Strong Mother

Not Virtuous?

Would she have permitted Ms. Qin to bear two sons from a concubine's position? Would she have gone so far as to arrange a celebratory banquet upon the return of these two sons to the Zhao Family if her character lacked virtuousness?

At the time when Ms. Qin conceived the elder son from the concubine, Ms. Zheng had been wed to the patriarch of the Zhao Family for a mere year.

Could it be denied that her moral compass was askew?

The culpability lay with Ms. Qin. And the blame extended to Old Master Zhao!

How could he impregnate a concubine right on the heels of formalizing his union with the lawful wife?

Ms. Zheng's tactics had thwarted Ms. Qin's scheme.

Yet, unsatisfied, Ms. Zheng confronted Zhao Mu, suggesting that the tittle-tattle might besmirch the children's reputation if they were denied re-entry to the estate due to their less prestigious birth dates.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Mu set out to scrutinize Ms. Zheng.