Chapter 7: Pelleas

I stepped out from behind the tree I had hidden behind and smirked at the look of surprise on Helemoira's face. My amusement was short lived, though, as her face twisted into an expression of rage.

"What in the Three Hells are you doing here, Pelleas?" She picked up her knife and tucked it back into her belt, thank Geien.

I put my hands up as a gesture of peace and took a step towards her. "A husband can't take a stroll through Adhmad Dé with his wife?"

"No, Pelleas, you can't! How did you even get in here?" She rushed to me then, her hands resting on my arms as she studied my face for a moment.

I shrugged. "I guess Geien allowed me to enter, a gift for being such a good Dia Isteach." I cupped her cheek in one of my hands and leaned in to place a kiss to her lips but she leaned away. "What's wrong, Hele?"

She stepped away from me, her head shaking from side to side. "You shouldn't be here Pel, no one should be able to enter Adhmad Dé, even you."

"I think you're getting worked up over nothing, my love. It's not that big of a deal."

"It is!" She shrieked at me and then her eyes darted all about. To the ground around us, to the branches that shaded us overhead. Her fingers went to her lips in worry and I wanted nothing more than to reach out and take her hand in mine. If just to reassure her.

"My love, what is wrong?"

She buried her beautiful face in her hands and I watched her shoulders shake with a pitiful sob. My heart ached. "There's something wrong with Adhmad Dé, Pelleas."

I went to her then, unable to keep myself from touching her and giving her what consolation that I could. "What do you mean, what is wrong?"

She shook her head but let me hold her. "I don't know, things have been dying. I don't know what I've done but I feel that it is my fault."

I scoffed. "How could such a thing be your fault, Hele. You are the High Priestess and you are as devout as they come."

"I do not know how, but I have a feeling in my bones that I have done something." She looked at me then, grasping my hand with hers. "Please, you mustn't say anything about this to anyone. If anyone were to find out that Adhmad Dé was dying... I fear what may happen to me."

I kissed her forehead and held her to me. "I won't breathe a word to anyone, I swear it."

She was quiet for a moment, her sobs slowing as she cried against my chest. "Pel," her voice was small yet firm. "Is this the first time you have entered the wood?"

I held her at arms length as to look upon her face. "What do you mean?" I didn't like the cautious look in her eyes as she observed me.

"I mean, have you come into the wood before or is this the first time you have been able to cross the barrier?"

"This is the first time, why do you ask this?"

Her eyes narrowed, searching my face for any hint of foolery. "I'm trying to figure out if you are the cause or a symptom."

"I swear on my love for you that I have never set foot in Adhmad Dé until today."

She threw herself against my chest. "I believe you, I am sorry for even suspecting it. I just... I don't know what to do, Pel."

I soothed her, brushing her back with my calloused hand. I looked around us, taking in the scenery. "It's beautiful here though, you must feel very blessed to call these woods home."

She nodded and looked up at me. "I do, and I will do whatever I must to mend this blight. These woods are sacred and I will do whatever is needed to find the source of this illness and rip it out by the root."

I chuckled and kissed her cheeks, her nose, her chin. "I have no doubt that you will, beloved. And I will do whatever I can to help you, I swear it."

She straightened up, wiping her hands on her cloak and using it to dry her face. "Well, since you are here, would you like to join me for a meal?"

I picked up the basket from the forest floor and peeked inside of it. "That depends," I said with a smirk. "What did you bring?"

She laughed lightly and swatted at my arm, taking the basket from my hands and walking over to a small patch of grass where she took off her cloak and placed it down. She then rifled through the basket as I sat next to her and began pulling out food.

"This is all for you?" It was a lot of food for a mid-day meal.

"No, I usually share with Geien."

"Ah, I see." I couldn’t keep the hint of jealousy from my voice, but the emotion was a ridiculous one. Who was I to be jealous of a God? He, who was her rightful husband to begin with. "And you give me his food instead?"

She blushed and paused, as if she might be thinking better of it. "I normally only share lunch with him once a week. I shared with him yesterday, though, so I don't think he'll mind if my Dis Isteach takes his portion today."

I leaned into her and took her chin on my finger, placing a gentle kiss to her lips. "And what a lucky Dia Isteach I am."

Her blush deepened as she arranged the food and prepared a small plate for me. I took it thankfully and nibbled at it as I watched her make herself a plate and began to eat.

"You know," I said after taking a drink from the jar she handed me. "We have never shared a meal like this before."

She grinned and looked around, breathing deeply. "It's nice, perhaps we should find time to share more meals."

"You would be breaking your own rule." I had no problem being with her all hours of every day, but Helemoira took her duties seriously. And even though she said she didn't mind the gossip, I knew a part of her did. So, she had rules in place for us.

We could only be together during days and nights of celebration, only share a bed on special occasions and holy days. It was torture but I would always respect her rules, as I respected her.

She stared at me then, searching my face for something. "Maybe rules can be broken every once in a while, don't you think?"

"I would break every rule for you, Hele. I would take on Geien himself for a moment of your time, a kiss from your lips."

She laughed loudly and I grinned as a flock of birds scattered. "You blasphemer! You better hope he isn't listening or he just might strike you down."

I took her cheek in my hand. "May he open up the ground and reclaim me, body and soul, just so I could just hear that laugh for the rest of my time on this Plane."

"Pel," she blinked and set down her food. "I adore you." She crawled to me then and wrapped her legs around me as she took a seat in my lap.

"As I you, my love. I would fight for you again and win every time." I nuzzled into her throat and placed a few small kisses against her pulse.

She adjusted on my lap and I felt myself stiffen against her. She felt it too as she looked down at me, eyes hooded. "Pelleas, you Devil."

I grinned up at her and stole her lips in mine. Damn Geien if he was watching.