What a Lively Show


The two of them embraced for a while before settling against the headboard, holding each other close.

Shao Yunduan, cautious and hesitant, was careful not to frighten his wife. He tactfully asked about her well-being, expressing concern repeatedly. The mere thought of Qiao Xuan enduring the past two days and nights made him want to eliminate the Fourth Prince.

Qiao Xuan, sensing his worry, reassured him. She mentioned that she had figured out they took her as a bargaining chip to pressure him. Though initially scared and unsure of the situation, she became fine afterward. She even attempted an escape but was rescued by Xie Jingrong and his servant.

They exchanged stories and comforted each other for a considerable time.

Relieved to see her in good spirits, Shao Yunduan noticed the brightness in her eyes and her radiant smile. She wasn't hiding or frightened in his embrace.