Fighting For Injustice

Qiao Xuan sneered, "What's the matter? I'm engaged in a serious conversation with Concubine Du here. What's your agenda? Who sent you? What are you up to?"

The elderly woman was taken aback. She straightened her posture and retorted with confidence, "What nonsense are you spouting? I don't understand. I was merely passing by, observing the commotion. Is there something wrong with speaking out against injustice and sharing a few words of truth? Are you suggesting that you're the only one entitled to express yourself? Oh, the state of this world!"

Qiao Xuan responded icily, "No one's stopping you from voicing your opinions, but if someone intends to cause trouble, they won't escape consequences easily. You don't strike me as a local resident. Where are you from? Where's your home? What's your purpose here on New Year's Eve, and why the sudden concern for fairness?"