Not Giving

Yang Xiaoni and the others agreed, despite the unconventional timing for tree planting. Perhaps, just maybe, these trees could defy the odds and survive.

With renewed enthusiasm, they quickly transported the straws and covered the seeds, exchanging smiles and saying, "Alright, we've provided them with warmth." "Yes, our trees should make it through the winter!"

Satisfied with their efforts, they happily returned home.

Upon their return, Ms. Fang asked Yang Xiaoni to prepare some items for the third section of the family. Shao Yunduan and Qiao Xuan had purchased a significant amount of goods in the province, and it was only fitting to share some gifts with the third section as a gesture of goodwill.

Considering Shao Yunduan's promising future, it was unnecessary to quibble over such minor matters. It wouldn't be worth tarnishing their reputation over such trivialities.