We had a deal

When he does, he knows he doesn't have the backup to come back here again.

"He could still take on me," I noted, trembling as I remembered Shaman's wrath toward me at the end.

It was hard to believe we had been wrapped in each other's arms, caught in the throes of passion, less than twenty-four hours ago.

"He could take you on," concurred Scholes.

"But he can't take me on. Or Jake. He clearly can't take both of us on. That's what decided it, in the end. They didn't anticipate that. Us-teamed together. It will give him pause to just come bursting back here, even if you alone present no threat."

I did not find that reassuring in the least. I thought of Shaman, passionate and rebellious, ever anxious to make a notch against the system.