Chapter 108

The Present.

The vessel Anastasia led Seth onto was a small cruiser, military in origin according to the insignia splashed on various consoles and painted on the outside, but the shape, material, and control panel to fly it was unlike anything he'd seen.

"Where did you get this baby?" Seth asked, emitting a low whistle of admiration.

"I told you, I borrowed it."

"From who?" he asked, despite having an inkling of the answer.

"The military."

"And I'll bet they want it back. How safe is this thing?" In other words, did this vessel bear one of those infamous untraceable tracking devices that would lead the human forces to the cyborg hideout?

"If you're worried about anyone from the government following me here, don't. Once the cloaking is enabled, even military ships equipped with the same technology can't see a damned thing. Your cyborg planet is safe. For now."

"What's that supposed to mean?"