Back to the Capital

They systematically organized and stowed away all the belongings, a task that proved to be remarkably convenient.

Shao Yunduan refrained from inquiring about these affairs. His only concern was that she had safely stored them for easy retrieval when necessary.

A full day was dedicated to the meticulous organization of Shao Yunduan's possessions into sturdy boxes, with Qiao Xuan, Lixia, and Liqiu overseeing the task.

Shao Liulang understood the need for respect in this matter. Shao Yunduan's reputation had to be upheld.

Qiao Xuan selected a few pieces, no more than three or four, for transcription. Taotao, Shao Junyan, Sun Qian, and Sun Baiqi ventured into the field to reproduce them. Qiao Xuan had no intention of providing Shao Liulang with Shao Yunduan's original work. This was all part of being well-prepared.

Regarding the quality of the transcriptions, Qiao Xuan's primary concern was legibility; aesthetics and neatness took a backseat.