but what I meant was... that you better wear something that doesn't make you feel uneasy breathing during the times like these," he said, scratching his nape, embarrassed of himself for blurting out mindlessly.

"Josh," Astrel called out as he walked out of the cabin.

"If you'll excuse me..."

"Sure," said Vilian nodding her head.

"We'll be right back... Stay right there," said Josh dashing out of the same door Astrel stepped out. Vilian sighed tiredly, leaning comfortably on the couch, as she laid her head on its headrest and folded the collar feeling itchy behind her nape.

By the time the two had finished their talk and entered the cabin, they saw Vilian dozed off on the couch with her hands resting behind her nape and her lap. She had slept in a very uncomfortable manner.

"I'll be right back, just get her to the next room," said Josh walking out of the cabin, grabbing his stethoscope and the white coat in his hand.

Astrel placed his phone in his suit pocket and took off his suit. He slowly but carefully took her hand that was on her nape and placed it properly. Making sure she didn't stir up from her deep slumber, he was about to lift only to jerk his hands away, feeling the sudden force he felt in his hand. He glanced down at her nape only to see it glow in green.

"Sh*t!!! This thing..." He cursed and placed her back on the couch. He had no choice but to teleport to the other room. It took him less than a second to get her to the white bed.

Josh wasn't in the room yet, but the machines were on. He had to find out the information about the symbol continuously glowing at the nape of Vilian thought Astrel as he inspected her. The door to the Echocardiography room opened not so loudly, and in came a silver-haired young lady who wore a similar coat as Josh, who walked in behind her.

"Is she the girl?" she questioned in a soprano voice. Josh hummed as he typed something into the machine. "Ok leave the rest to me..." she said and Josh gestured for Astrel to step away from the bed. Lillith the lady cardiologist slid the curtain around the bed, covering the two men from their eyesight, and started to take off Vilian's top.

Josh was used to doing such things, but Astrel had insisted he appoint a female doctor which he did. He was finding it hard to believe his friend acting weird or maybe caring. It was strange to see him like this.

The water Josh gave Vilian to drink earlier was drugged to keep her unconscious for about an hour or so just to make sure she didn't know they were testing her echo system. Josh could not understand why Astrel was doing it unknown to her. After all, it was for her own good so he thought of questioning him.

Lillith placed the transducer on various locations of Vilian's chest and her upper abdomen directed toward the heart. Lillith released lower to high-frequency sound waves through the device. The transducer picked up the echoes of soundwaves and transmitted them as electrical impulses. She observed the ultrasound image on the monitor seriously.

"Why do you want us to do it unknownst to her knowledge? Don't you think it isn't right?"

"..." No response came from Astrel. He was going through his phone as if he heard nothing. Josh rolled his eyes in annoyance as he waited for his fellow doctor to finish with the check-up and scanning.