Everybody got a life. They simply went on like nothing happened. I went back to the Devlins mansion as insisted by Sebastian and Reina. After so many deaths that took place there, it became a sadder and lonelier place. Some thought it was haunted after hearing whispers at night and seeing a glimpse of people walking through the walls. However, I was never bothered. In fact, I found peace in the empty halls and in the deafening silence of the old musty mansion despite the bad memories it sends off.

Stanley eventually laid on his death bed. He doesn't remember anything, not even Priscilla's death. Sometimes, I thought she visits him from time to time, as he calls her name and smiles while staring in the corner of the room where she usually sits. It's funny how I envy him about forgetting the death of his most beloved woman. I'd love to get that disease.

Reina and Cory got married, and chose to live in the mansion as well. Seeing them happy together is one of the several things I bitterly cringe at. So, I spend most of my favorable hours at work and in Diana's grave which is one boat away, where I feel much more closer to her.

Sebastian finally imprinted too, and he seemed… happy. After spending so much time with Gunner, which I totally don't get, Sebastian revolved his life on his mate as he set that dumb fool aside. I barely see them apart.

After realizing that not all lythari elves died in the fire, Ofir decided to stay in the Valley of the Falls and build his colony. The tiny beast couldn't be happier at the birth of his 5th son with his sixth wife. He visits every once in a while.

I continued to head the Grayback Clan alongside the pack and the elders. For quite a while, we have maintained peace and order in our old town. During the full moon, I moonbath alone after I initiate the ceremonies for the people. From a week-long celebration, I changed it to a one night festivity honoring the moon. No more extravagance, and no more inter-clan moonbaths.

Alaric is still a pain in the ass. However, due to his connections and explicit inerrelations with the different wolf clans, Elder Violeta suggested to let him keep his head for now. As for Roman, I have never seen him ever since that night. He left without a word, and he vanished like he doesn't exist anymore.

Lucas continued building his empire as a hotelier and a business tycoon. We remained distant friends when he let Kate walk away after I specifically told him to vanquish her. Newborns are extremely dangerous, and she's definitely no longer the same person she used to be. We've been casual since then. Although, maybe, it's just me being erratic as I unappreciate everything around me. The pack thought that a trip would bring me and Lucas back together, just like the old times.

"Here's your glass of whiskey, on the rocks", the bartender who looked twice my age placed my drink in front of me, then he lowered his gaze meeting my eyes. "Are you sure about this? Not an orange juice or milk? It's only six in the morning", he clarified. I took the glass and drank it up with a loud exhale.

"The sunrise looks amazing huh? Let alone the rain", he said with pride and enthusiasm as he started wiping the liquor bottles display on the shelves.

"Not a fan", I coldly replied.

The old man scoffed and softly chuckled. "Ohhhhh! So you're that guy?", he said as he stared at me.

"What guy?", I was confused. I'm not sure if we're on the same page.

"…who like sunsets more?", he smiled as he sat down. "Me too, I like sunsets better.. It's more colorful, dramatic, and it does have some vibe that gives you a good mood", he said.

"Not interested", I drank all the whiskey up as I asked for another round. Sunsets do have a sheer power of utterly mesmerizing view that reminds you that the day will still end beautifully no matter how awful it has been. Thus, for me, there's only one person who makes sunsets more memorable.

"Let me guess, a girl?", the bartender looked at me like he already know my story. "It's always the same story I keep hearing on my bar" he said as I harden my jaw. I'm sure not everyone turns to a monster and unconsciously kill their pregnant fiancé.

"It's always painful at first.. When you lose someone, a part of you dies with them." He continued. A part? I feel like a walking corpse. I stopped living when I murdered Diana and my sons. Every damn day, I relive the moment that I turned to a lycan and woke up with the lifeless body of my one true love in my hands.

"She's dead.", along with my boys. I wouldn't want to scare this human about the tell-tale of the cursed Alpha and his Luna.

He sucked in between his teeth and rested his arms on the bar counter. "Even more painful… your pain is reasonable. But, don't let it kill you. I'm sure if she's here, she won't like what she sees", the bartender pulled my glass away. "It will hurt, and hurt.. and hurt.. until one day, it won't anymore", I took my glass back and drank the remaining liquor while I stare at him.

"Do you know why is the sunset more colorful than the sunrise?", he asked as he leaned back.

"Tell me about it", I clicked my tongue and sipped some more of the whiskey.

"It's an irony of life saying that sometimes, good things happen in goodbyes." the bartender advised, something I didn't appreciate. "Let go, boy.. because no matter how much liquor you drink, and late nights you spend.. she ain't coming back", he nodded in affirmation.

Those words pricked my chest so hard. It wasn't the first time I heard it, but.. hearing it from a stranger was like a slap on my face. I dont know how to let her go, because I never want to. I still feel her. I grasp at the tiny bit of hope that Diana is still alive.. and that all of these are just part of a nightmare.

"Hey Frank, sorry to bother ya", a young man in white longsleeves with suspenders smiled awkwardly as he leaned on the bar. "I saw this watch in one of your chairs. Looks expensive", he said as he handed something to the bartender and immediately left.

"Alright, let me take quick look at it… yea…", the bartender looked at it and lifted it up in the air. "Anyone owns this?", he shouted. When no one answered, he shrugged it off and placed it in a box near me.

When I caught a glimpse of the watch, I dropped the glass spilling my liquor all over the bar counter. I grabbed it and made sure I can't be wrong.

"Is it yours?", the bartender said a lot more but his words just echoed in my head. I was so confused that everything went spinning.

Am I drunk?

It can't be. I buried Diana with this. This moon phase watch is one of a kind because I had it customized for Diana. If this is some kind of a joke, it will never be hilariously funny. I stood up and looked around as my heart pounded like crazy.

"Are you alright?", the bartender asked.

I could smell my breath of whiskey as I exhale rapidly through my mouth. My restless eyes looked around in search for a familiar face who'd dare to put the joke on me. Whoever is playing tricks on me, will surely be dead.

I went back to my cabin and stared at the moonphase watch all day. It's really Diana's. I skipped the talks, the meals and even the drinks. No one dared to ask why. I grazed Diana's watch on my palm and wondered why is it here? Did someone dug it from her grave? Wait.. is this really here? Am I just seeing things?

Am I losing my mind?

Come nightfall, I heard someone knock on my door. It was Lucas starting to sound like Priscilla who's forcing me to get ready for our long trip back home. Noticing him took a glance at the watch, I hurriedly kept it in my pocket. I sighed in distress as I leave the room with a puzzled mind.

Followed by the pack, we had to sign a few papers at the lobby before we could head on to the shuttle waiting upfront. While I was affixing my signature, I sensed a scent. Punget and vivid. My heart skipped a beat as I catch my breath. In a long time, I have never felt my chest thump nervously.

Am I imprinting again?

I followed the scent which led me to the far east side of the lobby, leaving the pack behind. Tracking the scent, I walked to the garden in small steps as I feel my heart pounding even more. I stood by the fountain and held the watch in my hand. The scent is still here.

"What's up, Scott?", Lucas asked.

I turned to Lucas and when I was about to take a step, I had an urge to look back at the fountain once more. And when I did, I froze at the sight of the woman standing on the other side of the fountain.

"That's mine", the woman who looked so much like Diana coldly said.. only, one of her eyes was as blue as sapphire, and the other was bloody red.