Chapter 26: Geien

Amis was insufferable with all of her talk of balance and respect. I paced my celestial prison as she droned on.

"Killing another God is how we invite ruin upon us Geien, why is it that you cannot see that?"

I rolled my eyes. This was the millionth time she had decided to pester me with her morals. It was getting all a bit stale now. Yet, I entertained it because while she was busy talking, she wasn't watching as I tried to find a way out of her domain.

"As if the world would fall apart without Pleasure and Destruction. Don't tell me you care about them."

"I can admit I find them rather detestable, but they are still Goddesses in their own rite. They have their place. To lose either of them would leave the scales tipped in the wrong direction. To lose both of them would do irreversible damage." She relaxed in her plush chair within my prison, her thin legs crossed over one another as she tapped her foot against the pale marble floor.