Chapter 1: Helemoira

I walked ahead of Amelina and the other priestesses in the procession, my heels clicking on the dark stone hallway that led into the ballroom. It was my job to lead my girls, in all things.

Music drifted towards us as we entered the large chamber, a dark and sinister tune that wrapped itself around me, note by note. The space was packed with other nobles despite the large nature of the space. The dark green walls rose on all sides to meet the high glass ceiling that arched above us, letting in streamers of moonlight.

This was The Throne of Bindings, and therefore, everything was ravaged by various shades of jade, beset on all fronts with greenery. From the moss covered glass ceiling panes to the vine covered walls. The throne room was covered in the skeletons of creatures long decayed, each of them wrapped in trailing plants and overgrowth. Here, we worshiped Geien, the God of Death and Reclamation. And as such, everything was in a state of being reclaimed by nature Herself.

I was given the title of High Priestess when I came of age, like all High Priestesses. My title was a highly coveted one, something passed down only every century or so. I had only held the title for roughly two-hundred-and-fifty years since the last High Priestess stepped down. She had since passed away and this event was supposed to be in celebration of her.

This meant that I was the guest of honor tonight, even more so than our Queen, Zylhana, who watched my every step with a careful eye from her imposing throne.

I approached her, my head held high and my shoulders back. "My Queen," I said as I bowed deeply. "You look as lovely as ever."

Her eyes flicked to my priestesses as they dispersed into the crowd to mingle, that was their duty tonight. The celebration would last until the sun rose on our verdant kingdom, so the night was only just beginning.

"Helemoira, a pleasure as always." Her teal eyes were cold as they looked me over. Her dress was crafted of the finest lace. It was black with green and red vines embroidered to make it seem as if nature Herself were reclaiming her. It was a simple gown as far as a queen's garment might go, and considering why we were gathered, I tried not to appear insulted.

I, however, was dressed as elaborately as one could be. My dark gossamer gown left little to the imagination. Yet, it was fashioned to make me look like the goddess I was to portray this night.

Golden scales covered my partially exposed chest like armor and golden chains wrapped around my body like ivy, crawling about my limbs. Small emeralds dotted the green velvet cape that hung low on my back and dragged behind me like a rippling stormy sea.

I bowed once more and turned to face the ballroom. Everyone quieted and turned to face me, waiting to hear my dutiful words.

"Tonight," my voice boomed over the music, amplified by simple magic. "We gather to celebrate the life of the once High Priestess, Vaeri, who has been reclaimed by Geien. On her behalf, I ask that you eat, drink and be merry."

I raised my hands high and looked towards the vaulted ceiling for a moment before lowering them and stepping down from the raised platform where Queen Zylhana's throne sat.

Entering the humming mass of bodies, I met the eyes of every male that I passed, if only for a moment. I had a role to play this night, one that involved me finding a male. But I was not looking for just any. I wanted to find the one that was given the title of Dia Isteach, my god-husband.

The Temple of Geien functioned differently than most others. To be a High Priestess of Geien, you had to be joined to him as husband and wife. It was a ceremony that took place upon becoming High Priestess, and during the ceremony, a male was selected to represent Geien himself. This too, was a highly coveted title. One that was won through combat.

The male that won the honor to wed me through combat did so because he had a trick up his sleeve. He was not normal, he was a beast – a faepire; half vampire, half fae. His name was Pelleas, unearthly strong and handsome. I spotted him through the crowd that parted before me like the sea before a mighty ship.

He wore a red velvet cloak encrusted with small rubies along the shoulders and sleeves. Gold thread formed a simple yet eye-catching pattern upon the hem and underneath he wore a simple white tunic and a pair of breeches that accentuated one of his more bolder features.

"Helemoira," he greeted me with a low bow as I approached. "You look positively radiant."

"Pelleas." I nodded my head. There were three younger high-born surrounding him and upon my arrival, they skittered away like bugs. "I hope you don't plan on doing anything to embarrass me this evening." My eyes trailed after one of the more beautiful bugs.

"I wouldn't dream of it, my love." He bowed again and took my hand, placing a kiss on a rather large emerald ring adorning my middle finger. "Shall I fetch you a drink?"

"Not necessary." I smiled and snapped my fingers quietly, a servant appearing next to us with two glasses of rich red wine. "Though your chivalry is welcomed as always."

He slid in next to me, one arm wrapping around my lower back and the other taking one of the glasses of wine and handing it to me. Then he took the other for himself. We quietly sipped our wine as he embraced me, our eyes meeting every so often and then returning to observing the dancing crowd.

"It's such a lovely night," He looked up to the ceiling as a cloud passed before the high full-moon, casting a dull shadow across the dimly lit space. "Though," he turned to me and placed a warm kiss to my cheek. "Not as lovely as you."

"That tongue of yours will get you in trouble if you aren't careful, Pel, my darling."

He laughed and the sound rivaled the deep strings of the music that seemed to press us closer together as our cups drained. "Oh, how I am counting on it." His dazzling white teeth were on full display as he smiled down at me.

I placed my head on his shoulder and allowed him to pull me closer, loving the way the warmth of his body contested the heat that bloomed within me from the wine. "We should dance before people start wondering where we are," I said into his neck.

His eyes flicked over the crowd and then back to me. "Hele, not a single eye has strayed from you since you entered the ballroom. I do not think anyone is wondering where you are."

"Still," I drained the last sip from my cup and placed it on a passing tray. "I would like to dance."

He placed his cup on a table without finishing it and took my hand. "Tonight? Anything for you." He led me towards the center of the ballroom and we took our positions.

Once we began to move, the music turned deeper, more ominous. It was a song that the band knew I loved, and for me, they played it always. Tonight, everything was for me, in my honor.

Pelleas led us in a rather sensual waltz. As he swung me from side to side, my dark amber-brown curls and sheer dress swayed about us like a rippling river. My hand slid up his muscular neck and into his dark chestnut hair, tugging it lightly and earning a seductive smirk.

"Now who is the one looking for trouble?"

I threw my head back as he spun me and laughed, enjoying the way the stars swirled above us. It was as if they shone for him and I alone, and perhaps they did.

"With you, trouble is always only two steps behind, perhaps I am just finally learning how to embrace it." I smiled up at him and bit my bottom lip.

"And it only took you, what, two-hundred-and-fifty-eight years?" His knee slid between my thighs as he dipped me, rubbing his muscular thigh against my core. I let out a soft sigh as my eyes fluttered closed.

As he brought me back up, his smile was a wicked one and I matched it. "You are a heathen as always."

He repeated the move, dipping me the other way. "Ah, yes. But, I am your heathen. Gifted to you by Geien himself."

I laughed as he brought me back up. "And blasphemous too!"

The truth was, our relationship was not a customary one. The pairing of the Dia Isteach and the High Priestess was typically only for the night of the ceremony. We were to consummate the union and then go our separate ways. But when the moon had set on us, we had refused to part.

There were whispers of course, but they were paltry compared to the chemistry that Pelleas and I shared. The court could talk, but we would not listen. Besides, we only ever came together as a couple on days and nights of celebration, which were few and far between.

We danced for a while longer until I began to crave more wine and Pelleas got a bit too bold with his hands. "Shall we find somewhere a bit more private," he asked against the tip of my ear.

"Pel, you know I can't leave the celebration yet. Plus, there is still the burial which I must lead."

He rolled his eyes playfully and grabbed me a glass of wine from a tray that was offered to us. "Forgive me, my wife."

I narrowed my eyes at his tone, but let it slide. I refused to let him ruin my night with his hounding. "You are forgiven, husband."