Chapter 18: Going Home


I hadn’t heard much about his mother. Although, I could say that about most things when it came to Julian and his organization. I knew exactly what he wanted me to know, and so far, it wasn’t much. I wondered if he knew anything as a kid or if he was kept in the dark until he was older.

Julian pulled up to a gorgeous home, one that blew me away. His home had nothing on this one, and I had been impressed by the mansion Julian lived in. It was massive and ornate with its’ reddish-brown accented windows and cream toned masonry. Thick, vibrant, purple and white wisterias accented it and the lush garden almost hid it from view. I had never seen anything like it.

Julian led me up the massive staircase to the front doors and knocked on one of them. I stood beside him, nervous about meeting his mother. I wondered if she would like me or not, or if Julian had ever brought a girl home. Something about him made me think he never would bring a woman around his mom.