
1,200 lipsticks were worth 2,400 liang.

Qiao Xuan accepted the money and for a while, she felt a bit dizzy in her head. She had turned so rich instantly.

When Yuezheng Xiao and Xie Jingrong left, they were given some first-class tea leaves, two bottles of honey and four big watermelons.

Not to forget the orchids…

As the wagon left the village, Yuezheng Xiao looked at the wagon filled with stuff, laughing emotionally. "These are all good things! How can the Shao Family have so many good things? The trip is totally worth the while!"

Xie Jingrong added. "In hindsight, we offered them very few presents. We will make it up to them later!"

Yuezheng Xiao nodded. "Yes, we should!"

The Shao Family was lucky to have these two people. Shao Yunduan, for example, was quite learned and well-mannered. He was going to have a bright future, they believed.

They spoke for a while and found the Shao Family getting more interesting.