Caught up

Slight pangs of guilt heaved at me over enjoying Shaman so much, particularly now that I had made my decision and called for help.

He had murdered untold numbers of immortals and had setups on a near-friend. Still, I could not help my feelings.

I was attracted to him—had been for a long time, even—and he was really, really good in bed.

"Eternity does not seem so bad with you in my arms," he whispered later, stroking my hair as I snuggled against him.

Turning my face toward his, I saw a somber expression in his eyes.

"What is wrong?"

"Katharina…do you…do you really want me to leave this angel alone?"

"Yes," I blurted out after a moment of surprise. "I do not want you to hurt anyone else."

He studied me for a long time before speaking.