Chapter 34: Redo


Julian hadn’t told me ‘how’ to write the sentences on the pages. So, I had made up my own idea of what he had wanted me to do for the assignment. I wrote the sentence in massive letters across each page, getting it done in no time. I clutched the notebook in my folded arms and headed to his office, hearing him speaking with someone.

My heartbeat raced in my chest, and I wondered if I should bother him or not, but he had told me to come to his office when I was finished. I cleared my throat and gently tapped on his door with my knuckles, waiting for him to tell me to come inside.

I heard him hush someone and call me into his office, “Come in!”

My hand trembled as I touched the door handle and opened the door, finding him sitting at his desk with an unknown man across from him. The man looked distraught and stressed out. I wondered what Julian had been yelling at him about before I knocked on the door, but I ignored it. It wasn’t my place to know or ask.