Oriana’s POV
Laying my eyes on Robin reignited that dormant flame inside of me. The first thing we did after leaving Wyatt’s office was get me some actual clothes, so I didn’t have to walk around in Robin’s t-shirt. As much as I enjoyed how he was looking at me while I wore it.
There was this petite girl named Winifred at the clothing line who offered me some of her clothes while she hung up freshly cleaned linens. She was sweet. A few years younger than me.
I was apparently the buzz of the community, but at least they were polite enough to my face. I’m sure having Robin next to me glowering at them helped.
In fresh clothes, Robin took me on a tour around the community.
Everyone had something that they were doing. Whether it be fishing in the lake, landscaping, gardening, or patrolling. It was a busy community. My favorite part was going to the daycare. Seeing screaming kids having the time of their life under the watchful eye of elders.