Chapter 61

Entering the workshop, which doubled as his medical lab, Bonnie wasted no time hopping up onto the metal table set to the side of the room. It amused her to see how nervous Einstein appeared, how he wouldn't meet her eyes as he gathered some tools and equipment, how he tried to hide the fact he sported a woody.

Cute didn't come close to describing him. She already loved how his neatly cut, light brown hair got the ruffled appearance she was starting to realize signaled his agitation. I make him anxious. His reaction to her was so unlike the men she used to know. Most of the doctors in her past didn't bother to hide their leering looks or temper their sexual comments. They made medical exams and tests into something dirty, touching her more than necessary, stroking and pinching for a reaction. Einstein, on the other hand, tried to get away with not palpating her at all.