My Turn

Time seemed to pass quickly as the darkness slowly swallowed the sky. Diana and Kate stood inside Daniel's tiny cave like little mice hiding from the beasts of prey coming in. Concerned that if the werewolves ball up a fight inside the cavern, the century old rocks will collapse and the two frail women wouldn't survive the crash.

"Randall is a former wolf with Alpha Bloodline. He was punished by the moon goddess and became a werewolf because of the wrongful and unjustifiable doings he did", Daniel said as he effortlessly push a big rock to block the main door.

"Then, we should go", Diana insisted.

Daniel pushed the bookshelf a bit more until a small opening behind it becomes passable. "Get in there", he ordered.

"No Dad, I'll stay with you", Diana worriedly said.

"No, you can't stand a chance against them", Daniel held Diana by her shoulder as he led her in the dark passage. "Go straight ahead, and I'll be right behind you. Go in the third hole on your right, slide the way down. Turn on the second hole on the left then climb your way up. Don't look back", Daniel rushly explained as he breathe heavily. "Keep those marbles with you all the time", he added. Diana looked at her father with the most troubled eyes. Then she hugged him tight as she could. The she buried her face on his chest. "Please be careful", Diana said.

Daniel smiled and tapped his daughter's back and kissed the top of her head. "Alright, now go.", he whispered as he pushed the two in the dark as they hear someone whistling and calling out Diana's name.

Kate wrapped her hands on Diana's arms as they hurriedly followed the directions Daniel taught them. They relied on the bright radiance of Ofir's marbles to light their way. As they go far and beyond, they can feel the cave shake and rumble as the dusts and tiny rocks dislodge from the cave walls. Diana couldn't help but get worried for her father's safety despite meeting only today for the first time after so many years.

They squeezed their slender bodies in the holes, not minding the rats and dirt as they find their way out. Grazing the finger flutings on the cave walls as their anxiety increases, they whimpered in nervousness both by being chased by werewolves and by being confined in a very tight space. As soon as they saw the way up, Diana let Kate go first considering she's a good climber compared to Diana.

After a few rise and fall, the two were able to breathe the fresh air out of the cave. The orange sky and the warm winds celebrated with their safe escape from the wrath of the werewolves. Waiting by the exit, Diana kept her fingers crossed hoping Daniel would be able to find his way out. With high hopes, she prayed as she waited patiently. How could his father reside in a dangerous place like this?

A little bit later, Diana and Kate gasped when Daniel suddenly appeared with his head bleeding, and arms full of cuts.

"Dad!!", Diana exclaimed as she help Daniel up. "Oh my, Dad! Let's go!", she grunted while pulling her father's heavy body.

"I.. I can't… you go. I'll block the way from them.." Daniel panted heavily as he push Diana with his remaining strength.

"No Dad, I won't leave you", Diana said pulling Daniel up.

Daniel gave Diana a piece of paper and said, "Save the Lockwood boy. I owe his family.", Daniel said as he widen his eyes feeling something grabbed his leg. "I love you, Diana.", he grunted with tears he refuse to shed.

"No!", Diana slipped the marbles to her dad before he fell back down the dark hole. "Dad!!", she shouted as she lose sight of Daniel after falling deep down below.

"Come on Diana! We should go", Kate said as she pull Diana away from the cave hole.

"No!!! I have to go back for him!", Diana shouted hysterically.

"There's nothing we can do!", Kate exclaimed. "Listen to me.. Your dad is strong. I'm sure he can protect himself. We have to go", Kate insisted as Diana abide without much choice.

Running away to a direction where their feet leads them, Diana and Kate ran hand in hand through the thick trees. Their heart fluttered in fear when they heard howls of men echoing in the air. Finally, their eyes glistened in delight when they caught a glimpse of Diana's truck.

They ran faster until their feet couldn't touch the ground. As they near the vehicle, they saw a man a few meters from it holding a machete. They gasped in horror and stopped by a tree catching their breaths. "I heard my son imprinted on you. And word has come to me about a vision… that the Luna brings death to my son, Roman", he said as he swing his long machete.

"D, the marbles?", Kate whispered.

"I gave everything to Dad", Diana answered with a frown. She then reached for the revolver from her jacket.

"Oh no..", Kate said as she squeezed Diana's hand. Diana backed away putting Kate behind her.

"Your son and I have nothing to do with each other", Diana said as she held the revolver.

"But then.. he is still imprinted on you", Randall grazed the tip of the machete on the ground as he walk towards the trembling women. "I have my ways to cut the imprint, wanna try?", he said as he lifted up his machete wielding it in the air. Then, he rushed over Diana like a lightning bolt.

Diana pushed Kate down as she tumbled over, diverting Randall's attention to her. Randall's offensive strikes move in a pace like a human, capable for Diana to dodge and shield away from his attacks and advances. She tried to shoot a couple of times but missed. After a few swerves, Randall sliced up Diana's arm as she wince in pain. Kate could only gasped in fear for her friend's life.

Kate hid behind a tree as she watch how Randall attack Diana seeing no mercy in his dark eyes. He swung his machete and hit the trunk of a tree so hard that his blade got stuck on it. Diana was able to duck and took the chance to shoot Randall at a close range hitting his arm. He grunted and grabbed Diana by her wrist, took the gun by force and threw it away. Leaving the machete still stuck on the tree trunk, Randall pinned Diana on the ground with her arms held up, as he sit on her belly.

"I heard my son haven't tasted you yet, I'll do the honors then", Randall said with a wicked grin. Diana spitted on his face and tried to wriggle her way out. "Heh! You could be a good deserving Luna if not for the vision.", Randall slapped Diana's face as she breathe weakly.

Meanwhile, Kate carefully walked towards the stuck machete and tried to pull it out. She heaved a sigh of relief when she finally took it out, and held the heavy blade up high with both of her hands. Hearing Diana's grunts and screams while Randall sits on top of her, Kate became fueled with rage and madness as she swung the machete carving up Randall's back.

Randall shrieked in pain as he arch his back. He stood up and trudged towards Kate who's holding his own machete against him. "How dare you use my blade on me?! Can't wait for your turn bitch?", he said as Kate held the machete aloft keeping it steady with both of her hands.

Randall mocked Kate as he lunge forward. Kate swung the machete towards Randall's torso to where he managed to swerve and take the upperhand by grabbing her wrist and twisting it to the side. "Done playing? My turn", Randall said as he stab Kate on her abdomen through and through.

"Kate!! Noooo!!", Diana's screams reverberate in the air as she run heavily towards Randall. Jumping on his back, she locked his neck with her arm and aimed her revolver on top of his head and said, "My turn". She then brutally shot him with all the remaining ammos in her handheld gun.

Diana breathe shakily as she walk away from Randall's lifeless body. She hurriedly attended to Kate to which the machete is still impaled through her abdomen. "Hey hey.. I'm sorry, you're going to be okay. Huh? I'm right here", Diana cried so much tears as she check her best friend who can hardly breathe. Decided not to pull out the large knife from Kate, the machete lodged in her seemed to have prevented the bleeding.

"Is.. he dead? Are you hurt", Kate asked weakly a she held Diana's face.

"Don't mind me, I'm fine", Diana softly chuckled at her selfless bestfriend. "We're safe now. Let's go home", Diana said as she carried Kate to the truck.

Diana secured Kate at the backseat of the truck. before leaving, she took a quick glance at the woods under the purple sky wondering if she'd ever see her father again. When she's about to drive out, she caught a glimpse of Oli standing behind a tree. Diana glared at her as she ride the truck leaving the Valley of the Falls.