Chapter 65

Being banned from the action sucked. Bored, Bonnie swung her legs over the armrest of the commanding chair and ignored the dirty look from Aphelion left behind to monitor the ship and surface-AKA to babysit her.

"Are they there yet?" she asked, twirling a strand of hair.


"You didn't even check."

"Because you asked less than three minutes and fifteen seconds ago. The answer remains the same."

"You know, for a guy with a cool name, you're a real tight ass."

"A steady regimen in the gym would help you achieve the same posterior musculature."

Great. Another cyborg who took everything literally. However, unlike Einstein, she didn't find it cute at all. Gone only for an hour and she missed him already, which really didn't bode well. Yes, she'd chased after him, determined to get him into bed. Mostly because she liked the challenge he posed. The more he resisted, the more she just had to have him. And only him.