A Sudden Confrontation

We stumbled out into the street, clutching hands, breathless and chuckling. The world spun around me merely, and I concurred on it was presumably just as well we had left when we did.

My motor administration had stopped operating at normal levels.

"Okay, where should we park?"

"You have got to be kidding," I notified him, snatching him around the corner where I could see the soft glitter of a yellow taxi.

"We have to take a cab."

"Come on, I am not that awful."

But he had the understanding to protest no further, and we reached the taxi up to the brewery in Green-lake.

Crowd milled in and out of the building; there had been two other concerts before Wilson's.

As I had worried, our posh parading clothing appeared hopelessly out of position among the rough and tumble ware of the college-aged, but it no longer looked like the big deal it had when Shaman pulled me up.