Chapter 34

Solus had no time to process his displeasure at being interrupted.

"Is it the military?" At Seth's nod, Solus cursed. "Fuck. How much of the ore did we get?"

Seth grinned. "As much as our hold could carry. Aramus is quite the workhorse when he's pissed. I dared him last night after you left that I could work longer than him."

"Who won?" F814 asked and Solus almost grinned at her curiosity.

She is more human than she realizes.

Seth shrugged. "We ran out of storage space before we could find out."

The wide smile Seth sent her way, annoyed him, especially when her lips twitched in response. "Screw your competition with Aramus. How much time until contact?"

"Not much. The asteroids messed with the readings so Einstein just caught them sneaking up on us. They're close. Too close which is why I'm talking to you in person instead of wirelessly. We need to get moving."

"What's happening?" F814 asked him, not seeming alarmed at all.

"We're about to get visitors."