Vilian turned and a loud gasp left her lips. Startled, she took a step behind and supported her body but hit her knuckles on the table. Little glass vials knocked on one another, creating a mess on the table. She glanced behind trying to avoid it from falling but it was too late. The portion clanked, forming cracks on the vials. She heard hissing acidic sounds from it. She whispered, "Sorry," biting her lips as she reached out to pick up the broken glasses.

"Don't!!!" she heard the woman yell, swatting her hands, but Vilian had already done against it.


"What do you think you're doing? Didn't I warn you not to touch anything?!" she scolded as she inspected Vilian's burned hands.

Vilian was utterly shocked by the turn of events. She was speechless. At first, she got startled by the woman's striking purple unworldly eyes. Kenia snapped her fingers, and the table turned back to how it was as if Vilian had never caused the unintentional disaster, but the girl was far lost in her purplish gaze to witness the use of her magic. Kenia knew the effect of her eyes which could enchant anyone but failed to do so to the cold man who stood at the corner witnessing everything but acted as if nothing had happened.

'Did he not care for the girl?' thought Kenia as she broke the daze of Vilian and instructed her to soak her hands in the crystal salt-like water and handed a tiny little bottle, "This will help you get rid of the burned scar," she said with a polite smile.

Vilian nodded her head but didn't dare look into her eyes feeling bad about what she did, "I'm sorr-"

"No worries, it's sorted," Kenia beat with her words interrupting her.


"Yep!" she gazed behind and smiled, seeing the girl's cute expression.

"But how?" questioned Vilian confusedly, tilting her head. Kenia chuckled with amusement.

"Don't be surprised she's just an abandoned witch," came the plain cold reply from Astrel. Kenia glared at him.

"W-witch?" questioned Vilian, her eyes opened wide like the owl, "You mean the witch like the wizards with magic wands and flying broomsticks in the movies?"

"Yeah... Something like that..."

As soon as it left Zenia's lips, Vilian squealed in excitement, taking her off-guard. An amused smirk broadened Astrel's lips. He should have expected something like this when she had reacted way crazier than this when he revealed a part of his identity.

What an interesting thing she is, thought Astrel and shook his head slightly. Zenia glanced back at Astrel confusedly with a questioning gaze but was more confused at the expression the devil had.

'Just what was happening here?'

"Can you show me a part of your magic skill?"

"That's not why we came here for?" interrupted Astrel and Zenia nodded her head, finding the situation quite confusing to decipher. For the first time, she was thankful that he did invade one of her things.

"Oh, then what are we here for? And more precisely, where are we? How did I end up here? Was that a... woahh!!! An orbuculum!" she exclaimed and touched it. The orbuculum lit, displaying herself in the hut. Zenia's widened while Astrel turned confused.

"How did you do that?" questioned Zenia nearing her as she took hold of Vilian's hands and inspected her, "She's not a human, is she?" she glanced back at Astrel, who was silent.

"What do you mean I'm not a human? Why do you guys keep calling me I am not a human?" she questioned worriedly. Though she loved being something different and dreamt of being something just like in her fantasy novel books every now and then, the thought of not being a human in real freaked her nerves. "You guys are kidding me, aren't ya?" she questioned between chuckles but turned cold, seeing the two give her a deadly serious look.

"Girl, do you know that this orbuculum ain't ordinary? No ordinary human can turn this on and not to say, you were able to see through the magic spell that I had cast for so long over the years," Zenia was bewildered and confused as to how and who she was.

"Who is she Astrel?" she questioned not being able to hold it back anymore.

"She's the daughter of Demus frost's contracted wife," he said nonchalantly.

"C-contracted wife?" Vilian questioned in a whisper not sure she had got it right.

"You weren't aware of it, were you?" his jaws clenched as he saw her nod her head slowly, "F**k!" he cursed under his breath seeing her eyes turn cold. An unusual side.

"Who is her mother?" questioned Zenia, adding more to the tension.

"Not now, Zenia," he said in a low cold voice sending chills down the witch's spine. If there was anything, she was more confused about everything.

'I better not meddle myself' thought the Witch, shaking off her head. But the thing that bothered her the most was, the girl could get access to her orbuculum. And she has never heard of any being getting easy access to a witch's orbuculum. Not to say an orbuculum such as her's can only be used by the rightful owner. For, an orbuculum is made up of the witch's power, their unholy blood, and their hateful rage. Each orbuculum possessed by witches differs from one another, and it can only be created once in a lifetime by a witch, and that is to pay their whole effort to create it. It might take more than a year to do so, but Kenia paid much effort into it from the very first few days she was abandoned by her kind. Her boiling blood and revengeful soul took her not so long to make one of them. But to say it was accessible by another person was something dangerous to be considered.

It was more like getting access to a part of her soul.

"But we need to talk," she tried to convince but Astrel gave her one last look and pulled Vilian closer to him, earning a loud gasp from her. At a lightning speed, they teleported back to his car. For a few while, Vilian felt dizzy as she clutched her head.

"Here, have this," Astrel handed a bottle filled with water which Vilian immediately unlidded and drank down faster. Vilian scrunched her face and heard Astrel chuckle.

"What the? It's Fizzy water?" She questioned and saw him nod his head with a smirk. Vilian rolled her eyes.

"You better get used to it..."

"Huh?" she did not understand what he said but proceeded to gulp down the water slowly and lidded the bottle placing it back in the glovebox compartment. But her eyes widened to see so many cans of coke in it. "Woah!! There's a lot stored here!" She reached her hands forward only to be flickered by Astrel handling the car single-handed. Eyes focused on the road, he changed the gear, not once gazing down at her. Vilian scoffed lightly and reached for the can once again.

"It's not what you think it is," she heard him say but took the can and uncanned it.