Chapter 46: Helemoira

Lensa and I trained tirelessly while Geien watched on half-heartedly. He was so preoccupied these past few days and I was beginning to worry. He said that he wouldn’t risk letting me into the nothingness no matter how hard I argued with him about it.

I was beginning to feel desperate.

“I know that look on your face,” Lensa spoke, breaking me from my train of thought.

I paused in our sparring and gave her a confused look. “What do you mean?”

“You want to do something stupid,” she grinned and threw a lazy kick out towards me. I blocked it easily enough and gave her one in return.

“I’m not doing anything.”

“You keep looking over at him like you’re waiting for him to be distracted. What are you planning?”

I slapped away another punch, though this one had a bit more heft to it. "Don't be daft. I'm worried about him, that's all."

"Do you think I'm correct?"