Chapter 70

The revelation was almost too much. Yet, what else could explain it? All the emotions he'd imagined himself incapable of, the things he'd attributed to malfunctions, they all had an explanation. He loved Bonnie. Amazing and irrational as it seemed, despite all the modifications done to him, he still had the capacity to love. It stunned him. "You're right. I do care. Very much."

"I don't know why you sound so surprised."

"Emotions are hormonal imbalances. I control my hormonal levels. Or did until I met you."

She wrinkled her nose and laughed. "You know that wasn't exactly the most romantic declaration."

"I didn't realize my words were meant to be a romantic declaration. I was just stating my current state of mind."

"Let me clear it up for you. I think I've fallen in love with you, Einstein."