Bidding War

Gerald heard the names of the two companies everyone was so up in arms over, and let his shock show.

Gerald was shocked for a different reason than everyone thought.

Lewis mocked him "See?! You are so shocked by these powerful companies you cant even grasp their names!"

However, these were both his companies now. Was his family so powerful that these giant companies were considered poor subsidiaries to them?

Gerald began to form a plan. He could not tell his wife who he was, for that could land them both in danger. Maybe he could help her from the sidelines.

Sabine then yelled at them all "Regardless of what that useless idiot thinks, We need to figure out some way to win a contract. I want everyone to submit their bids by the ends of the night! We can not loose this contract! Whoever figure out a deal to win this contract, I will make CEO in my stead!" Sabine offered to them all.

Everyone quickly clamored and agreed! With that the conference call ended.

Adrianna unwrapped her biscuit but could not eat "Gerald what do we do?! We are almost out of money, and If we do not land a contract we will be done for!"

Gerald walked over and comforted his wife. "Do not worry, one of the reasons I am home early is to bring you this breakfast. For you to eat while I tell you the second reason I came home early."

He hugged her tightly, then unwrapped her biscuit fully and held it up for her to eat. Adrianna sighed but grabbed it herself and took a bite.

"The second reason I came home early is because I managed to get a job at Happy Sun Transport!" Gerald beams. He was not lying to her, he had gotten a job there. Being the CEO of the company is not the same as working as its staff, but it was indeed, a job.

Adrianna smiled and almost choked on her biscuit.

Gerald grabbed her some water.

After washing it down she smiled "That is great! I am so happy for you! But... how does that help us with the family problem?"

Gerald said gently but firmly "I bet if you just submit an honest bid, and did not try and underbid, I'm sure they will accept it without glancing at other offers. I have heard some inner information."

Adrianna frowned, she took another bite before saying "Are you really so sure about this 'information'? "

Gerald nodded.

Adrianna hesitated. She loves her man but she still has doubts about all these. How can he know they will get the contract with a not so attractive offer? Is his information reliable? She looked at her reassuring husband, thinking about the position she'll be given if she's the one that sealed the deal, and decides to take her chance at last.

She quickly put together an honest bid. There was no shortcuts or discounts. It was full profit. She committed their entire fleet with this bid.

She submitted it.

Quickly her phone began to ring.

It was her mother.

She answered to a loud screaming yell "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!"

Adrianna quietly said "I submitted our bid"

Sabine was furious. "You did not offer any discounts! They will never accept this bid! You have doomed us all! Who put you up to this? It was that idiot husband wasn't it! I will come over there and skin him alive!"

Adrianna had committed their entire fleet, and once the bid was submitted, you were not able to revise it.

Everyone else was still trying to figure out where to cut cost to bring the bid down.

Adrianna had sealed the entire companies bid herself, without asking anyone.

Adrianna gazed at Gerald worriedly. She has done what he told her to do, and now her fate and her entire family depends on the result. "Don't worry, you will get it." Gerald pulled her to his side and comforted her again. "Everyone will submit their bid, but will lose money for offering that low. If you submit your bid and actually make money, is that not better?"


More insults rained down for another couple of minutes.

Gerald pulled out his phone and sent a text message to Alphonse. "Have Star Ocean group accept my wifes bid for transport."

Lewis had joined in the call, and it was now a group call. They were both screaming at Gerald.

Gerald waited for them to both take a breath "Whats done is done, if you are so sure we will fail, would you like to make a wager?"

Lewis seethed "Wager my ass, what can you wager?"

Gerald grinned flashing pearly whites "If the bid is not accepted, I will clean all of your boots with my tongue. But if the bid is accepted, You have to do the same to my boots!"

Lewis laughed out loud "Mother did you hear that? He is offering to clean our shoes with his tongue!"

Sabine scoffed "I will stay out of this, I do not want his filthy tongue any where near my shoes!"

Lewis however agreed. "Fine, I will happily let this retard volunteer to clean my shoes for free."

Gerald was grinning from ear to ear.

His wife was nervous "Gerald, have you lost your mind? if you clean their shoes with your tongue, you will lose all respect."

Gerald patted his wifes shoulder "Do not worry, It is a good bid"

However this did not calm her heart.

Lewis was laughing and mocking him. "So, do you want to come to my house to do the licking? or should we do it at your house so your wife can watch, and finally realize what a boot licking looser you are, and divorce you?"

Gerald smiled "Do it here, we can even ask all of the heads to witness the event"

Adrianna paled "No husband, please! do not make it worse! please reconsider!"

Gerald would not back down. He wanted to see all of their faces!

The contract submissions should be received and the results released the next day.

Everyone planned to meet at the White Villa for breakfast, and to watch what they thought would be Gerald licking Lewis shoes clean in front of the whole family.

The contract would always be updated in the system the next morning at eight am.

This would be the time they all met for breakfast.

Word was spreading fast through the family. Those that lived farther away boarded their private jets.

Those that lived closer would drive earlier in the morning.

A little after seven, people started arriving. Lewis being the first.

He pushed their door open without an invite "Gerald! Get your useless ass down here! I have some boots that need cleaning!" and indeed he had some very muddy, very dirty boots on, and was tracking prints into the home.

Gerald saw this but ask politely "Would you mind taking them off till after breakfast?"

Lewis stamped the ground leaving a muddy heal print on the floor "You want me to go barefoot in this filthy pigsty? The nerve!"

He then stomped over towards the dining room table and sat down.

Gerald was seething inside, but he kept calming himself saying "Patience, Patience, soon it will be his turn"