Chapter 36: One Last Meeting


It was my favorite night, Friday night. Feel my heavy sarcasm on that one. I knew that Aiden would be here tonight. He never skipped a Friday night at La Rosa. I licked my lips and peered around the club looking at all of the people drinking and having a good time. If only that was me, but I was at work.

I sighed and walked over to a table with a fake smile, greeting them and taking their order in my usual customer service voice. You know the one that you never want to use again once you get home? I mentally laughed at the thought and rushed off to get their order.

It wasn’t until I was setting their drinks down and taking a tip from the woman at the table that I saw Aiden walking in to take a V.I.P booth. It was the same one every Friday night, center and in the back corner. The couple of friends thanked me for their drinks and I was off towards Aiden.