Not Lying

"Madame Qiao, please take care of yourself. Remember, Qiao Kou is not yet married, and she could use your support and guidance."


Qiao Xuan's words pierced Madame Qiao's heart, leaving her furious and distressed. However, she refused to let it bother her. Her intention was to provoke Madame Qiao, and seeing her infuriated brought her immense satisfaction. It also whetted her appetite for dinner.

"She is so malicious!" Qiao Wei blurted out, stumbling over her words. "No wonder I despise her, always have! Did you see that, Mom? She has never been this irritating before! I should have dealt with her even more harshly earlier!"

"Deer meat? She was just boasting!"

Qiao Wei reminisced about the time when her father's servant hunted a deer and gifted them over 10 kilograms of meat. She was enchanted by its taste, and the memory lingered in her mind.