Qingdi Making Things Difficult

Auntie Fu exclaimed, "The first dish is a concoction of both chicken and fish, each prepared in a unique way. The second dish offers a delightful contrast of flavors, both cold and hot. Now, the third dish… is a live braised carp."

Qiao Xuan, who had been quietly shocked all along, couldn't hide her surprise when she heard about the live braised carp, turning to Auntie Fu instinctively.

Auntie Fu sighed and explained, "It's not your typical braised carp. It's a carp that remains alive even after the braising process."

Qiao Xuan was left speechless.

Who would have thought that Qingdi, often criticized for their perceived lack of manners, could also display such culinary sophistication? It was clear that if they didn't know what they were doing, they wouldn't have attempted something so extraordinary.