Arion had her nose to the ground and was retracing Phinn’s path. She was sure he hadn’t just gone to the meadow, but if he went beyond that, Reni would pick it up.
She felt as if he was purposely leading them on a wild goose chase, but why? His pride was so hurt, Arion didn’t think he would even assume they would try and look for him.
And if it was up to her, they wouldn’t have. But, like she said, orders were orders and hopefully, Phinn wasn’t dumb enough to go howl about his wounded ego to the wrong people.
She shook her head. ‘No, there’s no way he’s that dumb,’ she said to herself.
‘Oh, how you underestimate a wounded pride of a young male wolf.’
Arion jumped when she heard someone else in her mind link, and her hackles bristled as she spun around.
It was Isaac.
Arion growled and prepared to lunge but was stopped cold by his maniacal laugh as he shifted into his giant wolf form.
She didn’t know why, but his demeanor scared her more than his size itself.