
"Isn't it normal that he stays overnight at Southern Garden with the First Old Master and the First Madame? Who spread the rumor? I will definitely find out who released the rumor!"

"How dare those servants gossip about what happened to their masters? They have startled you, Madame!"

Having heard what Ms. Jin said, Madame Yuezheng nodded. "That is true, you need to find out who started the rumor and gossiped about the master!"

And that person was even jinxing her son!

Even though she preferred Ms. Mi Junior over her eldest son's wife, it was still her son they were gossiping about! She still did not want to hear anything bad about him!

"Find the culprit, and punish that person seriously! Beat that servant and sell him or her out! We must not keep someone horrible like this at home!"

"You are right, Madame Yuezheng. I will bear your instructions in mind!"

Ms. Mi Junior clenched her teeth and cursed Ms. Jin inwardly.