
She and her mother-in-law relied on each other to raise their seven-year-old son. And Qiao Xuan's birth mother had provided the necessary capital of 60 liang, and they would have struggled to support their son's education. The local bullies would have taken advantage of their vulnerability and seized their land. Their lives would have taken a completely different path.

She had even forgotten the promise she made to her late mother-in-law, to treat Qiao Xuan well and regard her as a daughter once she married into the family. All of these important details slipped her mind.

However, Qiao Xuan was completely unaware of these circumstances. From the original host's memories, she only knew that her own mother, who was a concubine, had also been cherished. Taking advantage of her father's favor, she had pleaded for justice. Perhaps due to Qiao Xuan being an orphaned girl, Madame Qiao had approved of her request.