Chapter 74

As soon as he arrived at his workspace, Einstein sealed the room. He manually unhooked the cable that connected his computer to the rest of the ship and disabled the wireless aspect as well. Bonnie, perched on the metal counter of his workbench, legs dangling, watched.

"So what do you think we'll find on the drive?" she asked.

"A solution to peace between cyborgs and humans?"

She snorted. "Ha. Ha. You are turning into quite the comedian, charming."

A smile tilted his lips. "I keep trying. As to your question, in all honesty? Probably not much on the hard drive. I doubt the captain kept much of import on it."

"So why get Seth to grab it then?"

He rolled his shoulders. "You never know. If they were relying on a self destruct to destroy evidence then maybe they got sloppy. Could be the captain was the cocky sort as well, the kind who thinks nothing bad will ever happen to him."