Chapter 171

"Yee-fucking-haw!" yelled Seth. "Cyborgs one, aliens zilch."

There was little time to rejoice, although Seth wasn't alone in his exuberance.

"Take that, you alien thugs!" Adam said as he spun in his chair.

A more stoic Kentry updated them. "The remaining alien ships are rotating and aiming their weapons."

"Let them. We'll outrun those fuckers," Aramus declared.

"What about the six coming at us from behind that asteroid cluster?" Anastasia asked while pointing at the screen.

"Bloody fucking hell. Where did they come from?"

Good question since Lilith also hadn't detected them until they suddenly appeared.

"It's that damned cloaking technology I'll bet. We have really got to get some of that for our own fleet," Kentry said.

"It's on my Christmas list," Aramus snarled. "But before I can let Einstein play with my ship, we need to get out of this star system. How long until we hit the outer edge of the black hole?"

"Less than three minutes until the event horizon, sir."