Long Time No See, Old Friend

Scott had frequent visions everytime he shuts his eyes. Some of his rouge nightmares include more deaths and new beginnings. Bound tightly on a rock, he did everything he could to release himself while Ofir just laid back comfortably as he hum a tune with his eyes closed.

The Alpha didn't even noticed how time passed by. Tamara didn't showed herself after the early morning conversation they had. Day turned to night as he desperately thought of ways to escape. Kicking the ground, hitting his head back and using his powers, nothing ever works. Everytime he rests his mind, he deeply hoped the pack would find him as soon as possible, and that Diana should be in safety for he had awful dreams about her.

Hours after the sun have retired, Scott thought of Diana who would probably be in Claudia's lair now.

Every now and then, he experiences throbbing pains through his heart that increases the uneasiness he feels inside. Enduring the unbearable agony, his agitation fluctuates, and it's driving him insane, especially now that he has suspicions that Roman could be another Tamara's puppet. "Luna..", he whispered.

When the light disappeared completely in the sky, his

anger started to heighten once again. No food was supplied, and only the drizzle of the light rain dampen his dry mouth. He looked at Ofir who was still resting peacefully as if his current situation doesn't bother him. "Ofir!!! Wakeup!! Ofir!!", he said with much irritation.

The lythari elf groaned as he opened his eyes. "Do not shout Alpha! You're disturbing the songs of the owls", Ofir said as the owls hoot in the dark.

"Ofir, why don't you to use your powers to take us out of here", he asked.

"My what?", Ofir asked.

"You heard me", Scot replied with a glare.

"I'm so glad that the Alpha has finally admitted he needs my help", Ofir smiled ear to ear at the helpless Alpha. "But… even if I wanted to, I can't", he said.

"Now is not the right time to make jokes", Scott really hoped it was a joke.

"Alpha", Ofir said with a nervous smile. "I forgot to tell you.. I contained my powers in.. in some marbles. And I gave to the Luna" he said.

"So you don't have powers at all?", Scott then realized why the moonstone near Ofir doesn't glow at all ever since he was hooked on the rock.

"Not a single magic", Ofir said. "Don't worry.. help is on the way", he said as he lifted his hands and placed them at the back of his head.

Scott stared at Ofir in such amusement. "How did you do that?", he asked how the lythari was able to move his hands.

"Do what?", Ofir squinted his eyes wondering what he did that amazed the Alpha.

"You can move your hands!!", Scott realized that he might have said it too loud. "You can move your hands", he whispered.

Ofir stared at his free hands, and then he stepped down of the rock like he wasn't bound at all. "I can, can't you?", he asked. Despite the nagua got him captive, the runestone couldn't trap him for he has ni powers to use.

"Will I be hanging around here if I want to? Get me me out of here!", he gritted his teeth as he start to get more impatient.

"Alpha, this is a runestone. It attracts power and then, connects the energies of two bodies through the moonstone. The more power you use, the more power it gets, and the more stuck you will be in that rock until it suck all the remaining energy you have.", Ofir explained. Scott was able to understand why Ofir didn't stick on the rock. He has no power left to be bound on the runestone.

"So how can I get out from here..", Scott sadly asked as he started to radiate his power, thinking that maybe, draining his powers would release him from the stone.

Widening his eyes, Ofir waved his hands stopping Scott from using so much of his powers. "No no Alpha! It doesn't work that way", Ofir worriedly said knowing that draining his powers would make things worst.

"Help me get out of here", Scott said. He turned his head when he heard someone coming. Worried it might be Tamara, she mouthed to Ofir to go back to his runestone.

Ofir smiled. "It's alright. I told you.. help is on the way.", he said as he face the part of the bushes where he sees something glowing.

Then, a man in a dark cloak appeared holding Ofir's marbles. "Who's there?", he asked as he put down his hand with the marbles stuck on it.

"I've been waiting for you. Do you mind giving me my marbles back?", Ofir said with his hands in his back. Scott squinted his eyes on the tall man.

"How did you get here?", Scott asked without removing his gaze on the man's face. He could see his untimely resemblance with Diana and he could tell easily that this man is no other than Daniel Woodsworth.

"The marbles led me here. They knew their way to the lythari.. as always", Daniel said.

"So much powers are in there, like they have a mind of their own. They will go back to where they rightfully belong", Ofir said. "Long time no see, old friend", he smiled at Daniel.

"Yours? How did you knew my daughter? "

Is she here?", Daniel asked as he look around.

"She's not here", he said. "We've known each other for quite a while", Ofir added.

"Must be a long time for you to give my daughter your marbles.", Daniel said. "What caught up this time?", he asked.

"This guy over here needs help,"Ofir nodded at Scott as he hop down a rock. "You arrived perfectly on time", he said.

"Who's this guy?", Daniel gazed at Scott trying to remember where did he saw those ash gray eyes.

"I.. I am..", Scott couldn't even introduce himself. This is the man who he knew killed his father, who tortured him every night and the one who persuaded his father to deal with a nagua. He thought he have wholeheartedly accepted Daniel, yet here he is, he doesn't even know what to say.

"Cat got your tongue?", Daniel asked as he lifted his brows at Scott. "Look Ofir, here's your marbles. I don't want to do anything with them. I just want to see Diana that's why I gave in with them", he said.

Daniel was about to hand over the marbles, when he sensed a nagua nearby. "A nagua's coming", as he said as he kept himself hidden behind Scott's runestone. Ofir went back to his rock and waited for Tamara to finally show up.

Meanwhile, the wolves have finally reached the rainforest by nightfall. Combing the field tall grasses, the wolfmen trudge on the sharp long slender stalks led by Roman.

"WHY ARE WE SAVING SCOTT AGAIN?", Troy said while he push the grasses away.

"You can go back if you're scared", Flynn said as he walk carefully on the muddy ground.

"Scared? Pfft", Troy quinted his eyes at the derisive

"Like.. why didn't we just go with the Luna instead?", he said as he glance at Roman. Roman remained quite while his pack exchanged loud questions. He never explained why he chose to let the Luna went to Claudia alone. Lucas and Cory stared at each other while the Grayback pack make their reasonable assumption on Roman's nonchalance on Diana.

"How did you know where to go anyway? I mean, nagualli don't show themselves that easy right?", Matt asked as he looked back at Roman. Hearing each other's perceptions, they only have come to realize that Roman may not be himself.