Chapter 115

A long time ago, after kicking the ass of the boy she liked and then taunting him . . .

It irked Anastasia to no end when Seth disappeared after their conversation and match. For once she'd won.

Or is that lost?

Despite the elation that she'd finally managed to best him in a test of strength, Anastasia couldn't help but wonder if she'd truly won when it meant the prize he'd meant to claim-a kiss and more-ended up not to be forthcoming.

Perhaps I should have given him a consolation prize. One they could have both enjoyed. Playing hard to get wasn't just frustrating for Seth. It pained Anastasia as well.

Never in her twenty-odd years had she faced such an urge to throw caution to the wind and to forsake her goals for the fleeting pleasure that came from indulging in attraction. Then again, never before had such temptation tried to sway her.