Chapter 13: The Diner

It had been a week since Priscilla offered me a job at a diner in Brooklyn. It even had lodging upstairs, so I had a place to sleep. I had to share the apartment with a few other women who were also getting back on their feet, but my room was private.

I dressed in my cute little waitressing uniform. It was a little tight around the hips, but I think it helped the tips. After waking up, I set up the tables. Married the ketchups. Refilled salt and sugar shakers. It had a bit of a learning curve, but I think I got the hang of it. I ran around, filled orders, and had a grand ole time.

Being on your feet all day takes endurance, but I didn’t mind it. I knew that I always had a place to eat. Human food, that is. Blood was its own challenge.

Brooklyn had a wild nightlife, so I had a constantly circulating hunting ground. I stayed low profile because I didn’t have to eat as often as a pureblood. Thankfully, I also hadn’t killed anyone else yet.